Back to 80: My literary life

Chapter 275 Lecture at Sichuan University

Chapter 275 Lecture at Sichuan University
Ma Shitu is a famous writer and poet. Together with Ba Jin, Zhang Xiushu, Sha Ting and Ai Wu, he is also known as the "Five Elders of Sichuan".

When he saw Yang Xiao, he smiled and replied: "Yes, Editor Yang, I heard that Comrade Fang Minghua from "Yanhe" magazine is here?"

Fang Minghua also came out, smiled and shook hands with Ma Shitu: "Chairman Ma, I flew here from Yanjing last night. I told Editor Yang that I also care about the first prize of the Galaxy Award."

Everyone laughed after hearing this.

Then there were mutual introductions, the chairman of the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the chairman of the Writers Association, and leaders of all sizes. Among them was a leader Fang Minghua knew, Zhou Keqin, who was then the vice chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Writers Association - the winner of the last Mao Dun Literature Award, "Xu Maohe" Author of "His Daughters".

In the summer, Xijing Literary College specially invited him to give lectures in Xijing, so Fang Minghua also knew him.

The old and new Mao Dun Literature Prize winners smiled and shook hands with each other, and someone immediately took a camera to capture the scene.

Everyone entered the conference room one after another, and it suddenly became lively. Yang Xiao took the opportunity to invite Ma Shitu to say a few words to everyone. Ma Shitu was not polite. He stood on the podium and gave an impassioned speech, praising this award conference as a new beginning. , which indicates that our science fiction industry in Sichuan Province and even the whole country will reach a new level.

Received warm applause from the audience.

Yang Xiao was just happy down there.

Of course, Yang Xiao also understood that Chairman Ma was not here for the Galaxy Awards Ceremony. Everyone knew this. After Ma Shitu finished speaking, Minghua did not show any pretense and followed a group of leaders to leave the venue and go to the Sichuan Writers Association. building.

On the afternoon of the next day, Fang Minghua was invited to go to Sichuan University. It was held in the auditorium of Sichuan University. The 1200-seat auditorium was packed with seats.

If you come here today, I'm sure it will be published in the newspapers in two days. A group of leaders from the provincial and municipal writers' associations came to the Silver Science Fiction Galaxy Awards venue in person and made enthusiastic speeches.

On the stage, Fang Minghua talked about the concept of literary creation in simple terms and some of his feelings about going to the United States to participate in the international writing program, including the process of going to Chicago to receive the award.

The current director of the Chinese Department of Sichuan University, he smiled and said to Fang Minghua: "Editor Fang, can you come to Sichuan University to give a lecture to the students tomorrow? Tell us about your experience in literary creation and your trip abroad to participate in the international writing program. experiences? Students are very interested in these.”

Before Fang Minghua could speak, Ma Shitu next to him took over: "Editor Fang, please don't refuse. Chairman Zhou was also invited to give a lecture at Sichuan University after winning the Mao Dun Literature Award. Besides, I heard that you have been to Northwest University and Lanzhou University. Several universities, including University of Hong Kong and Xiamen University, have given lectures, so I can’t refuse this time.”

This effect is stronger than advertising.

It’s worth it. Can you usually recruit these leaders from the cultural circles in Sichuan Province?

Originally, Fang Minghua planned to take the train back to Xijing tomorrow, but for this reason he had no choice but to agree.

"Chairman Yang, then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

His name is Yang Mingzhao. Unlike local writers like Zhou Keqin, he is a very famous master of Chinese studies. He is almost 80 this year. He is best known for writing "Wen Xin Diao Long Annotation".

The goal is achieved, enough is enough.

A small impromptu symposium was held in Ma Shitu's conference room in the Writers' Association building, and finally another vice chairman of Sichuan Province extended an invitation to Fang Minghua.

It was obvious that his classmates were very interested in his experience in the United States.

During the lecture, students kept passing small notes from the audience.

“Do Americans like science fiction very much?” “Are Americans very friendly to us?”

"Is America really rich? Is it the legendary paradise?"

"I want to apply to study in the United States, can you help me?"

After Fang Minghua finished speaking, he held the small piece of paper in his hand and said to everyone with a smile: "The students are very enthusiastic and ask a lot of questions. In view of the time limit, I will pick up a few questions that are frequently asked and answer them. "

After speaking, Fang Minghua picked up a piece of paper and read, "Do Americans like science fiction very much?"

"Yes, Americans like science fiction very much, not only literary works, but science fiction movies are produced in Hollywood every year, and they are gradually integrated with mainstream literature. For example, the science fiction movie "Blade Runner" released in the United States in 82 is based on the American Adapted from the 1968 novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by the famous science fiction writer Philip K. Dick."

"In the same year, there was also a science fiction novel "ET" that won multiple Oscars. I know that these films cannot be seen in our country for the time being, but it doesn't matter, everyone will see it one day."

"Also, there are many mainstream literary works that have a lot of science fiction elements, such as Pynchon's "Gravity's Rainbow," Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse-Five," Golding's "Lord of the Flies," Orwell "1984" and so on. These are very classic works, but they are generally not regarded as science fiction novels. Some of these novels have been translated into Chinese, and some are English translations. If you are interested, you can read them."

"Is America really rich? Is it the legendary paradise?"

After Fang Minghua read this note, he looked at the students in the audience with a smile: "Someone once said this: "If you love someone, send him to New York, because that is heaven; if you hate someone, Send him to New York, too, because that’s hell, and everyone can savor it. "

"But what I want to say is, no matter whether the United States is heaven or hell, I suggest that students who go to study abroad should come back after completing their studies. This is your home! To build a strong and wealthy motherland, we need elite students like you! "

"Bah bang bang!" Warm applause came from the auditorium.

"As for this question. I want to apply to study in the United States. Can you help me?"

Fang Minghua picked up another piece of paper: "This student, I'm sorry, I am not a staff member of the U.S. Embassy, ​​nor a study abroad institution, so I can't help you. But if you have excellent literary works, I can help you translate them, and recommend them to Published in the United States!”

"Not long ago, I have recommended a number of avant-garde novels, including "You Have No Choice" by Liu Sola, which will be published in the United States. At the same time, the article "The Wandering Earth" written by Comrade Liu Cixin, who won the first prize in this year's Science Fiction Galaxy Award "Has been published in the American "Fantasy and Science Fiction" magazine!"

"What? Haven't you seen it? Then you should go and read it. It was published in the first issue of this year's Science and Literature."

"Professional paper? Sorry, I can't understand it. You can ask your tutor for help."

"Can martial arts novels be allowed?!"

A boy suddenly stood up from the audience and said loudly.

There was a burst of laughter immediately.

Fang Minghua looked at the boy and said: "Although Americans like to watch our Chinese Kung Fu, they don't like our martial arts novels very much because there are cultural background differences. However, if you write well, you can publish it in the Mainland. , even to Xiangjiang and Taiwan!”

The teachers in the audience smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

No wonder Fang Minghua is so popular among young people. Which author who won the Mao Dun Literature Award would say these words?
(End of this chapter)

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