The abandoned wife of the noble family, she is Black Heart Lotus

Chapter 163: It’s normal for people to have a little regret

Gu Deyin was busy learning business knowledge and ignored what was going on outside the window. However, Xiao Mingzhang's subordinates came to visit her every two days, which annoyed her.

Even sending Hua Shuhuachao to deal with it didn't work. In the end, even his own father went out to drive them away. They still shamelessly came to the door again, threatening to see him and give up if they didn't.

In the end, even Bo Qingya, who annoyed Xiao Mingzhang the most, put down the teaching in his hands and said, "Do you want to go out and deal with it?"

He knew that to untie the bell, one must tie the bell. Those people were very purposeful and it was not the best idea to let things go.

Gu Deyin had no choice but to put down the pen in his hand, get up and go outside to meet the guests.

Seeing that the people who came this time were closely waited on by Xiao Mingzhang, after the two parties greeted each other, she politely asked, "I wonder what important matter the prince has sent me over?"

These words made the few people who came to see Gu Deyin couldn't help but be startled. Falsely conveying the master's order would be a serious crime that would bring shame on their heads, and they could not afford this crime.

So they bumped into each other, and one of them said more lively, "Miss Gu, the prince did not send us here. We came here to ask Miss Gu to see the prince..."

When Gu Deyin heard this, she couldn't help but feel angry, but thinking that these people were serving Xiao Mingzhang, she couldn't offend them rashly, for fear of being resented and retaliated by others in the future.

So she pretended to be embarrassed and said, "But, without the prince's order, I can't go to see the prince. This is a taboo. I'm afraid I won't be able to walk around..."

The people who came to invite Gu Deyin looked at each other. They had not lost their memory yet. Gu Deyin had been free to enter and leave the prince's study before. The prince did not summon her at that time. Why didn't she have such concerns?

Now when they come to invite them, she resists them, which makes people feel unhappy.

"Miss Gu, are you looking down on us? Why can't we even invite you?"

These words contained a hint of threat. How could Gu Deyin not hear it?

She always knew in her heart that the respect Xiao Mingzhang's people had for her before was superficial. Deep down, they still looked down on her background as a merchant girl, so now they showed their true colors after a disagreement.

Besides, it was inappropriate for them to come so boldly to invite her to see Xiao Mingzhang. Who did they take her for?

In the past, she didn't want to care so much. Anyway, her fate with Xiao Mingzhang would no longer exist if she left here.

After returning to Beijing, she and he were two parallel lines, and there was probably no chance of their intersection ever again.

At this moment, she looked at the person who made the threats with a straight face, "Since you said so, then I will let you go."

After saying that, she didn't wait for these people to say anything else and walked out directly.

The faces of the people who came to invite Gu Deyin didn't look good at the moment. For the person who made threats, the others glared at him displeasedly.

Even though he knows that the prince cares about Miss Gu, he still says this. Does this mean he thinks his life is too long?

Ignoring the person who made threats, the others hurriedly caught up with Gu Deyin.

"Miss Gu, the misunderstanding is all a misunderstanding. I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted to see if you could go see the prince when you have some free time. The prince wants to..."

Gu Deyin stopped and looked coldly at the man who was in a hurry to speak, "Does the prince know that you like to speculate on his thoughts?"

The man who spoke in a hurry was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what he had said, and his face suddenly changed. When he realized what he said, his face instantly turned pale.

Gu Deyin sneered, "You keep saying it's for the master, but if the prince knows about your behavior, you will be in great trouble. If the prince wants to see me, he will summon me. There is no need for you to invite me under his banner."

At this moment, several people were silent. The ones with the coldest sweat on their foreheads were the two who made threats and spoke in a hurry. After all, Gu Deyin was right.

Gu Deyin softened his tone when he saw these people were scared.

"I will pretend that what happened today never happened. Please come back. Don't worry, people here will not talk too much in front of the prince. But I don't know if others talk too much." As soon as these words came out, several people who took it upon themselves to invite Gu Deyin hurriedly bowed their hands to her and thanked her for her kindness.

At this moment, they felt scared. If Gu Deyin talked nonsense, it would be over for them. Only then did they realize how desperate their behavior was.

"Miss Gu's great kindness, I will remember it."

Seeing that these people were restrained, Gu Deyin had a smile on his face, and after saying a few high-sounding words, he dismissed these people.

A few people left in a hurry. They still had to clean up their affairs this time, and they must not let their master know what they had done on their own.

But there is no airtight wall in the world.

Gu Deyin's side was quiet, but he couldn't help but someone snitching. Xiao Mingzhang soon learned about it.

Suddenly, he was furious.

As a superior, the behavior of these people violated his taboo, so severe punishment is necessary.

Not long after, Gu Deyin learned that Xiao Mingzhang had dealt with a group of people, and the ones they had recently replaced were all new faces.

She had expected this result a long time ago. People who are too smart never end well.

She paid no more attention to it, after all, it was not her turn to comment.

The time to return to Beijing was quickly decided. Gu Deyin paused his studies and started packing his luggage.

She didn't see Xiao Mingzhang again until the day of departure. It had been a long time since their moonlit night tour of the lake.

Xiao Mingzhang saw Gu Deyin saluting him from the carriage window. He didn't say anything, just nodded.

Seeing this, Gu Deyin couldn't help but feel a little melancholy, but this result was what she wanted, so there was nothing to regret.

After saying a few more polite words to Xiao Mingzhang, she saluted knowingly and turned to leave.

Seeing the back figure getting further and further away, Xiao Mingzhang loosened his clenched fists and kept staring in the direction of departure.

Then, he turned back and asked someone to lower the carriage curtain, and stop thinking about people who shouldn't be thinking about them.

"Miss Gu, please take more care of her. If she needs anything, be sure to stay close to her first."

Hearing his master's instructions, the new subordinates beside him were slightly startled and quickly agreed.

They knew the reason for dealing with the subordinates before, so they knew the attitude towards Gu Deyin and would not offend Gu Deyin again.

On the way back to Beijing, Gu Deyin felt very comfortable the whole time. She understood why in her heart, but she pretended to be confused on the face.

Don't think about people you shouldn't think about.

As a human being, it is normal to feel a little regretful.

She had a good attitude and was always in a good mood. Even Gu Jianghuai and Bo Qingya didn't feel the ups and downs of her mood now. They just thought she was happy because she was back in Beijing. (End of chapter)

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