Don’t be too poisonous to the concubine of the Wu family who was born in Wu

Chapter 130 98 Heart-breaking (Chu Lingding comes out to testify against Cao Linran’s crimes)

Chapter 130 98. Killing the Heart (Chu Lingding came out to testify against Cao Linran’s crimes)

Looking back on the past, Ximen Yuhuo's eyes flashed with evil, mercilessly reflecting on the injustice of this world!

"Haha! Master Hai is such a shrewd man. In order to cling to the powerful, he spent one hundred thousand taels of silver to break off my marriage with Hai Yunnuo! Just to be able to climb the big tree of your Cao family, one hundred thousand taels of silver What is two taels of silver? For our Moliang clan, clean water and food are the key to saving lives. We don’t want much, but why? Why should our clan be wiped out even this last hope of survival? Hall Master Cao, do you know that on your wedding night, the hall was full of guests and busy with traffic, but we, the people of the Moliang clan, were suffering from hunger, struggling and suffering one after another until they withered..."

The more Ximen Yuhuo talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the more unable to control his emotions. The red pupils in his eyes were gleaming with blood, which was even more frightening.

"You two are spending time in front of the moon, but it's the time when our Moliang clan is being exterminated. You said - Cao Renran, what do you have to do with me?!"

Hearing this, Cao stared blankly, moved his lips slightly, and said: "The matter... has come to this, what's the use of talking about it? Even so, Ximen Yuhuo... you... you can't take the path of Wu Xie The way! Your people are human beings, aren’t all the people in Western Territory just people?”

Ximen Yuhuo's eyes were blood red and vicious, and the words in his mouth were even colder. He sneered and said, "Yes - you are right! It is indeed Mr. Cao Linran, a person as high as you, who can say such generous words. Heroic words of righteousness! Do you know what it means for a nation to be annihilated? Do you know that struggling in despair, but unable to see any hope, and the relatives and family around you leave you one by one, the devil knows when Will the God of Death seek out your despair and pain? You have no idea!"

Hearing this, Cao Renran laughed twice. If it were anyone else, he would not be qualified to refute Ximen Yuhuo, but it is precisely because he is Cao Renran that he is the most qualified to say this righteous rebuttal. Word.

Because, he is the one who is struggling in despair, knowing that he has not long to live, but still enduring the pain, dragging his miserable body, and lingering to this day. However, Cao Linran, who is also in despair, But he still sticks to his beliefs, always upholds the righteousness of martial arts, protects his family and country, and is upright.

Wu Xuanyue witnessed with her own eyes Cao Linran's despair, and the pitiful scene in which he begged others to give him a glimmer of hope for survival in despair.

"Even...even if the Mo Liang clan suffers from natural and man-made disasters and is completely wiped out, it's all because of fate. People are born with a destiny. The way of heaven is clear. Why do you have to force something that is not in your destiny?"

Cao Ruran smiled sadly, but his words completely angered Ximen Yuhuo.

Ximen Yuhuo scolded angrily: "Shut up! What do you know! You, Cao Renran, were born to be nobles, and you don't know the hardships of others! People like you are the most annoying. You can suffer thousands without having to suffer anything. Who do you think you are when you are admired by others and have never suffered any crime, but you can accuse others without shame! You still think you are still the great hero respected by thousands of people! Bullshit! You are my prisoner, Ximen Yuhuo! Aren’t you a tough talker? ? I want to see if your body is made of iron and your bones are made of iron. Is your heart also made of iron? Come on, let Qing Chizi bring people in! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Qing Chizi took Chu Lingding into the door of the torture chamber.

Seeing this, Cao Linran, who had only half a life left just now, his pupils dilated several times at this moment, fearing that there was not much left in the half life left.

Cao Lingran turned pale with horror, her lips trembled and she said, ""

Chu Lingding raised his chin slightly, closed his eyes expressionlessly, then bowed to Ximen Yuhuo, knelt down and saluted. Ximen Yuhuo looked ferocious, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved with a hint of evil and evil.

"Come, Miss Chu, tell my wife what happened that night before, so that she can understand what kind of man she has been with day and night."

Chu Lingding stood up straight, cleared his throat, raised his hand, pointed it directly at Cao Renran, and pointed it out without changing his expression or heartbeat: "It's him - Hall Master Cao, who took me away First time man!”

Haiyunnuo could no longer hide the look of shock and disappointment on her face. Her eyes flickered and dropped, almost breaking through the bottom line of moisture at this moment. At this moment, Haiyunnuo felt extremely complicated and desperate.

After hearing this result, Cao Renran used his last strength and roared away——

"Don't! Stop talking! You are in a group! framed me! Yunnuo...Yunnuo! Listen to me! Some things are not like you, that...that Cao Renran... ...No...No! I, Cao Renran, swear that I have never done anything to regret you Hai Yunnuo in my life. Everything is not what they said! You have to believe me! Yunnuo! Look at me! You Look at me!”

Ximen Yuhuo could almost feel that the forbearance of the woman in his arms had reached its limit. She remained calm on the surface, but her body was quite honest. It was clear that she was trying her best to restrain herself, but he could still detect the slight trembling of the other party.

Ximen Yuhuo smiled slightly and gave Qing Chizi a look. Qing Chizi understood, and Qing Chizi took out the Crescent Bay knife from his waist and threw it away.

Ximen Yuhuo's hands and feet were quick and he just happened to catch the Crescent Bay Knife. With a treacherous glance, he said somewhat threateningly——

"Hai Yunnuo, I'll give you a chance to kill this heartless man yourself! He is the man who made you a widow for six years, but he had an affair with another woman without your knowledge. Love, marrying a clear matchmaker is just a deal. After all, the person who loves you the most is me, Ximen Yuhuo. If you kill him and find the white tiger talisman, I will promise you a lifetime of honor and favor. Your Hai family will gain momentum in the Western Border area. Still, how is it? Are you satisfied with this transaction?"

Hai Yunnuo hesitated for a moment, staring at the scimitar in Ximen Yuhuo's hand hesitantly, then glanced at Cao Linran who was kneeling in the hall, frowned, snatched the scimitar from Ximen Yuhuo's hand, turned around and walked steadily towards Cao Ruran walked in the direction.

Cao Renran was frightened, not because Hai Yunnuo wanted to kill him, but because Wu Xuanyue in his body was tortured by this heart-wrenching scene and cried endlessly. Such misunderstanding was really frustrating. !

It was clear that the person who slept with Chu Lingding was not Cao Renran himself. It was Cao Renran who accidentally acted inappropriately after drinking and having sex. Why should this debt be charged to the owner of this body? What sin did he commit? ah!
  They were a couple who loved each other, but because Wu Xuanyue was confused for a moment and failed to control her excessive drinking, she made one wrong step and stepped into the trap of the other party's agency, but the owner of this body had to deal with a scum like herself. If you buy into the behavior, you will really feel aggrieved!

(End of this chapter)

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