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Chapter 252 My fiancée’s beautiful photo and name

Chapter 252 My fiancée’s beautiful photo and name

"Cultural soft power refers to the cohesion, vitality, innovation and communication capabilities of a country's culture, as well as the resulting charisma and influence." Fang Minghua explained patiently.

Seeing Zhang Ling's somewhat confused look, Fang Minghua felt that what he was talking about was a bit abstract. After thinking about it, he asked: "For example: when you come to the United States, in addition to experiencing the developed economy and the rich life of the people, what else do you feel in terms of culture? ?”

"I'm sorry, Brother Minghua, I've been here for two days and I haven't felt anything else yet." Zhang Ling felt a little embarrassed.

Yi Shu, who was quietly eating salad beside him, interrupted at this time: "I think Hollywood movies and music have a great influence on Hong Kong. Hong Kong songs are often covers of Japanese, and Japanese music is deeply influenced by European and American music." Influence."

"Yes, this has become a cultural business card for the other party. No matter where you go when it comes to music and film culture, you can't avoid Hollywood. This will invisibly improve the other party's strength."

"Wow, your analysis is so thorough and amazing!" Zhang Ling said.

Fang Minghua smiled and said nothing.

"Then what cultural soft power do you think our country has? Ancient poetry?" Zhang Ling asked again.

"Brother Zhang, what do you think?" Fang Minghua asked Zhang Xianliang this question.

Zhang Xianliang was concentrating on a piece of steak on the plate. After hearing this, he raised his head and said: "Minghua, you are testing me. I think calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting, traditional Chinese medicine, etc., including martial arts, these are all Chinese Traditional Chinese quintessence, foreigners are also very interested in it, and can be regarded as the soft power of our country.

"In that case, Minghua, you should be ready! I heard that there will be a poetry recital later, and it can be used then." Zhang Xianliang said.

"But what I find most attractive is our country's ancient poetry. However, translation is a big problem. Often the charm of our poetry is lost when translated into English."

"Yes, that's him." Fang Minghua smiled.

The other three were surprised when they heard this.

The Book of Songs is indeed beautiful, but it is very difficult to understand. Many Chinese people do not understand it, let alone foreigners.

"Minghua, there is a big problem when talking about the Book of Songs, and that is translation. You must give an example, right? Can Lisa translate that example?" Yi Shu interrupted and expressed his worries.

In fact, Fang Minghua lied.

"Pavant-garde literature originally originated in Europe and the United States. I don't think it's interesting. It's better to talk about our country's own stuff."

"No, "Book of Songs"

"The Book of Songs"? !

"What, are you going to talk about ancient Chinese poetry? Are you not going to talk about avant-garde literature?" Zhang Xianliang heard the meaning of Fang Minghua's words.

When did your English become so good?

Can he translate the Book of Songs? !

"Xu Yuanchong? I've heard that he studied at Southwest Associated University during the Anti-Japanese War. He was known as "one of the five talented students of the Associated University" and ranked first in arts and sciences with Yang Zhenning. "Yishu said: "Last year I was invited to give a lecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and I was fortunate enough to listen to him. "

"Yourself?" Zhang Xianliang was a little doubtful.

"Of course she can't translate it." Fang Minghua smiled and said, "I'll do it myself."

"Yes, but Professor Xu Yuanchong of Yan University has published an English translation of "One Hundred and Fifty Tang Poems". I think the translation is quite good, and I even brought a copy here." Fang Minghua explained.

"Oh, that's it." Fang Minghua explained: "A friend of mine is the girl Li Li I met that day in Yanjing. Her tutor is Xu Yuanchong, a professor at Yanjing University. He has translated sentences in the Book of Songs. Li Li once Let me take a look, and I’m going to learn from it directly.”

"Are you going to talk about Tang poetry or Song poetry?" Zhang Xianliang asked.

Xu Yuanchong did translate the Book of Songs.

It is difficult to translate a poem to be similar in form, but even more difficult in spirit, and it is especially difficult to have both spirit and form; and the highest goal of poetry translation is to have both spirit and form. The "Book of Songs" translated by Mr. Xu Yuanchong has reached a very high level in terms of similarity in spirit and shape, and is the best among the complete translations of the "Book of Songs".

Before coming to this era, Fang Minghua had read his English translation of "The Book of Songs" and was immediately astonished. However, the English translation of "The Book of Songs" seems to have been published only in the 1990s!

Fang Minghua only remembers a few classic songs among them.

But it is enough to cope with a lecture of dozens of minutes.

Now that he has decided, Fang Minghua actively prepares and communicates with Lisa after writing. No matter how good he writes, he still has to rely on the girl to translate it.

Fang Minghua's lecture will be held a week later. He requested it on his own initiative. He will give it after everyone has finished speaking.

It rained in Iowa City today.

The air is fresh, and the red phone booths and green benches on the street are pleasing to the eye. We are still on the second floor of Prairie Light Bookstore.

Only then were there more students than visiting writers.

Fang Minghua stood on the podium and glanced around as a habit. Some of the faces of the students who had been here several times were already familiar. They sometimes held discussions after class, but they couldn't remember their names.

"Girls, gentlemen, classmates, the topic I am talking about today is "The Beauty of Ancient Chinese Poetry", and I will specifically talk about a collection of poems that was circulated in our country more than 2600 years ago, called "The Book of Songs""

More than 2600 years ago?

There were murmurs from the audience below.

The United States did not exist before 2600, and Europe was still in the ancient Greek era, right?

The era of literary and artistic pioneers such as Homer and Solon.

Fang Minghua's words immediately aroused the interest of the students, and everyone looked at him.

Unexpectedly, Fang Minghua did not continue talking but took out a photo from his pocket and said with a smile: "This is a photo of my beautiful fiancée. I keep her with me. When I look at it at night, I feel like she is by my side." Same."

Fang Minghua's words were translated by Lisa, and the students below laughed kindly.

This is really disgusting to say in China, but in the United States, it is really common. The students in the front row were curious to take it and look at the photo.

It's a color photo.

There is a beautiful oriental girl on it, wearing a red dress, with long black hair as smooth as satin, picturesque eyebrows, and a hint of heroism in her beauty.

"Wow, Mr. Fang, your fiancée is so beautiful!" Even Lisa next to her couldn't help but sigh.

"Thank you." Fang Minghua replied and said: "She also has a nice name called Song Tangtang. Minghua wrote three words on the top of the blackboard. Among them, Tangtang comes from a poem in the Book of Songs, called Song Tangtang.

"Cover the Fu Gantang trees, do not cut them or chop them down, Zhao Bo is there to cut them.

Cover the Fu Gantang, don't cut it, don't break it, call the uncle to rest.

Cover the Fu Gantang, don't cut it, don't worship it, as Uncle Zhao said.

"What does it mean? The lovely Gantang tree, don't cut it down! Duke Zhao once slept here. The lovely Gantang tree, don't hurt it! The lovely Gantang tree, Zhao Gong rested here. Don't climb or break the lovely Gantang tree. It! Duke Zhao lived here temporarily."

"The Gantang tree is very beautiful when it blooms. The flowers are white and have the artistic conception of "Tangli frying the snow". And in autumn, "Tangli leaves fall rouge color", and the leaves are crimson, which is another part of them. Characteristics.”

"All these describe the beauty of a woman, just like my girlfriend."

Applause erupted in the conference room again, whether it was for Fang Minghua's wonderful lecture or for the beauty of the Chinese girl named Song Tangtang.

(End of this chapter)

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