Law popularization live broadcast: I am really not the godfather of criminals!

Chapter 138 Since prostitution is not illegal! So it's not illegal to steal prostitution money,

Chapter 138 Since prostitution is not illegal! So it's not illegal to steal prostitution money, right?

"As long as the other party still wants to do it and his brain is not wet, then it is impossible for the other party to retaliate against you for having sex for nothing."

"Similarly, as long as the person who prostitutes for free or pays for it doesn't want to be in trouble and has a normal mind, then he will naturally not report it and cause himself a lot of trouble."

"After all, as I said just now, once the report is filed, the two parties will not only be charged with prostitution, but also fight each other, or even be involved in some other crimes. It is not impossible."

The audience in the live broadcast room, listening to Zhang Wei's explanation, were unwilling to be left alone and sent comments one after another in response.

"Since prostitution is not protected by law, is it illegal for me to rob prostitutes? After all, even if the other party is robbed by me, they won't dare to retaliate! Right?"

"Hiss... from upstairs! You are really a great genius when you step on the horse! But the other party doesn't dare to report J! You must have some serious disease in your head! Although they don't dare to report J, you don't dare to report J either, right? You grab it No, if I get beaten up by them, I won’t be able to reason with you, right?”

"Hahaha... You are indeed a genius! You only want to protect your head, not your own butt! Although prostitution is not protected by the law, your robbery is still outside the law! My great genius!"

"This is indeed a situation where the people don't take action and the officials don't investigate! As long as there is no large-scale search, as long as you don't get caught and have solid evidence, it will usually be fine in six months."

"Holy crap! That's Big Brother upstairs! How come you are so aware of this situation! Could it be that Big Brother, you have some channels?"


As the audience in the live broadcast room continued to ask for advice, contact, spread their thoughts, and come up with all kinds of fantastic ideas, Zhang Wei spoke again.

"Although free prostitution is not illegal, the act of prostitution itself is illegal. As long as you have agreed on a price, then no matter whether you did not pay the money in the end, or for some reason, you did not pay for the fees or items."

"It's still within the scope of illegality. As long as you are caught, you will have to stay in jail and be fined. There is no room for negotiation."

Liu Jiahao actually already knew the answer to this question.

If he still doesn't know what is clearly stipulated in laws and regulations, then he doesn't need to learn any law and just find a piece of tofu to kill him.

What he was really curious about was the answer to the second question.

According to his calculations, this situation should not be illegal. Moreover, even if the money is not paid afterwards, there is no big problem. If you report J, there should be no consequences, no jail time, and a fine.

"Lawyer Zhang, I already know the answer to this question, so would you like to ask your second answer, is it illegal?"

Zhang Wei listened to Liu Jiahao's inquiry and naturally knew the other party. He didn't care about the answer to the first question. As long as he read the laws and regulations, he would naturally know what the answer was.

So, without saying more about the first question, I started to answer the second question.

"Actually, this method of yours has not been done by anyone before, but that person is still in prison and has not been released."

When Liu Jiahao heard Zhang Wei's reply, he suddenly asked with curiosity on his face.

"Lawyer Zhang, according to my calculation, there shouldn't be any problems in this situation, right?"

"Even if it is, if J is reported afterwards, it is impossible to imprison him for the crime of soliciting prostitution, right?"

Zhang Wei listened to Liu Jiahao's inquiry and responded calmly.

"Indeed, according to your way of thinking, it is indeed impossible to convict of prostitution." "But that guy has a weirder brain than you. Not only did he make the girl sign a maintenance agreement in advance, but he also refused to pay her afterwards and wanted to prostitute her for nothing. "

"So, it directly caused the other party to become angry and retaliate with rape, and arrested the other party."

"Finally, according to the provisions of our country's criminal law, the guy was directly sentenced to three years in prison. Calculating the time, he should be able to get out of there in three months at most."

Liu Jiahao didn't know what to say after listening to Zhang Wei's explanation.

He only focused on the crime of prostitution, but forgot that there was also the crime of rape.

Under the premises he put forward, the other party really had no way to characterize him according to the crime of prostitution, but they could sentence him according to the punishment of rape with a heavier punishment.

This is purely a case of stealing chicken but losing rice, losing the wife and losing the army!

However, the audience in the live broadcast room was really amused and laughed out loud while listening to the questions and answers between Zhang Wei and Liu Jiahao.

"Hahaha... This guy is also a genius! Another great genius who only cares about his head and not his butt! He only thought that he would not be sentenced to prostitution! But he forgot that there is also the crime of rape!"

"This guy is really a bit out of his mind! However, that girl is also a bit out of her mind! Can't you just go to the big brother at the back? Why do you have to report J? I don't understand this!"

"Indeed! If I report J, won't she also go in? Why would she report J? Find the big brother behind the scenes! Let him come out to solve the problem! Wouldn't it be great?"

"I'm not interested in sentencing or retribution! I'm mainly interested in what happens if the woman doesn't retaliate! If she is caught, is it still considered an illegal act?"

"Yes, yes! I'm curious about this too! Lawyer Zhang, please explain it quickly! Let's increase some legal knowledge!!"

"Ah! With all your thoughts, you really pretend that we don't know anything about it! You also want to increase your legal knowledge! I think you want to add some tips for going to jail! Lawyer Zhang! Ignore them and send me a private message with the method! Let me Criticize carefully what is going on with this evil method! (ω)"

"That's right, at first glance, you guys don't look like... um... from upstairs! It seems like you're not a good person either!"


In the live broadcast room, netizens are constantly thinking, laughing, arguing, teasing, or curious.

Liu Jiahao also asked the same doubts as some of the viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Lawyer Zhang, if I give money afterwards and the other party doesn't report J, and I get caught, will I be sentenced?"

"Besides, there's another thing I really can't figure out. Why did that girl want to report J?"

"Even if she doesn't give her money afterwards, doesn't she still have a big brother behind her?"

"If you just call Big Brother and ask him to take action, can't you get the money back?"

"What's the difference between being a reporter in the flesh business and an intruder wandering into the station! Isn't this just looking for excitement?"

(End of this chapter)

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