Back to 80: My literary life

Chapter 247 246 “It’s hard to say who is number one in the domestic literary world, but no one can c

Chapter 247 246 “It’s hard to say who is number one in the domestic literary world, but no one can compare with you in terms of making money.”

If it were another movie, he wouldn't dare say this.

But "Inception."

After this movie was released, its rich details, intricate narrative and brain-burning plot caused a huge response among domestic movie fans.

In order to understand the plot, especially whether Li Zizi was in a dream or returned to reality at the end, Fang Minghua found the movie and video on the Internet and watched it many times.

The plot is quite familiar, so it was not difficult to write the script.

And it doesn’t have to be exactly the same.

If you agree to something, you should take it seriously. After participating in the exchange activities in the afternoon, Fang Minghua didn't go out for a walk after dinner in the evening, so he stayed in the room and started writing.

What makes Fang Minghua depressed is that he has to write by hand without a computer.

Even if I find a computer, it is full of articles in English and there is no Chinese version, so I can’t use it.

In the evening, Zhang Xianliang came back from a walk and found that Fang Minghua was still writing hard, so he asked curiously.

In the past few days since he came to the United States, Zhang Xianliang also knew that there is a Hollywood in the United States, which is very good at making movies.

According to the IWP project plan, the three-month study and exchange time is mainly divided into three parts. At the beginning, it was mainly about communicating with each other and listening to various courses.

"Just so-so."

The first two items are carried out cross-wise. In the past few days, I have been listening to courses taught by professors at the University of Iowa.

"Brother Zhang, I would like to take a few days off." Fang Minghua said suddenly.

Although it is an English newspaper and many people cannot understand it, it is still learning English.

Zhang Xianliang looked envious when he heard this.

He soon discovered that although Fang Minghua wrote it in Chinese characters, the name of the protagonist in the script, including the narrative style, was completely Westernized.

Zhang Xianliang was the oldest among the three, so before leaving, the Writers Association told him to be the temporary leader of the three-person group.

Fang Minghua fell into madness again.

Fang Minghua nodded after hearing this.

After hearing Fang Minghua's words, Zhang Xianliang was stunned and immediately said: "Okay, anyway, you can go or not for these exchanges."

There are no rules for this, you can go or not.

"You wrote this for a Hollywood director, right?" Zhang Xianliang said.

"Minghua, what are you writing?"

"Script? Let me take a look." Zhang Xianliang went over and picked up the pages he had written and read them carefully.

"Yes, he's a director in Hollywood." He didn't hide anything from Zhang Xianliang, so he simply told Fang Minghua that Ridley Scott approached him about making a movie at noon.


Then there will be lectures. Writers participating in the IWP project will each hold lectures to explain their writing concepts and experiences. Finally, there will be travel inspections. The writers will be divided into several groups to travel to various parts of the United States for inspections and exchanges.

"Minghua, in our domestic literary world, whoever writes the best articles can't be ranked first. But when it comes to who can make the most money, no one can compare with you. I heard that scripts are very valuable in the United States."

"Okay, then you can write well and I won't disturb you." After Zhang Xianliang finished speaking, he picked up a newspaper and sat on the bed to read it.

Without leaving home every day, I can eat at the fast food restaurant nearby, and there are also a lot of instant noodles brought from China.

These days, instant noodles are not completely popular in China, and there are not many varieties. The main ones are Guangdong's San Xian Yi Noodles.

Finally at noon on the fifth day, the script of about 40,000 words was finally completed. Fang Minghua looked at the stack of manuscripts and let out a long sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, it is in Chinese, so I need to find someone to translate it into English.

Lisa forget it. The translation of everyday expressions is okay, but the translation of literary things like this is not so good. Don’t let the translation fail to convey the meaning.

Fang Minghua decided to find the person in charge of the project, Professor Nie Hualing.

After taking a shower and shaving cleanly, the slovenly appearance suddenly disappeared. Looking at myself in the mirror, I returned to my previous handsome appearance.

Fang Minghua was very satisfied and put on a clean T-shirt, put on his backpack, and then went out to find Nie Hualing.

Nie Hualing's home is halfway up a hill by the Iowa River. Fang Minghua went over and saw a bronze plaque at the door with two official scripts written vertically: "An Yu".

This is a relatively large American middle-class house, somewhat old, with a wooden structure and two floors. The tops of the south and west walls are covered with pothos.

Many people in the United States grow this plant, and some shops also grow it. This thing only needs a little soil and a little water, and it can draw out long strips one after another, and continue to produce heart-shaped thick green leaves.

Fang Minghua knocked on the door and saw an old woman wearing a blue silk skirt, it was Nie Hualing.

Seeing that it was Fang Minghua who was coming, Nie Hualing smiled on her face.

"Minghua, I heard from Zhang Xianliang that you have been writing scripts these days?"

"Yes, I have finished writing today and I am here to visit you. Could you please help me?" Fang Minghua said.

"Come in and talk."

Fang Minghua followed Nie Hualing to her living room. He saw several Chinese calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, and newspapers, magazines, and picture albums scattered in a corner of the living room.

"Please sit down, you're welcome here." Nie Hualing said.

You're welcome.

During the training before going abroad, I was told that when entering the United States, you must take off your shoes, you are not allowed to smoke, and you are required to be neat and tidy.

However, Nie Hualing didn't seem to have so many demands, and even took the initiative to hand the "Marlboro" cigarettes on the table to Fang Minghua.

"Thank you, I don't smoke." Fang Minghua declined, handed the manuscript in his backpack to the other party, and stated his purpose.

"Professor Nie, I would like to ask you to translate this script into English, and I will pay you the royalties."

Nie Hualing took the script and didn't speak. Instead, she put on her reading glasses and read it carefully for a while. Then she raised her head and looked at Fang Minghua: "It's very interesting. Leave it here. I'll translate it for you when I'm free."

"Thank you." Fang Minghua couldn't urge you to hurry up. That Ridley Scott is eagerly waiting for the script.

The two chatted for a few more words, and then Fang Minghua said goodbye and left.

Unexpectedly, Nie Hualing was very fast. After only three days, she called him and asked him to pick up the manuscript from his home.

Fang Minghua hurried over, and Nie Hualing handed him a stack of manuscripts and said, "The writing is very interesting. I want the film to be so good that even someone like me who rarely watches this type of film would want to go to the cinema to watch it. "

"Thanks for the encouragement."

Now that the English translation was ready, Fang Minghua didn't hesitate and immediately called Ridley Scott in Los Angeles.

All done.

Ridley Scott was also anxious and flew to Iowa the next day to meet Fang Minghua.

When he was in the room and read the English script once, he suddenly became excited. He looked at Fang Minghua and said: "Mr. Fang, I am willing to buy this script, now!"

Fang Minghua was not in a hurry, and made Scott a cup of cheap Nescafe coffee provided in the hotel, and then said with a smile.

"Mr. Scott, I said, my script is not cheap."

"How many?"

"100 million US dollars, 9% net profit share!"

(End of this chapter)

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