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Chapter 231 Su Tong’s realization

Chapter 231 Su Tong’s realization

At this time, Su Tong had returned to the guest house, sitting on the bedside and carefully reading the notes he had taken in the afternoon. Some of what Fang Minghua said needed to be pondered over and digested slowly.

"Little boy, what are you looking at?" Editor Zhou, who was sitting on the bed opposite and washing his feet, asked curiously.

"I went to Northwest University this afternoon and happened to meet Minghua, deputy editor-in-chief of Yanhe magazine, who was giving a lecture to students from Xijing College of Literature. I went in and listened for a while. The lecture was about avant-garde literature. I was very shocked!" Su Tong replied.

"Oh, let me see?"

Editor Zhou took the notebook handed over by Su Tong and started reading it.

He didn't look at it for a few minutes before returning it to the other party.

"What are avant-garde literature and existentialism? They are just piled up with a lot of new terms to deceive you college students who have just left school. How to write a novel? The Mao Dun Literary Award and the winning works of outstanding short and medium novels over the years are examples! Overseas, Su Russian literature is a role model!”

"He's trying to be mysterious!" Editor Zhou's tone was a little sarcastic.

Su Tong opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

In the past few months in the editorial department, he had a vague feeling that not only Editor Zhou, but also the editor-in-chief also had this attitude towards several popular novels in the literary world this year.

How can this work?

Times are moving forward. Look, Yanhe magazine, which has always been known for its tradition and conservatism, is striving for change. But Zhongshan, an open-minded magazine located on the southeast coast, is still so stubborn?

If this continues, will there be any problems?


In fact, just as Su Tong was worried, "Zhongshan" magazine gradually fell behind in this wave of avant-garde literature starting in 85. It was not until the end of the s that "Zhongshan" magazine woke up and caught up, creating content for contemporary literature. The last hot spot - New Realism - was introduced, and a group of new writers such as Liu Zhenyun, Fang Fang and Chi Li were introduced, and they began to squeeze into the first square of periodicals and magazines again.

Of course, for the now young Su Tong, what he considers is not these, but his own writing.

It was late at night, and Su Tong lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. He thought about what Fang Minghua said during the day: "The writer explores the inner world and delicately depicts dreams and mysterious and abstract momentary worlds. His techniques widely use hints, metaphors, symbols, and associations. Imagery, synaesthesia and perceptualization to explore the characters’ inner mysteries and the flow of consciousness.”

He thought quietly, and then thought of the hometown where he once lived and his boyhood.

A narrow old southern street, a green mulberry garden, a group of southern teenagers in their puberty, some young lives moldy and rotting in the humid air, a group of twisted souls wandering on the bluestone road...

Slowly, bits and pieces of real boyhood, which seemed to be unrelated stories, were actually well expressed using the writing skills mentioned by Fang Minghua.

Su Tong's eyes widened, looking at the window that revealed a little light in the darkness, and a story slowly formed in his mind.

Its daybreak.

Editor Zhou had already dressed and got up, but Su Tong lay motionless in bed.

He felt tired but excited.

A novel took shape in his mind.

This is a story about the first love of a boy and a girl. It takes place near the Mulberry Garden. Let's call it "Memories of the Mulberry Garden".

Su Tong thought.

Fang Minghua didn't know that Su Tong, whom he met by chance yesterday, had already completed his first real novel "Memorial of the Mulberry Garden" in an unknown small hotel in the same city, and thus established his unique "Toon Tree Street" novel series.

The next morning, I rode my bicycle to work as usual. Not long after I stayed in the office, I received a call from President Huang.

"Xiao Fang, come to my office now. I have something to ask you."


Fang Minghua hung up the phone, went to President Huang's office on the third floor, knocked on the door and went in. There was a middle-aged man sitting inside.

Ha, old acquaintance.

Fang Minghua recognized it at a glance.

"Guangming Daily" reporter Li Wei!

I once interviewed him twice at the Yanjing Award Ceremony for Outstanding Short and Medium Stories. "Xiao Fang, let me introduce to you. This is Comrade Li Wei, the head of the Guangming Daily reporter station in Qin Province. This is Comrade Fang Minghua."

"President Huang, you don't need an introduction, we have known each other for a long time." Fang Minghua took the initiative to extend his right hand: "Director Li, you were still interviewing in Yanjing in March, and now you are transferred to Xijing?"

"Yes. I was transferred last month. Chief Editor Fang interviewed you in Yanjing in March, and now you are in Xijing. Are we destined to be together?"

"Yes, it is fate."

After saying that, both of them laughed.

After a few brief greetings, we got down to business.

"Editor Fang, I am very interested in the content of your lecture in the West Auditorium yesterday afternoon. I would like to publish it in the literary theory column of our newspaper and seek your opinion."

"I personally have no objections, but this book has been handed over to the "Qin Province People's Publishing House" for publication. I still need to contact them."

"Don't worry, I will contact them. It is impossible for our newspaper to publish the full text. You can compress it and take the essence. Keep the word count at about 5000 words."

Of course Fang Minghua has no problem with it being published earlier.

Not to mention the very authoritative Guangming Daily?

Soon, an article titled "Contemporary Avant-Garde Literary Thoughts and Future Prospects (Condensed Version)" appeared in Guangming Daily.

This is the first time that the contemporary literary world has systematically elaborated on the characteristics, writing techniques and development trends of avant-garde literature, and it immediately caused a huge wave in the literary and theoretical circles.

“Pavant-garde literature is not about reproducing life or imitating life, but about the writer’s self-expression, using artistic imagination to create objectivity, and reproducing the objectivity to express the subject.”

"Non-linear narrative, multiple narratives, stream of consciousness and other techniques present the storyline and the inner world of the characters in a more complex and innovative way."

"Focus on the use of language to pursue the artistry and expressiveness of language, and use new language styles, new vocabulary and grammatical rules to be more concise, vivid and expressive."

These bold arguments undoubtedly subvert the traditional literary models inherent in the minds of readers and writers and impact people's thinking.

Yanjing, the family building of the Central Conservatory of Music.

Liu Sola hasn't gone to school for a while.

It’s not that I don’t want to go, it’s that I don’t dare to go.

The reason is the article "You Have No Choice" published in "People's Literature"

The publication of this novel caused a shock in the literary world, but it also caused endless trouble to her.

"Is this a novel? You should call this a joke!"

"Does your novel have a protagonist? I only see a group of crazy students."

“Without a frame of events, no past, no future, only the flowing present and the current psychological flow, is this still a complete novel?”

In the face of various accusations, Liu Sola once defended himself, but his defense was feeble.

Who wants to listen to a little-known music teacher?

What's more, Liu Sola is also exploring this writing technique itself.

right? Still wrong?

Now she is suffering from deep self-doubt.

But today, seeing this article published in Guangming Daily is like taking a reassurance.

This is correct.

Minghua said so.

"Guangming Daily" published this.

(End of this chapter)

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