Natalie's magical growth record

Chapter 185 Extra (2) [Time] Beverly’s Costume Design Journey

Chapter 185 Extra () [Time]·Beverly’s Costume Design Journey

"Tami, I heard that Beverly is releasing new products this weekend. Do you want to go check it out together?"

In a classroom at the Sage Magic Academy in Undine City, a girl excitedly took the magazine she just got today, walked up to her good friend in three steps and made a suggestion.

"Hey, is it true?"

Another girl who was packing up her textbooks froze when she heard this, then immediately grabbed the magazine and started reading it without saying a word.

"Hey, hey, I haven't finished reading yet, give it back to me first, Tammy!"

Seeing that the magazine she had worked so hard to buy was snatched away by her friend, the girl who spoke to her earlier was not happy and pretended to take back the magazine she had longed for.

"Let me see if it matters first!"

As he said that, the girl named Tammy clenched the book in her hand tightly without giving up.

"I'll lend it to you after I finish reading it. Don't worry, Tammy!"

"Betty, you are the one. You know my parents don't allow me to watch these. If I don't watch them now, I might miss Beverly's new products this week!"

"No way!"


This magazine, which had just gone on sale at noon, fell to the ground after several rounds of fighting between the two.



The two people in the quarrel looked at each other, and then reached out to pick it up at the same time in a tacit understanding. However, a slender white figure walked through the sparse crowd in the corridor and picked up the magazine one step faster than the two of them.

"Excuse me, does this belong to you? Keep it away now. It will be troublesome if the disciplinary committee sees it."

Having said that, the owner of the white mask gently closed the page of the magazine in his hand with a warm smile, and elegantly placed the magazine in his hand exactly where the two girls' outstretched hands overlapped.

"I know, thank you Lord Ives..."

The two girls were caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the young man. They couldn't help but look at each other again. They were stunned for a while before realizing the current situation. With the expression of disbelief on their faces that had not yet faded, they thanked each other in unison.

"You're welcome."

He reservedly waved to the two girls in front of him, and Avis, who was still smiling, hurriedly left the sight of the two, leaving behind the two who were still in a dreamlike state, and the changes behind him when he heard the movement. Got noisy crowd.

"Oh, Ives, you are such a good old man!"

Seeing all the actions of his friend before, Stanley Hobert, another sage assistant in the North District of Water, the Ice Fir, changed his previous casual behavior of leaning on the corridor railing and started from the nose. He let out a disapproving snort.

"It's just a little effort." Faced with the obvious disapproval in his friend's words, Ives just continued to smile warmly, "Let's go to class."


Stanley gave a lukewarm greeting and took one last look at the crowd behind him before catching up with the blue and white figure in front of him who was gradually walking away.

"what happened?"

Seeing the strange scene where his friend, who usually had no intention of paying attention to the situation around him, stopped, Avis couldn't help but feel surprised, and asked more questions with some curiosity and concern.

"It's nothing," said Stanley. He quickly withdrew his curious and scrutinizing gaze on the two girls who had reconciled behind him, and whispered, "Isn't it just a bad magazine? As for this, it's really ridiculous. I don’t understand those girls!”

"Maybe they also have some obsession that we can't understand, well, just like your obsession with ice sculptures."

Having said that, Avis smiled warmly again and looked at the blond young man next to him with a curious and scrutinizing gaze.

"Hey, Ives, don't compare my unique ice sculpture with the cheap stuff you can see everywhere!"

"Okay, okay, I got it!"

Suddenly hearing the inappropriate remarks made by the young man next to him, Avis couldn't help but blinked his eyes in disbelief. After a moment of hesitation, he swallowed back more of his disapproval with a good demeanor and hung up again. That gentle smile patted his friend's shoulder reassuringly.

"I've decided that this weekend, I'm going to see that Beverly they were talking about! Avis, as the person involved, you will come too!"

Seeing the gentle young man's reluctant compromise, Stanley became a little dissatisfied, and naturally made the decision for the young man in white next to him.

So, on a weekend morning, the two people who were supposed to study with their elders actually got together for a sudden reason.

"Come on, Ives, let's go take a look!"

The blond young man who suggested skipping class glanced at the crowded shop a few meters in front of the two of them and said indifferently.

"Wait, Stanley, are we...really going?"

Looking at the crowds of people in front of him, Ives couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He had just convinced himself to get used to such noisy occasions, but when he got close to the crowd, he stopped again because of the women in the crowd, and said with a smile on his lips. He reminded me tactfully with a helpless smile that was even worse than before.

"Of course, we are already here. It would be a pity not to go and take a look!"

After speaking, Stanley adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose, straightened the cloak and scarf on his body, and without any explanation pulled Avis and squeezed into the crowd.

"Good day...Dear gentlemen, welcome!"

Standing at the door of the store, two people, one on the left and one on the right, were thinking of repeating this welcome message that they had repeated countless times just like before. Unexpectedly, two unexpected customers caught them off guard, causing both of them to change their words with unspeakable embarrassment.

"Here you two are invited! Although we at Beverly don't have a special men's section yet, we just launched a new batch of designs this morning, and there are several styles that are more suitable for men's outerwear. Let's go and take a look!"

The moment Ives and Stanley entered the store, a shopping guide wearing a plaid coat followed the greeter and took them to another place different from the noisy crowd. A quiet area.

"Okay..." He glanced briefly at the still noisy crowd behind him. Although Ives was confused, he still maintained his proper demeanor and nodded gently, "Then I'll help you!"

"Oh... I seem to have new inspiration!" Facing the gentle smile on Ives's face that was like the warm sun in winter, the female shopping guide couldn't help but exclaimed and implored excitedly, "Sir, can you Allow me to borrow some of your time? I have a few materials here that I’d really like you to try!” ˆ ˆ ˆ “Of course you can.”

