Natalie's magical growth record

Chapter 607 The real reason for delaying the chapter

Chapter 607 The real reason for delay and avoidance

"Of course, this can only be used to deceive the opponent for a short period of time. After all, what changes is only the distribution of the surrounding magic elements. As soon as the opponent uses magic, his lies will soon be seen through."

Realizing that her words just now brought a bad mental experience to the students, Alina coughed lightly, then showed a relaxed smile again, and made timely supplements.

"That's good…!"

After listening to the teacher's addition, Natalie felt a little more at ease. Although she knew that under normal circumstances, she would probably not encounter such a thing, but she could hear the teacher personally pointing out the loopholes in such horrible things, and she still I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much. As I said before, this technique has a very limited effect. Therefore, most magisters will not use this technique in actual combat."

Seeing the relieved expressions of the students beside her, Alina thought for a moment and added again.

"oh, I understand now!"

Natalie nodded vigorously, tacitly not continuing to stick to the previous topic.

"Then we have to observe carefully next. After all, we have wasted a lot of time just now."

Quickly taking out her pocket watch and checking the time, Alina immediately put away her pocket watch without showing any signs of abnormality, and suggested to the students in a low voice.


After being reminded by the teacher, Natalie realized it later and hurriedly followed the teacher, returning her attention to the examination venue in front of them...


On the other side, in the Southern District of the Earth, is the office belonging to the Wind Committee member.

"I received information that Alina did not come to see Ives for the exam in the afternoon."

Seizing the opportunity for the Wind Committee member to change the test papers, Salister, who had been sitting in the other party's office for a while, quickly raised her head and used [Voice Transmission] magic to transmit her words.

"This is normal and there is no need to report it to me."

Unexpectedly, he nodded slightly. The wind committee member kept moving and skillfully raised his hand to pick up the new examination paper, spread it out and started browsing.

"Aren't you worried about the situation on the family side? As far as I know, there are not a few people who want to deal with Alina."

Seeing the wind committee member's calm and composed appearance, Salister frowned uncontrollably and reminded with a slight dissatisfaction.

"So what, anyway, Alina and I both know they can't beat the Chaos Hermit Monk."

But Inzat was not moved at all. He continued to go his own way and at his own pace, and began to mark the words and paragraphs on the test paper.

"If you are both so confident, why are you two hiding from the other members at the same time?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Wind Committee member who was correcting the paper couldn't help but pause for a moment. "It turns out that Alina is also hiding from Elder Daeron. This is really rare."

After a brief silence, the wind committee member regained his composure and calmness, put on a smile as if nothing had happened, and continued correcting papers.

"Sure enough, you two still have something to hide from me." Noticing the brief pause in the other's movements, Salister glanced at her calm colleague with dissatisfaction, then sighed and said, "It's okay for you to hide it from others. Yeah, why should I be excluded too!"

"Do you want to respond to the invitation to cooperate with the 'Chaos Hermit' yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

Seeing that Salister was still a little confused, Inzat immediately put his finger on his chin and coughed lightly. At the same time, a letter that did not appear to be anything special suddenly appeared from among the many documents on his desk. It flew out and fell directly into Sallysette's hands.

"what is this?"

After weighing the envelope for a while and confirming that there was no other special item inside, Salister immediately raised her head again, opened the envelope, and asked her colleagues behind the desk.

"Elina's invitation." Seeing that Salister's expression quickly turned displeased, Inzat immediately stopped writing without showing any signs of abnormality, and changed the subject, "To be precise, it's the Chaos Hermit Monk. An invitation letter sent to us, hoping that Alina will cooperate with us."

"Chaos Hermit Monk..." The moment she heard that term, Salister, who originally wanted to tease the other person, fell into silence for a while. After a while, the whole office echoed again with the sound of the pen tip moving quickly on the paper. There was a rustling sound, and she took a deep breath, made up her mind, and asked with vigilance, "What does he want from us?"

"I don't know. Of course, if you are interested, you can ask Alina directly. I don't mind."

Glancing at the cornerstone of 'freedom' on the sofa indifferently, Inzat reorganized his language and continued to write his own comments on the test paper in front of him.
  "I'm not stupid. Things that even you have to avoid must be very dangerous," she glanced angrily at the good-minded 'hypocritical' cornerstone behind the desk. Sally's mood also seemed to have thought of something. Sighing slightly complicatedly, "Perhaps it is for this reason that Alina will not tell us the specific content of the cooperation?"


Hearing the content of Salister's sigh, Inzat's writing movement paused briefly, but soon, he continued as if nothing had happened, and used [Voice Transmission] magic to transmit his words.

"Maybe..." Sallysette repeated the other party's words in a low voice, and then, after a short period of thinking, tentatively gave her own solution after thinking, "Then you report this matter to the teacher. Yet?"

"Of course, after all, on such an important matter, I don't have the so-called decision-making power on major matters."

Seeing that Sallysette was still a little distrustful, Inzat immediately opened the drawer in front of him and used [Flying] magic to make one of the letters inside leave the drawer and fall to Sallysette's side.

"Since you have made arrangements a long time ago, why did you beat around the bush for so long? Why don't you just tell me the result?"

Looking at the envelope with the exclusive pattern of 'Sky Witness' engraved on it, Salister endured it and finally expressed her dissatisfaction.

"You asked yourself, you can't blame me." Seeing that Salister was about to glare at him again, Inzat hurriedly coughed lightly, and when the other party's attention was briefly distracted, he answered first, "Okay. I'm going to continue correcting papers. You know, the conversation we just had has delayed me a lot of time. If I continue to delay, I'm afraid I won't even be able to complete today's minimum goal."

After saying that, without waiting for the cornerstone of 'freedom' to say anything else, Inzat picked up the pen again, and continued his work of revising the paper unhurriedly even though time was delayed again...

(End of this chapter)

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