Natalie's magical growth record

Chapter 679 The plan of the two ‘cornerstones’

Chapter 679 The plan of the two ‘cornerstones’
  "Ah? Is that so?"

It was different from usual. Natalie couldn't be happy for some reason when she heard her sister praise her like this today.

Natalie herself couldn't figure out the reason for this. She should have been happy when her sister said what she had written was widely discussed at Randall College. When the article was praised and promoted by the academy, she could not get interested.

"Natalie, what's wrong? You don't seem happy. What happened?"

Therefore, Selena, who wanted to talk more about the essay with her sister, suddenly lost her original interest, and became concerned about her absent sister with some confusion.

"It's nothing..." Natalie was about to shake her head subconsciously and squeeze out a shy smile to respond to her sister. At this time, she couldn't help but recall what Miss Gallia said in the afternoon, hoping that she wouldn't suppress herself too much, so she just got a little After making up her mind, she immediately shook her head again and replied frankly, "I don't know why I just feel so unhappy..."

"Is it because I wrote the legend of Selia Town without your permission?"

Hearing what her sister said, Selena couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart, and then she admitted her mistake with a guilty conscience, "I'm sorry, Natalie, please don't worry, I will contact the teacher tomorrow to take back this diary!"

"No, that's not the case..."

Although she knew that taking back the diary might be the solution to everything, Natalie was very reluctant to give up. After thinking about it, she finally stopped her sister's behavior.

"So Natalie, why are you unhappy?"

Seeing her sister looking so pitiful that she was about to cry, Selina couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and continued to ask without much thought.

"I, I don't know, I just feel very uncomfortable!" After saying this, Natalie quickly lowered her head like a deflated ball, clutching the edge of her clothes tightly, lacking in confidence. Apologizing, "Maybe it's just that I didn't rest. I'm sorry, sister, you don't have to worry about me..."

However, as soon as the words came out of her mouth, Natalie found that not only could such words not completely reassure her sister, but they would also make the other party worry about her even more. At this moment, Natalie wished so much that her teacher or Master Haitang was by her side. If they were there, maybe she wouldn't have to face such a difficult situation. If it were the teacher and Master Haitang, they would definitely have a better way to convince her sister, right?

Thinking of this, Natalie couldn't help but feel more and more disappointed, and even the hard-earned encouragement in the afternoon disappeared.


Before her tears were about to fall, Natalie hurriedly stood up and bowed deeply to her sister, then quickly turned her back and ran back to her room quickly.

Just as the discussion within the 'Sky Scholars' ended over whether they should trust the Wind of the Bell Lily, Alina and the three of them in the small town of Celia also completed the preparatory work for returning to Randall. on their return journey.

"Senior, don't you think there are too many uncontrollable factors in the affairs of Celia Town?"

After hesitating for a long time, recalling what happened in the small town of Celia, Ives finally made up his mind and asked the question that had worried him for a long time.

Frankly speaking, deep down in his heart, he actually hoped that the senior would refuse the invitation directly, but considering the etiquette that a noble should have and the respect for his elders. He still chose this relatively tactful way to express his opinions.

"What do you think?"

However, Alina didn't take it seriously at all, and continued to accompany Natalie to enjoy the scenery that was rapidly passing outside the car window, and answered very nonchalantly.

This attitude made Ives very embarrassed. "Senior, this is not the time to joke. I am asking for your opinion very seriously."

After gently closing his eyes to calm down his emotions, Avis once again reminded him politely and patiently.

"Don't worry, if that gentleman is really that difficult to get along with, I believe I won't have the time to leisurely look at the scenery now."

After waiting for a few seconds, she found that the other party was still unwilling to compromise. Alina had no choice but to sigh helplessly and calmly responded to the young man's concerns.

"Well, it was my lack of consideration."

Seeing that his worries were not taken into consideration by the other party at all, Avis had no choice but to compromise again and not mention the matter again.

However, even though he concealed his emotions quickly, tried to control his voice when communicating with the senior opposite him, and even occasionally used the action of lowering his head to turn the book to cover up the traces of his words, Natalie across from him still noticed something unusual about him.
  "Um..." Noticing the worry on Master Haitang's face, the little girl next to Alina, Natalie Arinor pursed her lower lips, finally raised her hand and asked firmly, "Excuse me, Alina Is the teacher going to meet someone dangerous?"

She couldn't describe the character in Master Haitang's mood, and she couldn't tell whether the other person was a good guy or a bad guy. Natalie had to choose a compromise method to turn the bad guy into a dangerous person.

"Natalie, don't listen to Avis' alarmist talk. If he is a dangerous person, I will not go to see him."

As she spoke, Alina skillfully put on a arrogant look, successfully attracting Natalie's attention to her words.

After knowing that his attempt was fruitless, Avis simply gave up trying and shouted loudly to the people inside the barrier.

But no matter how much he waited, he failed to get a response from the other side of the barrier.

Is this really the only way to go?

Recalling the 'luck' that the senior had told him not long ago, at this moment he felt an emotion called unwillingness for no reason.

This kind of unwillingness is not just for today's incident, but also for those futures that have not yet had time to happen, but there are traces of it.

"I hope you won't regret what happened today in the future."

Just when Ives felt extremely unwilling but didn't know how to solve it, a cold voice with no obvious emotion suddenly came to his ears.

"I gave the things to "Freedom". If you need, you can go to her."

Natalie wanted to refute something, but found that her teacher had no negative emotions at all. She felt relieved again and allowed herself to slowly break free from that uneasy state.

"It's okay, Natalie. You see, the fog a few days ago was not that dangerous. The teacher has not come back safely yet. So what? I am just meeting one person, and I will definitely be fine this time!"

As she spoke, Alina couldn't help showing a gentle smile and comforted her student.

(End of this chapter)

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