Seeing the enthusiasm and craziness on the shopping guide's face that was far beyond his imagination, Ives also smiled and nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

However, Stanley, who felt that he was being left alone, was a little unhappy after hearing this. He hurriedly stopped the two of them before the shopping guide took away Ives: "Wait a minute, I'm your guest too, okay, Ives?" Why can’t I enjoy the treatment I can enjoy!”

"No, no, no," the shopping guide who woke up from his selfless state seemed to remember the equally impressive blond young man next to the flaxen-haired young man. He quickly apologized and made amends before the situation escalated, "If you If you are willing to help, I would be honored!"

"That's pretty much it." Looking at the female shopping guide's sincere apology, Stanley nodded with satisfaction and continued to say matter-of-factly, "Then please lead the way!"


The frightened shopping guide couldn't help but bow deeply to the young man behind her again, and then immediately agreed, leading the two of them quickly through the gorgeously decorated corridor, spiraling up the crystal steps leading upstairs, and came to her usual design. Exclusive design room for clothes.

"These are the two sets of cloaks I recently designed. You two can try them out!"

With that said, the female shopping guide skillfully took two cloaks, one red and one blue, from the hangers, carefully put them on for the two of them, fastened the buttons and tied the bows.

"It's pretty good!"

Looking at himself in the mirror wearing a blue cloak, Stanley nodded somewhat proudly, not forgetting to cooperate with his movement of raising the cloak to release some ice crystals to embellish the empty cloth of the cloak, making it The originally elegant and calm blue cloak has a hint of nobility and coldness symbolized by snowflakes.

" are an ice magician?! Can you make some more small snowflakes similar to the ones you just made? I want to use your magic to make some more limited edition styles!"

"no problem."

"Thank you so much!"

Realizing that the temperament of the cloak suddenly rose to a higher level under the influence of youth magic, the female designer couldn't help showing an expression of surprise again. Without saying anything, she rummaged through the table with many bottles and cans on the side. A bottle of almost transparent spray sprayed some reagents with the function of sealing items on the spots on the blond young man's cloak that were dotted with snowflakes and ice crystals. Then he did not forget to dig out a small transparent bottle and let the person in front of her The blond magician repeated the previous steps of using ice crystal magic. He collected a whole bottle of samples with satisfaction and ran to see the results of another young man's fitting.

Stanley, who didn't notice the designer leaving quietly, was still adjusting the pattern on his cloak.

"Haha, Avis, don't blame me for stealing your limelight this time!"

After using his usual enthusiasm for making ice sculptures and carving it carefully for a long time, Stanley checked it uneasily after making the last stroke. After confirming that the patterns were perfectly carved by him, Stanley took a big step. He walked toward his friend and declared confidently.


“There could be a few more elements added here.”

"Ah... yes!"

"If you can, use a simple [water curtain] to touch up the fur part, it should look more fluffy."

"good idea!"

"In terms of color, I personally prefer blue to the red of your sample. Of course, the current red tone is also very good. You can choose according to your preferences!"

"Hey, is that so? Although the theme I plan to open is [Warm Sun in Winter], how about I make both of them and have a look?"

"Well, that's a pretty good idea."


As a result, when Stanley completed the details on the cloak and then walked into the cubicle where Ives was, what he saw was a scene of friends and the designer eagerly discussing clothing improvements.


"Wait a minute, Stanley."

Stanley just wanted to know the whole story when Ives, who had already taken off his cape sample and removed his plush accessories, pointed to the direction where the designer was lying on the ground to modify the design regardless of his personal image, and lowered his voice and kept silent. gesture to indicate to your partner to stay quiet.

So although Stanley was a little reluctant, she still maintained due etiquette and waited quietly for the designer to complete her design modifications.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long! Thank you very much for today! When the clothes are designed, I will definitely have someone give them to you as soon as possible! Also, this is a little bit of my thoughts, although it is not a big deal. It’s a valuable thing, but I still hope you can accept it!”

As she said that, after placing the design drawings, the female designer took out two cards with the store logo engraved on them from her coat pocket. She lowered her head slightly and handed them to the two people who were about to leave.

"Thank you."

"Thank you, Miss Yuna."

"I am, and thanks to you, I have the opportunity to perfect these inspirations of mine!"

Taking one last look at these two influential figures who were supposed to be out of reach, Yuna, Beverly's secondary designer, watched the two young men with good conduct go away with unprecedented gratitude and respect until they disappeared in her within the field of view.


"Betty, Betty, look, look! Beverly's new products in this issue are Mr. Ives and Mr. Stanley!"

A week later, the brown-haired little girl with twin ponytails, holding two magazines with the two people on the cover, ran happily to her friend's seat, and proudly handed one of the magazines to the person she was talking about. girl.


Seeing that her friend who was not allowed to read these magazines took the risk of being scolded by her parents and grabbed an issue of the popular shopping guide magazine, the girl named Tammy couldn't help but choked up in her throat. She stopped talking for a while, but finally I suppressed the thousands of words I wanted to question in my heart, and with the faint trace of tears in my eyes, I accepted the magazine handed to me by my friend.

While the two girls interacted warmly, the two people on the cover of the magazine were in a subtle confrontation.

"Avis, please come out and explain to me why the sales ranking of the cloak you designed is higher than mine. Obviously, judging from the beauty and popularity of the design, the one I designed was the number one voted by the public! "

"Because the production cost of your model is too high..."

Listening to his friend's endless questions since the morning, Ives couldn't help but feel a headache and pressed his eyebrows, sighing helplessly...

 Sorry, I accidentally fell asleep in the middle of writing tonight. I will update you with another episode first, and then I will make up for today’s original episode tomorrow!
  (End of this chapter)

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