spend time

Chapter 121 Like Chess

The past is like a cone, which suddenly breaks into the chest, and the pain is unbearable.

The helpless pain, sorrow and anger of being manipulated by others would gnaw at him like maggots attached to his bones for more than twenty years of his life.

In this life, he will never make the same mistakes again and will never allow anyone to manipulate his life.

"Zixian," Empress Dowager Zheng's voice came to mind: "What's wrong with you? Why haven't you spoken? Your face is still so ugly. The Ai family will call the imperial doctor to take a look at you."

Zheng Chen came back to his senses from the long memories: "I'm fine. I just haven't slept well for a few nights. There's no need to alarm the imperial doctor."

Empress Dowager Zheng said angrily: "I haven't slept well for several nights, and I still say it's nothing." She turned around and ordered: "Go to Dr. Xuan immediately."

Everyone in Jingyang Palace, and even the entire palace, must listen to Empress Dowager Zheng.

Emperor Taikang was known as a filial emperor, and even if he was occasionally dissatisfied with Empress Dowager Zheng's political behavior, he would not show it. Prime Minister Wang's power is overwhelming, so isn't there anything he can do about Empress Dowager Zheng?

There is no way, Empress Dowager Zheng, who has become the Empress Dowager of Liang, is so confident.

Zheng Chen could only smile and thank the Queen Mother for her kindness.

Soon, Doctor Ji came.

There are more than thirty imperial doctors in the imperial hospital, with varying degrees of rank. Only about ten of them are truly qualified to enter the palace for medical treatment. Doctor Ji came from a famous family in Xinglin, had high medical skills, was experienced, and was cautious. Come to Jingyang Palace every three days to ask for a safe pulse for Empress Dowager Zheng.

"Mr. Ji, Zixian has been having nightmares these past few nights, has not slept well, and has been in a trance during the day. Please feel Zixian's pulse." Empress Dowager Zheng opened her mouth and ordered.

Doctor Ji responded, he concentrated on diagnosing the pulse, looked at the tongue coating and complexion, and then asked carefully about the past few days.

Zheng Chen responded with the usual rhetoric these days: "When I wake up from nightmares, it is difficult to fall asleep. I am often distracted during the day and have no appetite for food."

Queen Mother Zheng asked bluntly: "Is Zixian's health okay?"

Doctor Ji respectfully replied: "My young master's pulse is stable and there is no serious problem. He is just worried too much and his heart is too angry. I will first prescribe a prescription for clearing the heart, eliminating fire and calming the mind. After drinking it for five or six days, you should be fine." .”

Empress Dowager Zheng was relieved.

After Doctor Ji left, Empress Dowager Zheng warned her warmly: "Be sure to drink the medicine on time, and don't secretly drink it because it's bitter."

At this time, Queen Mother Zheng really loved him. However, this did not affect him from becoming a pawn in the hands of Queen Mother Zheng in the future.

Life is like a chess piece. In this life, he will never be a chess piece. He will either sit in front of the chess board or overturn the chess board.

Thousands of thoughts are rolling in my mind.

Zheng Chen nodded in agreement without revealing anything on his face.


Five days later, Jiang Shaohua led the crowd and set off for Ye County.

The newly appointed Chen Sheren happily packed his luggage, rode in the same carriage with the princess, and left Bowang County Government Office.

Jiang Shaohua smiled knowingly: "Look at you, like a bird leaving its cage."

Chen Jinyu smiled playfully: "I don't know how happy I am without my mother nagging in my ears."

Then he sighed with a sad face: "My mother was crying and making trouble that day, so I coaxed her casually and wanted to give her my salary to build a private house. But my mother took it seriously."

Now that I think about it, there is only one word: regret.

Jiang Shaohua was happy and gave Chen Jinyu advice: "From now on, if you receive your salary, you will be underpaid by half."

Huh? good idea!

Chen Jinyu gave the princess a thumbs up.

Song Yuan, who was riding along with him, heard the chuckles coming from the carriage from time to time, and a smile flashed in his eyes. The princess is smart and calm, with a composure that far exceeds her age. She is the lord who is supported and loved by everyone. However, one cannot remain tense forever, and this is good.

For this reason alone, Chen Jinyu is a suitable candidate. Not to mention, after Chen Jinyu became the servant, he took over the clerical tasks from the princess.

No matter how capable Chen Zhuo is, given his age, it is really unbearable for one person to be in charge of three or four people. Now that one person has been reduced to errands, it is a lot easier.

After traveling for half a day, everyone stopped to rest beside the official road.

"Princess, thirty miles further, there is a post house." There were two hundred guards guarding the princess, so she was safe. Meng Dashan led the second battalion of the guards to explore the way first: "With our speed, it's just right. Go to the post house before evening, stay one night and then set off tomorrow. We will arrive in Ye County tomorrow afternoon."

Jiang Shaohua nodded slightly.

Qin Hu's young soldiers were flirting with each other, and Qin Hu was the most courageous, so he was forced out.

Meng Dashan turned around and said happily: "Qin Hu, do you want to go hunting in the mountains again?"

Qin Hu smiled shyly: "If I stick my butt out, Uncle Meng will know what I'm going to do."

Meng Dashan smiled and glared at him: "In front of the princess, he spoke openly."

Jiang Shaohua laughed: "Okay, you can go if you want. Hunt more wild animals and give everyone extra food in the evening."

Qin Hu perked up and responded loudly. He turned around to greet twenty or so soldiers and rode into the woods.

It's a pity that good brother Meng Sanbao was left in the palace to recover from his injuries and couldn't go out to play together... No, he couldn't go out to work together. Without bickering and fighting, life would be less happy.

After resting for half an hour, everyone set off on their way again. Sure enough, we arrived at the inn before evening.

Qin Hu and others who went hunting also arrived at the post house before dark. A bunch of pheasants, hares, and goats made the cooks in the inn wish they had more hands.

Jiang Shaohua specifically asked the kitchen to boil more hot water. After everyone had traveled all day, at least everyone could get a basin of hot water. I was also rewarded with ten taels of silver.

The cooks were in high spirits after receiving generous rewards, and they were busy heating up hot water until midnight without feeling tired.

At night, Meng Dashan arranged for people to take turns to watch the night, and everyone had a rest.


A shrill scream cut through the quiet night.

Jiang Shaohua was awakened instantly, turned over on the bed, and picked up a sword from under his pillow in his right hand.

The weapon she uses most conveniently is the Hongying spear. However, it was inconvenient to carry it with me all the time in daily life, so I brought this sword with me. This sword was two inches shorter than an ordinary sword. It was gleaming with cold light and extremely sharp.

Chen Jinyu, who was sleeping on the same bed, took a step slower and lay down in a panic: "Sister Shaohua, what happened?"

Jiang Shaohua listened attentively: "It's the noise coming from the other backyard of the post house. We'll find out later."

When he checked into the post house today, the postmaster apologized uneasily, saying that a group of people had already moved in first. I guess it was because I had collected the money that I couldn't expel the person.

Jiang Shaohua was not so domineering and agreed to the matter casually.

The screams that suddenly came out in the middle of the night should be caused by this group of people.

Button, button, button!

The door was knocked three times, and Song Yuan's voice came: "Princess, there was a murder in the post house."

So, that scream just now was the cry before death?

Chen Jinyu took a breath.

Jiang Shaohua's expression remained unchanged and he raised his voice: "Commander Song, please wait for a moment." Then he turned to urge Chen Jinyu: "Hurry up and get dressed."

Chen Jinyu quickly came to her senses, and she and the princess each arranged their appearance, and then pushed the door open and walked out.

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