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Chapter 204 Bai Miao’s vision

Chapter 204 Bai Miao’s vision

At the meeting, Li Tianfang listened carefully to the various theories of the representatives, which really broadened her horizons.

"Everyone should plow their own land, not the land plowed by others", advocating "change the wording, change the idea, change the way of writing",

Create your own independent art world and welcome "the arrival of the novel's pluralistic state" with open arms, which is "a vital expression of socialist literature."

“Diversity” became the most common topic at this meeting.

Li Tianfang was very inspired.

Of course I think so as a writer, but as a magazine editor you have to consider the actual situation.

For example, the novel in front of me is incompatible with the magazine's style.

She pondered for a moment and said: "Minghua, I know that you have vigorously promoted avant-garde writing in the past two years. Personally, I am inclined to publish this novel, but." Li Tianfang emphasized: "We still have to let Editor Zhang Take a look."

Fang Minghua was stunned for a moment, but still said: "Okay, let Editor Zhang check it."

As the editor-in-chief of the editorial department of "Yanhe" magazine, Zhang Pixiang has been in a semi-retired state for the past two years and is not very busy.

Basically, the three deputy editors each take care of their own piece of land, and the deputy editor will take the initiative to let him read the articles that he is not sure about.

Such as today.

Li Tianfang took the manuscript to Zhang Pixiang, and Fang Minghua sighed softly.

With Editor Zhang’s stability-seeking mentality, this manuscript may not work in the end.

Sure enough, the next afternoon Li Tianfang came to Fang Minghua with the manuscript and apologized to Editor Zhang for not passing it. The content of this novel was quite absurd and did not conform to the style of Yanhe magazine.

"I'm sorry, Minghua." Li Tianfang apologized.

"It's ok."

If I were in the novel group, I would still argue with reason, but now that I am in the poetry group, no one will be happy if I meddle too much.

Let time tell everything.

After Li Tianfang left, Fang Minghua took out the stationery in the drawer and wrote a reply to Liu Sola. The letter said that I personally felt that the novel was well written, but it did not fit the style of "Yanhe" magazine. The relevant leaders thought after reading it Not quite appropriate. "

"Comrade Liu Sola, I suggest you find another magazine to submit your article to." Fang Minghua wrote, then paused: "You can submit to "People's Literature". Chairman Wang Meng is now the editor-in-chief. He appreciates avant-garde novels very much."


After the letter was written, Fang Minghua rode to the post office along with the original manuscript and mailed it.

Soon after, this novel appeared in the 1985 issue 3 of "People's Literature" and caused a sensation.

On the afternoon of the next day after Fang Minghua returned Liu Sola's manuscript, Bai Miao got into Fang Minghua's office.

"Brother Bai, I haven't published any novels recently, so I can't treat you to a guest." Fang Minghua said in a joking tone.

"Look at what you said. It seems that I am looking for you just to treat you?" Bai Miao retorted, sat down opposite him and asked: "Minghua, the novel you showed Editor Li, "You Have No Choice" Woolen cloth?"

"Go back."

"Go back? Why did you go back?"

"Sister Li said that it can't be published if it doesn't pass the review by Editor Zhang. We can't hold it here, right?" Fang Minghua asked rhetorically.

"What a good novel." Bai Miao sighed after hearing this.

"Did you watch it too?"

"Well, Team Leader Li brought it to me the day before yesterday. I thought it was very good and suggested that she publish it immediately, but she insisted on letting Editor Zhang take a look. This is good, but it was a mistake!"

"It seems that you also appreciate this kind of novels." Fang Minghua said with a smile. "Yes, Minghua, I feel it now."

"What do you feel?" Fang Minghua picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"The literary world is about to change! The so-called scar literature in the past is no longer popular! And traditional realist writing techniques will also become obsolete! Modernist works that will be popular in the future! Stream of consciousness, magical realism, and root-seeking literature are all the rage! Minghua, In this regard, you are a revolutionary pioneer!"

When he heard the word "revolutionary pioneer", Fang Minghua almost spit out the tea he drank in his mouth.

"Brother Bai, looking at your words, it seems that I have already been righteous."

"Just kidding, I mean the stream-of-consciousness writing you advocated two years ago has finally been recognized by the literary world and has a large number of followers."

Fang Minghua smiled slightly and said nothing.

"So, I think our Yanhe magazine should also keep up with the trend of the times and vigorously publish some avant-garde works!" Bai Miao continued.

"That's a matter for your novel group and has nothing to do with our poetry group." Fang Minghua said leisurely.

"Hey, Sister Li is a very nice person and easy-going, but she is a bit timid and doesn't have many opinions. If it were me, I would publish it in the latest issue immediately!"

Fang Minghua did not answer the call.

If it is not conducive to unity, it is best not to say it.

"Minghua, have you read the latest notice about domestic journals recently issued by the state?" Bai Miao suddenly changed the topic.

"Is this what you are talking about?" Fang Minghua took out a newspaper "Guangming Daily" from the drawer with an announcement on the front page.

"Notice of the State Council on the implementation of self-financing and responsibility for periodical publishing"!

"Yes, that's it."

This was released on December 84, 12. The main content is to promote various journals to improve quality, strengthen management, improve operations, and implement self-financing to adapt to the requirements of the four modernizations and economic reform.

The most important point is: "Literary and art periodicals run by administrative offices, cities, and counties below the provincial, autonomous region, and municipality level are not allowed to be subsidized with administrative fees!"

In other words, municipal publications will have to find their own food starting from January 1st, and the state will no longer provide financial subsidies!

"Although our "Yanhe" is a national-level publication, I think subsidies will be gradually reduced in the future. This is the general trend of reform, so we must find ways to continue to expand the magazine's sales! If you don't follow the times, how can readers Buy it?!”

Well, that makes sense.

This Bai Miao is very independent and has good vision. No wonder he will become the vice president of Lu Academy in the future.

Fang Minghua thought in his heart and said with a smile: "Brother Bai, I might as well let you be the editor-in-chief of the magazine. Let's do a great job!"

"Me? Forget it? You don't have a good mass base, but I think you're good! You're smart, you can both write and speak, so you might as well be the one!"

"No, no, Brother Bai, please stop joking. Some people are opposed to me being the deputy editor. Fortunately, the poetry group is not so important and it is not your novel group. Are you digging a hole for me again?"

"So what if you object? Aren't you still doing your job well?" Bai Miao leaned forward and said in a low voice: "According to internal information, Editor Zhang will retire next year, no, it has already passed the solar year, it should be at the end of this year. "

"Is this still inside information? An open secret! I'm old enough!" Fang Minghua laughed.

"Listen to me, we are reforming from top to bottom, engaging in contracting, and engaging in elections! In the future, our magazine may elect the editor-in-chief! We must be responsible for our own profits and losses!"

"is it?"

Fang Minghua doesn't know much about the history of "Yanhe".

"Let me tell you, if you are involved in elections, I recommend you to be the editor-in-chief!"

(End of this chapter)

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