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Chapter 235 Fang Minghua is going abroad

Chapter 235 Fang Minghua is going abroad

This afternoon, Fang Minghua finished his meal and took a nap in his dormitory. He had developed the habit of taking a nap at noon. President Huang called him to his office just after he went to work.

"Xiao Fang, I just received a call from the National Writers Association, sending you to participate in this year's "International Writing Program" at the University of Iowa in the United States for a period of three months. The official notice will be sent later."

Fang Minghua had heard about this project.

The International Writing Program (IWP) at the University of Iowa is a world-renowned international literary exchange program. Its founders, Nie Hualing and Paul Angell, won the Nobel Prize for founding and operating the program. Nominated for the Bell Peace Prize. Founded in the 60s, writers from many countries have visited and studied here.

The year before last, Wang Anyi and her mother Ru Zhijuan participated in this. Later, Bei Dao, Acheng, Mo Yan, Su Tong, Yu Hua and others also participated.

"There are three writers participating in the "International Writing Project" this time. You, Zhang Xianliang from Ningxia, and Zhang Ling, a female writer from Zhejiang Province. You don't have to worry about the procedures for going abroad. Someone will naturally handle it for you."

"When are you going?" Fang Minghua asked.

"The specific departure date is set around June 6, but you have to report to the Yanjing Writers Association for 25 days of pre-abroad training, so you have to arrive in Yanjing before June 20."

Need training?

"Discipline and safety while going abroad, American customs and some legal systems, how to interact after going abroad, pay attention to etiquette, simple spoken language, etc..."

"What is President Huang's main training content?" Fang Minghua asked.

Everyone was envious, and of course Fang Minghua was indispensable for treating him.

Fang Minghua is going abroad!

This is the first person from Yanhe magazine to go abroad.

Oh my God

Fang Minghua was speechless.

"Then it won't take 20 days, right?"

"Also, I will go back to my hometown tomorrow and help buy whatever your uncle wants!"

"This matter is handled on a special basis. According to the relevant documents above, you must train for two months before you can go abroad!"

Dad Fang Changhe was very calm and said that since he went out to study, he should study hard and learn from the advanced experience of other countries. Everyone should communicate with each other and be sure to pay attention to their own image and never embarrass the country.

My mother, Zhang Fenglan, was very excited and walked around the living room.

"You go back, make arrangements for work and family matters, and report to Yanjing!" President Huang said.

"Xiaohua, you are really promising! You can actually go abroad, haha! Yesterday I went to our Tongzi Building to talk to Aunt Liu and the others, and they all praised you. I will go back to my grandma and grandpa's house tomorrow to tell them! They are also happy."

The family was also very happy.

"Of course I'm very happy." Mom replied, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, yesterday Aunt Liu said that those of you who go abroad can bring back the "eight major items", such as color TVs, washing machines, and refrigerators.

"Bring a color TV back to Aunt Liu's house, okay?"

"Mom, as long as you are happy." Fang Minghua said with a smile.

"Oops! I almost forgot something important!" Mom slapped her head: "You and Tangtang are getting married next year, so hurry up and buy some electrical appliances this time! I won't stop you this time, color TVs, refrigerators , Just buy whatever you need for a washing machine! It’s cheap, hahaha.”

Seeing my mother's excitement. Fang Minghua's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.

In these years, government-sponsored overseas students and visiting scholars can not only receive a fixed living allowance while working and studying abroad, but they can also purchase duty-free goods when they return home. The so-called "eight major items" are color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, speakers, four-speaker radios, watches, etc., all of which are imported. You can earn thousands of dollars just from this tax exemption!

It is said that some people who buy "eight major items" order and pay abroad; after returning home, they pick up the goods at the special counter of Yanjing Friendship Store.

People who are more cautious will quietly transport the "eight major items" directly to their homes; some people with a flamboyant personality will first transport the "eight major items" to their work units and then move them home one by one.

Seeing the envious eyes of others makes me feel so proud.

It seems that I am not exempt from vulgarity.

Since he was going on a long trip, of course he wanted to meet his girlfriend Song Tangtang.

In the evening, with the cool breeze blowing, the two of them walked hand in hand in Xincheng Square.

"Tangtang, what do you need? I will bring it back to you from the United States." Fang Minghua asked as he walked.

"I don't need anything." The girl held his hand tightly and said gently, "Minghua, when you go to the United States this time, you must pay attention to safety. I heard that the United States is very chaotic."

"It's messy?"

"Our art troupe once studied a book together. The book tells the story of a man named Wang Yue and his father who went to the United States to join his grandfather. As a result, they were robbed three times after living in New York for six months. Each time, he could not bear to admit that he was unlucky. , he was forced to fight. Normally, Wang Yue would not dare to go out on the street alone... Every time he was robbed, it cast a shadow on Wang Yue's pure heart."

Oops, is there such a book?

"What's the name of this book?" he asked curiously.

""I Love You China"."

This is it

Fang Minghua laughed.

He had heard of this book.

It was a small book published by the People's Publishing House, and the editor was the "Political Department of the Ministry of Public Security." The book contains more than 30 reports about Chinese people's overseas experiences. The theme of these reports can be summed up in one sentence, that is: Only after seeing the West and the world can you know how good the motherland is.

When the country first opened, ordinary people went abroad mainly for business trips or to stay with relatives. They thought that the West was full of wealth and endless enjoyment, but when they arrived, they discovered that the real situation was completely different from what they thought, so they returned home one after another.

There are many examples in the book, all with names and surnames, of inhumane overseas relatives who made themselves work in restaurants to the point of exhaustion. Public security overseas is extremely poor, and robbers are often encountered. Overseas work is tiring, taxes are high, and actual wages are not enough...

In addition to the above content, at the end of the book "I Love You China", there are also some praises of China from foreign friends.

Fang Minghua now thinks that this book describes the various difficulties and problems that Chinese people encounter when going overseas, especially in capitalist developed countries, but it is just a bit exaggerated. Of course, it is to meet the needs of propaganda.

However, in today’s turbulent trend of going abroad, how effective can such a book be?

After listening to Song Tangtang's words, Fang Minghua said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will pay attention to safety. Actually, Tangtang, I think the United States is not as bad as they say, but it is not as bad as some people say it is paradise." Fang Minghua said with a smile.

"Someone once said this: "If you love someone, send him to New York, because that is heaven; if you hate someone, send him to New York, because that is hell. "

Song Tangtang listened quietly and said nothing.

After a while, she said: "Minghua, since you are participating in the "International Writing Project" this time, I suggest that you take the essence of the book you wrote that was published in Guangming Daily not long ago and let Lili translate it into Bring the English translation with you, maybe it will come in handy."

"I think so too, but I feel a little guilty for always troublesome her, and she doesn't want to pay her for translation." Fang Minghua sighed.

After hearing this, Song Tangtang glanced at him and didn't say anything, just sighed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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