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Chapter 217 Secondment

Chapter 217 Secondment

"Brother Wu, why are you free to come here today?" Fang Minghua stood up and greeted with a smile, and poured him another cup of hot tea.

"I saw in Guangming Daily that your novel won this year's Outstanding Novella Award. Congratulations." Wu Tianmin sat down on the sofa and replied with a smile.

"Ha, just such a small thing? I don't believe it, Brother Wu, this is not your style. You are a very busy man now."

"Haha, there is something else." Wu Tianmin took a sip of tea and said: "Before the Spring Festival, when we are not having dinner together, you promised to write a script for Zhang Yimou, the photographer of Guangxi Film Factory?"

"Yes, I gave him the script before the Chinese New Year. What happened?"

"Can you let me see it?"

"Okay." Fang Minghua took out the script from the drawer. Pass it to Wu Tianmin.

It's great to have a computer. You can print several copies at a time without having to copy them by hand.

Wu Tianmin took the script and read it carefully. After a while, he raised his head and said, "To tell you the truth, Zhang Yimou called me two days ago and said that Director Wei of their factory has been transferred and the new Director Gao has been appointed. Don’t let him film this script.”

"Oh, I know about this." Fang Minghua replied with a smile: "Zhang Yimou called me to explain the situation and wanted to return the script to me. I told him to find a solution with you."

"No wonder." Wu Tianmin suddenly asked again, astonished.

"Minghua, do you think Zhang Yimou can film this script well?"

"I think he's okay, otherwise I wouldn't have given this script to him." Fang Minghua said simply.

"Haha, you have more confidence in him than I do. Well, I'm leaving! By the way, lend me this script of yours." Wu Tianmin stood up after saying this.

"No problem, let's have some tea before we go. My tea is the newly launched Longjing tea this year!" Fang Minghua enthusiastically persuaded him to stay.

"I want to have a good drink, but there are so many things going on in the factory that my ass is on fire and I can't sit down at all. I'll treat you to a drink when I'm free!"

"Forget it, let's drink tea."

"Okay, let's have tea. Goodbye!" Wu Tianmin grabbed his briefcase and left.

"Goodbye, walk slowly!"

After seeing Wu Tianmin off, Fang Minghua returned to the office to ponder things.

Wu Tianmin personally went there to read the script. Of course it was not a whim. He must have thought of some way.

Could it be that Zhang Yimou was seconded to Xiying Film Studio to film this script?


Sure enough, when Wu Tianmin returned to the factory, he held a meeting of factory leaders and made a surprising suggestion:

"Second a photographer named Zhang Yimou from the Guangxi Film Factory to shoot the script of this movie called "No one can be left behind"!"

"You've all circulated the script, how's it going?" Wu Tianmin asked.

"Of course the script written by Minghua is not bad. The problem is how to find someone from Guiying to film it? Isn't it good for our Xiying Studio to direct and film it ourselves?"

Someone offers their opinion.

It’s deputy director Liu Jianzhong.

In fact, it was not Wu Tianmin but Liu Jianzhong who was selected as the director of Xiying Film Studio.

Wu Tianmin was only the deputy director of the factory, but when the organization sent someone to ask for his opinion, he raised objections:

"I don't want to do the job of deputy director. Either let me be the director, or I will be an ordinary director."

The leaders sent by the organization also admired Wu Tianmin's courage, but said that this was not in line with the promotion and employment procedures, and some people would have objections.

"Then let's vote by public opinion. Whoever is elected will be the factory director, and others will have nothing to say."

As a result, Wu Tianmin was elected director of Xiying Film Studio with an absolute majority of votes, and Liu Jianzhong had to settle for deputy director.

The conflict between the two is almost public, so everyone is not surprised.

Wu Tianmin seemed to have expected Liu Jianzhong's objections. He glanced at the other person and explained: "This is written specifically for Zhang Yimou by the writer Minghua."


Everyone gasped. The famous Minghua actually wrote a script for an unknown person, and this person was a photographer himself!

"There are no problems with the script now. Let me talk about Zhang Yimou again. Everyone has seen the two movies "One and Eight" and "Yellow Earth"."

Wu Tianmin looked around and continued: "Especially in "Yellow Earth", Zhang Yimou used a lot of long shots to freeze the distance in the film, which was very successful. This film has been shortlisted for this year's Best Cinematography Award, and it is very likely to win."

"But, Director Wu, this only shows that Zhang Yi is an excellent photographer. He is not a director, has never studied director theory, and has never filmed." Director Liu continued to object.

"Yes. He has never filmed, but you are wrong to say that he has never taken a directing theory course. He took all directing courses by himself when he was in school at Yandian University." Wu Tianmin retorted.

"As for those who have never made a film before, don't they all have their first time as a director? This "No One Left Behind" is Zhang Yimou's first time!"

Everyone can see this.

Wu Tianmin was determined to let this man named Zhang film this movie.

"I still object!"

Director Liu showed no sign of weakness.

"You can have reservations. The factory director's responsibility system is implemented now. I will be responsible for any problems! Adjourn the meeting!" After Wu Tianmin said that, he stood up and turned around to leave, leaving a few people looking at each other. Factory Director Liu looked even more angry. livid.

Soon, Xi Film Studio sent a written consultation letter in the name of the company to Guangxi Film Factory, hoping to second Zhang Yimou to work at Xi Film Studio for a period of time to prepare to assist in the filming of a movie.

The discussion letter was quickly placed on the desk of Director Gao of Guizhou Film Factory.

At this time, Director Gao was drinking the Liubao tea given by his friend.

Liubao tea is a specialty of Guangxi Province. It belongs to the dark tea series. It has a rich red color, rich aroma and sweet and delicious taste.

Factory Director Gao has no other hobbies but this one.

While I was enjoying my drink, I saw a letter of discussion brought over by the secretary of the factory office.


What a joy.

Someone actually wants to second Zhang Yimou?

He immediately took out his pen and wrote on the negotiation letter: "Agree!"

Get rid of this troublesome thorn quickly.

If it weren't for them, how could Director Wei be forced to pack up and leave?

But if Director Wei doesn’t leave, he won’t be able to be the director, right?

So, do you still want to thank Zhang Yimou?

Director Gao was drinking tea and thinking to himself.

Zhang Yimou really didn't expect that Wu Tianmin would second him to Xiying Studio.

Although the discussion letter was very vague and said it was just to assist in the production of a movie, he knew.

Just go and shoot "No One Left Behind"!

It was a joy that fell from heaven.

Zhang Yimou couldn't help humming Qin opera while holding the letter of discussion approved by the factory director.

The horse hit his front hooves into the pit,

Zhao Yun holds a real dragon in his arms.

First, the young master is blessed with great blessings;

Secondly, the last general is skilled in martial arts.

Qin Opera "Changban Slope".

Taking the secondment letter from the factory office, Zhang Yimou rushed to his office excitedly. Suddenly he thought of something.


I already sent the script back to Minghua in Xijing yesterday!

(End of this chapter)

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