Chapter 338 The imperial edict arrives

The queen apologized and shed tears.

She felt that the emperor was so cruel that he beat her like this.

And she was allowed to meet people like this, where would she lose her face? How should Prince Qi behave in the future?

The queen felt angry when she thought that even though she had been beaten like this, these damn troublemakers still shouted that she was not worthy of being the mother of a country, and said that if Chu Lixuan died, she would have to pay for it with her life.

Ning Rourou kept hearing Chu Lixuan's name being mentioned next to her, and her heart was throbbing.

She wanted to cry happily, but now she had no intention of feeling sorry for Chu Lixuan. She had to actively deal with and solve the problems in front of her.

The queen is indeed an idiot. She clearly had a good situation in front of her, but she ineffectively angered the people present, causing them to gather at the gate of the Duke of Qi's mansion.

If there weren't so many guards organizing and comforting her, I'm afraid the queen herself would have been crushed by the people present.

Ning Rourou's only concern now is that after this happens, the queen will definitely be deposed, and she will soon become the queen.

When the two of them were having their own thoughts, a carriage suddenly drove in front of the Duke of Qi's mansion, surrounded by guards.

When Ning Rourou saw the word "Qi" written on the carriage, she stood up suddenly and stared at the carriage with great excitement.

When the people present saw a gorgeous carriage suddenly appearing and approaching, they all fell silent and stared at the carriage.

Someone asked, "That seems to be the carriage of the Marquis of Xiangyang. What is the Marquis of Xiangyang doing here?"

"Do you even need to ask? The eldest daughter of the Marquis of Xiangyang is still at the gate of the Duke of Qi's mansion. He must be here to help the queen suppress us. This is called a nest of snakes and rats, and they are not good things."

The people were talking a lot.

At this time, the carriage stopped in full view of everyone, and the Marquis of Xiangyang, who was over fifty years old, got out of the carriage. He was handsome, and these years had added a bit of calmness and dignity to his face.

Ning Hou held the imperial decree just issued from the palace in his hand, and said with majestic eyes, "The imperial decree has arrived!"

Hearing this, everyone present knelt down.

"Ning Wang Chu Lixuan has regained consciousness after being diagnosed and treated by a genius doctor. His injuries have gradually stabilized and are getting better. People don't need to worry too much, and there is no need to continue to gather at the gate of the Duke of Qi's mansion.
  Prince Ning's life is no longer in danger. The imperial physician in the palace has been taking care of Prince Ning's body. Princess Ning and Divine Doctor Cen are always by Prince Ning's side. I have already given orders to save Prince Ning at all costs. "

"In this assassination, I have sent secret guards to find out that the assassin of King Ning was an assassin from the Chen Kingdom. The assassin intended to sow discord between the Zhonggong and King Ning. Afterwards, he framed the assassination on the Queen.
  The Queen did not send anyone to assassinate King Ning, but she connived with the guards of the Duke of Qi and bullied the people wantonly, causing serious and bad effects. She should be severely punished. From today onwards, the Queen stays in seclusion in the Duke of Qi's Palace to think about her mistakes.

As for the assassination of King Ning, I will definitely investigate the matter strictly, give justice to King Ning, let the Queen learn a lesson, and give an explanation to the people who shed blood in this incident.
  All the people in the world are my subjects, and Prince Ning is my brother and sister. I will never allow anyone to harm my people and brothers. I also ask all the people not to believe the rumors and go home as soon as possible to reunite with your family. "

When everyone heard the long series of words in the imperial edict, they were extremely happy.

"Really? His Royal Highness Prince Ning is so lucky that he is not dead! And he is out of danger? This is great!"

"Then where did the previous rumors come from? Why do some people say that His Highness Prince Ning is dead! Who is talking nonsense about all this?"

"Perhaps she is the queen. She wishes His Highness Prince Ning to die soon."

"Of course, it's possible that it was a misunderstanding! Maybe someone said something wrong and misunderstood it when it was passed around!" "Whether it's a mistake or not, as long as King Ning is out of danger and your majesty severely punishes the bad person like the queen, then we can all relax. Take a breath, this is simply great, let’s go home and sleep happily.”

"However, His Majesty's imperial decree just now said that the one who assassinated King Ning was an assassin from the Chen Kingdom, not the Queen. Have we misunderstood the Queen!"

"I don't know. I think it might be to show respect. If he really has never done anything like this, why would the emperor be so disrespectful to the queen and beat her so violently?"

"It's also possible that the Queen was too impulsive and caused people to die tragically in the street, so His Majesty punished him. Fortunately, His Majesty sent someone to come down to provide compensation this time. Otherwise, if the Queen governed the country like this, the people would have been in trouble for a long time."

"So, the Queen is the only one who is a bad person. Our Majesty is very clear-sighted and is a good emperor. Not only did he send people to try his best to save Prince Ning, but he also punished the Queen who was the instigator.
  If it were another emperor, he would definitely protect the queen, but our majesty made the queen bear the fault she should bear. This is worthy of admiration. The prince of our country is guilty of the same crime as the common people. Your majesty is really a wise king! "

"Prince Ning is fine. Your Majesty is a wise king. The queen has been punished, and the injured and dead people can also receive compensation. There will be nothing for us from now on, so let's disperse."

The people cried, made noise, and gathered together, all for the sake of justice.

Only with justice can this country have hope.

Originally, the people had gathered in Prince Qi's Mansion all day and night. They were already tired and hungry, and could hardly hold on any longer. They were still thinking about what to do next.

Now that they heard the news that Chu Lixuan was out of danger, they were all very happy and slowly retreated home.

After the others retreated, Ning Rourou hurriedly walked to Ning Hou, lowered her head and said, "Dad, thank you very much for rescuing your daughter."

"Hey! Think twice before doing anything in the future."

Ning Hou glanced at the Queen, with a sigh on his face, but an unstoppable smile in his eyes.

The Queen is frivolous and irritable in doing things, and it is really difficult for her to hold a big position. As a pawn in the power struggle, she has completely lost her effectiveness. However, it is not certain whether Ning Rourou can become the Queen in the future.

In the crowd, there were several spies dressed as ordinary people. After hearing that Chu Lixuan was out of danger, they all looked at each other in surprise.


King Ning is not dead yet, he is still alive and well.

Then they can only modify the military intelligence report, report all the information in the past two days to General Huo, and ask General Huo to hold his troops temporarily.


Ning Wangfu.

After Ning Muqing walked into Cangwu Zhai's bedroom, she saw that Chu Lixuan was still in the same position as when she left. Chu Lixuan had an injury on his back. In order not to squeeze the wound, he could not sleep on his back.

The depressed look looked quite helpless.

Ning Muqing was about to laugh, but she heard a 'plop' and the tea cup on the bed fell.

(End of this chapter)

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