Chapter 150 Su Enxi’s heartbeat

Su Enxi drank bottle after bottle of sake, looking like she was preparing to go to Jingyanggang to hunt tigers after engaging in diplomatic negotiations with the Russians.

Seeing this, Zhou Xuan raised his eyebrows, and his mind couldn't help but think of a misty line from Wong Kar-wai's "Ashes of Time".

"The more wine you drink, the warmer you become; the more you drink water, the colder it becomes."

In fact, this line is not quite right. The more wine you drink, the warmer you get. It is only temporary.

Alcohol has the effect of dilating blood vessels and promoting blood circulation. Accelerated blood circulation will make people feel hot all over the body in a short period of time.

But after the initial heat and heat passes, alcohol makes it easier for people to lose heat in the body. Once the heat of alcohol passes, emptiness, loneliness and coldness will sweep over.

As soon as the whooshing cool breeze blows, people will be as cold as if they had eaten a box of Xuanmai and couldn't stop shaking. It's probably a little colder than a licking dog on a snowy day when he saw his goddess smiling sweetly in Huang Mao's arms.

Therefore, it is not recommended to drink like crazy when you are worried.

This will only make your name flash crazily in the book of life and death of the Lord of Hell, or bitter wine will enter your throat and your heart will hurt.

Therefore, seeing Su Enxi drinking like a revengeful person, Zhou Xuan felt heartbroken!

There was only one thought in my mind, which was to persuade her not to just drink alcohol but to take cephalosporins, which would be better for her stomach... Ah, no, I wanted to enlighten this pretty girl about the harmful effects of drinking alcohol on her health through a funny little story.

Immediately, Zhou Xuan looked at Su Enxi, smiled and said, "Speaking of which, do you know that I have a cousin, and an interesting thing happened to him when he was a child."

"Oh? You have a cousin? Tell me in detail!" Su Enxi said softly while continuing to drink.

Zhou Xuan continued: "Many years ago, he came home from school with a swollen buttocks and a limp. He was obviously beaten."

"When his mother saw the miserable appearance of her precious son, she was instantly heartbroken and asked him which bastard beat you like this!?"

"He said it was the teacher who hit him."

"As soon as he finished speaking, his mother became furious and roared to the sky! She was going to take him to the school to talk to the teacher about why he beat her precious son like this!"

Hearing this, Su Enxi's interest was aroused, she stopped drinking, and looked at Zhou Xuan with a rosy face while holding the bottle.

"But my cousin just waved his hand lightly and said it was just because the teacher caught him drinking in class, and he would fight back in the future."

"His mother fell silent after hearing these words."

"For a primary school student, drinking in class is still a little inappropriate and seems a bit too young and promising."

"Then his mother hung him from the electric fan on the ceiling, turned it on to fifth gear and whipped him hard with a belt for more than an hour, almost beating him to death!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Xuan also waved his arms vividly, imitating the appearance of whipping someone with a belt, with an expression of fascination and wanting to replace him.

"After that, my young cousin realized that drinking alcohol is bad for your health."

Before she finished speaking, Su Enxi laughed so hard that her branches trembled, leaning forward and back.

The moon-white silk bathrobe opened and closed with her movements. While water splashed all over the sky, the girl's fair and tender body was looming.

With the blessing of alcohol, Su Enxi, who was already as beautiful as a flower, became even more radiant and charming. The crystal water droplets hung on her ivory-like smooth and delicate legs, slowly sliding down the enchanting curves playfully. Go to the surface of the water and smash the hazy and graceful figure in the water.

The bright moonlight fell on Su Enxi's eyebrows and eyes, adding a bit of holiness to her who was like a seductive beauty snake at the moment.

Happy reunion, enchanting and pure.

People are more delicate than flowers, and flowers are colorless. Flowers look sad in front of others. Faced with this situation, if Zhou Xuan were a proud and coquettish nobleman like Caesar, he would have stared at Su Enxi intently, then sincerely applauded and said: "Bravo! Miss, am I lucky enough to invite you to dinner?"

If Zhou Xuan were a lewd flower picker like Tian Boguang, he would probably have let out a lewd laugh, then put the woman on his shoulders and carried her away without saying a word.

If Zhou Xuan were like the vice principal...

Oh, there is no essential difference between the vice-principal and the lewd flower thief, except that he may ask before putting the person on his shoulders and kidnapping him: "Are you going to your place tonight or to me?"

However, Zhou Xuan's choice is completely different from the above-mentioned talents.

After confirming that Su Enxi had put down the bottle, he raised his head and closed his eyes, fully enjoying the hot spring.

Zhou Xuan is not an ascetic handsome boy like Chu Zihang who is not close to women, but he is not a lecherous devil either, who wants to greedily take in all the beautiful scenery.

An unknown poet from the Tang Dynasty once wrote: "Flowers are ready to be broken when they are in bloom. Don't wait until there are no flowers to break the branches."

The general meaning is that if you want to be a woman's exclusive flower thief, you must do it when the woman's skin is pink, her breasts are perky and her face is beautiful, otherwise other shameless flower thief will get there first!

However, Zhou Xuan, who is in his mid-twenties and has a lazy nature, is not so impatient and possessive in his attitude toward beautiful things.

When you encounter a beautiful flower on the road, you don’t necessarily have to pick it off; when you encounter a gust of cool wind, you don’t need to force it to stay longer; when you find a soft cloud, you naturally won’t let it float down and cover you. Hold yourself.

Although the woman opposite was charming and elegant, Zhou Xuan didn't feel too much in his heart.

This is not my flower, I just passed through her blooming.

It is easy to torture a talented person, but it is most difficult to tolerate the kindness of a beautiful woman.

However, that was not what Su Enxi was thinking at this moment!

As an otaku who is deeply poisoned by all kinds of messy romance novels, Potato Chip Girl has watched countless scenes from idol dramas about bloody Mary Sues, and she is extremely familiar with the tricks of stinky men to play hard to get.

Coupled with her understanding of Zhou Xuan, she instantly understood that the man opposite him was not engaging in any trap of fishing, suppressing first and then rising.

This man just made up stories here and there just to make himself put down the bottle and feel happier.

When faced with the exposure of his own life, he just ignored it and didn't care.

"Damn! Isn't this just a vulgar plot in a second-rate idol drama!? The rich and handsome male protagonist sees the rustic, silly and sweet female protagonist disdain her appearance and wealth, but instead feels that she is not the same as those coquettish bitches. Same!"

"Wow! This woman is really pure and simple and doesn't worship money at all. I must marry her! Then she starts to attack herself inexplicably and is pretentious..."

"I almost vomited after watching this scene! I was so embarrassed that I wanted to vomit three liters of blood!" Su Enxi cursed in her heart.

But at this time, her heartbeat was still racing uncontrollably, wow cool wow cool.

The handsome guy named Zhou Xuan across from me is so damn sweet!

However, Su Enxi is no longer an innocent girl who can risk everything for love.

It has become her instinct to weigh the pros and cons and consider the profits and losses.

So, she calmed down almost instantly, leaned lazily on the edge of the hot spring pool, and said softly: "Your story is quite interesting. To express my gratitude, I will also tell you a story."

It's best if the two don't owe each other.

Su Enxi thought to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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