Natalie's magical growth record

Chapter 174 The right and wrong of the past and whose scam (3)

Chapter 174: Past rights and wrongs, intertwined rights and wrongs, and whose scam ()

"Jocelyn, what's wrong?"

Seeing the student stop again, the Water Sage hurriedly stopped and looked back with concern.

"Teacher, is what you said we are going to do next really right?"

Qiaoceline hesitated for a while, then carefully considered her words and boldly expressed her worries hidden deep in her heart.

"Of course," the Water Sage subconsciously smiled with relief, but soon he understood the other meaning of the student's words and seriously changed his words, "No matter what Killing tells you, don't believe it."

"Then it..." Seeing that the teacher refused to believe her, Qiaoceline closed her eyes deeply, then opened her eyes with determination, and added firmly, "Then what if it said it wanted us to kill it?"

"This is a hard-to-get tactic."

"But if what it says is true, what are we going to do? Are we going to watch their plan succeed, destroy the continent, and even destroy the laws!"

Faced with the indifference of the top decision-maker in the Water North District next to her, Qiaoceline finally couldn't bear it anymore and questioned the person in power in front of her.

"I have divined this matter in advance, and the results told me that everything will go smoothly and there will be no accidents."

The water sage stopped moving forward again and continued to spare no effort to comfort the students. He did not seem to be shocked by this extraordinary answer.

"But if things are really as it says and become a tool for its revenge, are you going to let it go?"

Finally, in desperation, Qiaoceline revealed her most valuable trump card.

"Okay, I get it, I'll double check."

Without looking at the students behind him, the Water Sage shook his head in disappointment, and then symbolically took out a palm-sized crystal ball from the inside of his cloak and poured his thoughts into it so that he could receive the information feedback the crystal ball brought to him.

After a not too long wait, the Water Sage slowly put down the crystal ball in his hand and silently nodded gently to the students behind him: "No problem, this incident will not cause any bigger problems." disaster."

"I see……"

After confirming that she could no longer change the teacher's mind, Qiaoceline's somewhat firm heart began to waver again, which gave Xi La who was living in her body another opportunity to take advantage of.

Seizing this opportunity, Xiela hurriedly further shook Qiaocelin's consciousness:

【see it? do you understand? This is the teacher you trusted so much in the past, and this was the object of your admiration that you were once proud of. Even if I told you the truth in advance, he would not believe you, and he would just be indifferent. Is it sad? Helpless? No, this is not the most tragic and helpless thing! When you know all the truth, when you understand his character clearly after knowing the truth, you will find that your indifference just now is so insignificant compared to the whole scam! "What do you mean? Please explain it clearly!"

Realizing that Xila wanted to sow discord, Qiaocelin immediately passed on her thoughts of questioning and rebuttal without any hesitation.

【say clearly? No, rather than letting me unmask him directly, it would obviously be more interesting for you to slowly piece together the ins and outs of the whole thing through those details. Don't ask me how to find the truth, I believe you won't have a clue. Well, while you still have some time, you can make your choice. 】

Without leaving any chance for Qiaoceline to ask further questions or any further prompts, after Xi La finished speaking, she returned to the indifferent state of a bystander.

The truth...?
  Qiaoceline silently savored Xiela's words in her heart, and at the same time continued to follow her teacher.

If Xiela hadn't mentioned it deliberately, she would not have suspected the purpose behind her teacher's concealment, nor would she have included her teacher in her list of uncertain factors. Just like now, even if Xiela planted the seeds of doubt in her heart, she did not dare to face the cruel facts behind the truth. She could only choose to find examples that were inconsistent with the other party's words to refute the other party's point of view.

For example, the reason why the teacher was indifferent three times before. She actually wanted to use the reason that "the teacher didn't want to believe it because it came from Sira's mouth" to convince herself. But she soon discovered that such an excuse was untenable.

Not to mention that she was not controlled by Xiela in the whole process just now, but her teacher's repeated indifference was completely different from the cautious water sage she usually knew.

Is it really like what Xi La said, even if he tells everything, his teacher no longer believes in him?

no, I can not!
  Qiaoceline shook her head vigorously in denial. Shortly before starting to move out, the teacher would rather miss the opportunity to seal it than take her to confirm Rigel's status in person to convince herself.

But the comforting smile that flashed through her mind quickly reminded her.

Yes, as Xila reminded her before, if her teacher really didn't hide anything from her or do anything detrimental to her, why would he avoid me to complete the previous procedures...

"Jocelyn, wake up. Killing is an evil spirit that should not be left behind. It is not an existence worthy of our sympathy! Aren't those seemingly normal but actually full of mysterious symptoms of magic depletion in the past enough to alert you? ?Aren’t the repeated attempts to kill and take away your body enough to make you realize the reality?"

Just as Qiaoceline was lost in thought, a reprimand from the Water Sage that was different from the usual gentle words fell into her ears unexpectedly.

Depleted of magic power? An attempt to seize the body...

It turns out that the teacher has known about it all along...

Listening to her teacher's unreserved revelation of these things that only she should know, Qiaocelin was shocked, and the candle in her heart that symbolized mutual trust began to dim uncontrollably...

 Last night’s chapter has been modified, so you can read it with confidence! In addition, as I mentioned yesterday about adding chapters, I will give them to you over the weekend. Please forgive me!
  (End of this chapter)

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