Back to 80: My literary life

Chapter 215 Chapter 214 "Jiang Ziya sits firmly on Diaoyutai"

Chapter 215 Chapter 214 "Jiang Ziya sits firmly on Diaoyutai"

The two stopped talking, and Fang Minghua asked: "Red Army, are all your friends below gone?"

"Let's go. We are all leaders. We have to go to work and some have to rush to meetings." Zhao Hongjun replied: "You took a look around, how do you feel?"

“It’s pretty good, it feels like a regular company.”

"Hehe. I specialize in the management model of Xiangjiang Company and feel that it is more advanced than mainland companies. I am ready to imitate them."

"That's fine, but it has to be adapted to local conditions."

"I know, Minghua, come over and take a look at our published books."

Fang Minghua greeted Song Tangtang and followed Zhao Hongjun to his office.


The general manager's office is indeed very impressive.

Not only is the room larger, it also has a boss table that is rare in mainland China in this era!

There is also a large bookcase at the back, with rows of books neatly arranged inside.

Fang Minghua took a closer look out of curiosity.

They are not martial arts romances, but they are all Chinese and foreign classics!

Stendhal's "The Red and the Black", Hugo's "Les Misérables", Garcír Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude". There are also domestic Cao Xueqin's "A Dream of Red Mansions" and "Selected Works of Lu Xun". Fang Minghua's "Enter Guandong" and "The Legend of Wukong" ” is also included!

"It's just a facade. We can't just let others say that we just sell martial arts novels." Zhao Hongjun smiled.

"But I am also very knowledgeable about martial arts novels. Look at these." Zhao Hongjun said, pointing to the top row of books.

"History of Chinese Martial Arts", "The Mystery of Jin Yong's Novels" and "Appreciation of Chinese Public Case Martial Arts Novels" published by Shanghai Sanlian Publishing House.

Don't tell me, Fang Minghua has never heard of it.

"Have you seen it?" Fang Minghua asked curiously.

"No. Is there anything good to read? As long as you finish publishing the novels of Jin Yong and Gu Long, you can make enough money from martial arts novels. Why do you need to study them?"

What the hell!

The words are rough and the rationale is not rough.

"How about I give you an office? The conditions are definitely better than your office at the magazine!" Zhao Hongjun said.

Fang Minghua refused.

"I have said that I am only a shareholder and not involved in the actual operations. It is useless to make these false claims."

"Okay, you'll just stay in the background."

"Hey, Red Army, I see you asked Editor Jin to translate "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?" Fang Minghua asked again, thinking of the scene he just saw.

"Yes, I asked them to translate the two books "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of Heaven and Sword of the Dragon" into simplified Chinese versions first, and make preparations first. After I finish my work for a while, I plan to go to Huacheng again and work with New Century Publishing House Let’s talk and get two more ISBNs to prepare for a rainy day.”

Zhao Hongjun said something, and then took out three books from the drawer with great interest and put them on the table.

"Look at the books we published."

Fang Minghua took a copy and flipped through it. Compared with the original Hong Kong version, it lacked many character illustrations and looked much drab. This was of course a cost saving, but the printing quality was not bad.

The words "Published by Guangdong New Century Publishing House" are written on the last page of the book.

"The person I contacted was our Xijing No. 1 Printing Factory. I know their factory director, and they said they would give us priority in printing. The 300,000 sets of books can be completed in half a month."

"What about the sales channels of Xinhua Bookstore?" Fang Minghua asked with concern.

"At this stage, we can't fully blossom, we can only focus on breakthroughs, mainly in three regions:" Guangdong Province, Yanjing and our Qin Province! "Zhao Hongjun looked confident.

"Momada of Qin Province, the general manager of Xinhua Bookstore of Qin Province, I have known each other since we were in the Planning Commission. We have already agreed that the Xinhua Bookstore system in the province will have 5 advanced units, and the key sales area will be in Xijing."

"As for Guangdong Province, my brother-in-law helped and said that 6 sets can be shipped there, focusing on Xinhua Bookstore."

"The business there is relatively lively. Not only does Xinhua Bookstore but also other private channels sell, for example, there is a bookstore called Baoshan Bookstore in Shangxiajiu, Huacheng. They have started selling books, but the scale is relatively small and can be ignored at this stage."

Fang Minghua nodded after hearing this. It seemed that Zhao Hongjun had still worked hard.

"The focus now is on Yanjing. I went to Yanjing for a meeting before the Spring Festival. I met a deputy general manager named Ye from Xinhua Bookstore in the city through a friend, and we even had dinner together. Some time ago, I called him specifically to see if he could sell our books. , he promised at least 3 units, and 14 units were secured, so I was relieved."

Zhao Hongjun explained with a smile.

At this moment, the phone on the boss's desk rang. Zhao Hongjun grabbed the phone and said, "I am Zhao Hongjun from Shengshi Book Publishing Company. Who are you?"

"General Manager Ye, hello, hello."

"What? No? The competent authority doesn't agree? Didn't you agree to it not long ago?"

"Forget it, no more, goodbye." Zhao Hongjun hung up the phone and his face turned ugly.

"What's wrong? Isn't it okay at Yanjing?" Fang Minghua asked with concern.

"Mr. Ye said that the leaders of the Municipal Cultural Bureau did not agree with them selling martial arts books." Zhao Hongjun explained and then cursed:

"Fuck! When I was drinking Laozi Moutai in Yanjing, my chest was so loud that I said it would be all on him, but at the critical moment I gave up. Why did I take on this porcelain job if I didn't have diamonds?!"

"Okay, okay, that's how business is done." Fang Minghua comforted him and then asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Tomorrow I will take someone with me to Yanjing, carrying grenades and shell guns to blast a way out!"

Fang Minghua knew that the so-called "hand grenades" and "shell guns" that Zhao Hongjun talked about were actually famous wines and cigarettes.

He smiled and said: "Actually, I don't think the Red Army should bother you so much. I suggest you sit firmly on the Diaoyutai like Jiang Ziya did."

"What do you mean?"

"It won't be long before you're not looking for them, but they are looking for you, scrambling to get into your books."

"Really?" Zhao Hongjun was dubious.

"You don't believe it? Look at this news." Fang Minghua conjured a newspaper from the briefcase he was carrying and handed it to him.

It’s an old Shenzhen Daily!

A piece of news reported above may seem inconspicuous, but in Zhao Hongjun’s eyes it was no less than thunder!

It turns out that at a national city TV program exhibition held in Shenzhen not long ago, the organizer invited local TV stations across the country except CCTV and provincial stations to watch the Hong Kong film and television drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Just two episodes made the participants "can't help themselves". In the end, the show was jointly introduced by multiple TV stations to share the cost, and the master tape was copied by Nanjing TV Station.

"Haha, if this is true, I will really be sitting on the Diaoyutai!"

"It should have been like this a long time ago." Fang Minghua smiled slightly.

On March 3, Nanjing TV Station began to broadcast "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", marking the first shot of mainland costume martial arts dramas.

Immediately afterwards, TV stations in major provincial capital cities such as Xijing, Hangzhou and Wuhan started broadcasting.

What followed was a sharp increase in sales of the original work.

(End of this chapter)

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