Back to 80: My literary life

Chapter 197 Give away a computer

Chapter 197 Give a computer as a gift

Naturally, Yamamoto didn't know that the Chinese writer was ready to "trick" him. In the afternoon of the next day, he rushed to the teahouse as scheduled.

Fang Minghua was already waiting at the teahouse, with a thick stack of photocopied manuscripts in his schoolbag.

The original copy and English translation of "Poetry Cloud" have been sent to Science Literature and Art and Sun Lizhe in the United States respectively.

These days, photocopying is still a rarity. There are no photocopiers in the streets or even in ordinary units. It was still up to Song Tangtang's grandfather to find a photocopier in the General Political Bureau to copy the 30-page manuscript.

The total royalties for the four science fiction novels and the subsequent royalties contract totaled 150000 yen and 7500 yuan.

The Japanese translation of the long science fiction novel Fang Minghua will write in the future must be distributed by Kodansha, and there is also the issue of royalties on the royalties.

At the same time, in order to encourage authors to write, Kodansha is willing to provide Fang Minghua with a computer with Chinese processing capabilities free of charge.

After the matter was settled, Fang Minghua sent the English translation of "Shiyun" to Sun Lizhe in the United States. After visiting Wang Meng, he took the train back to Xijing that night.

A week later, Fang Minghua received a box consigned from the Yanjing train:

The Great Wall 100/ DJS-0520A, which has just been put into mass production in China, comes with a printer.

When this computer was placed on the desk in Fang Minghua's bedroom, the whole family gathered around it and praised it, including of course Song Tangtang who came specially from home.

"Brother, the debugging is done." My sister Fang Mingli sat in front of the computer and watched the English letters on the screen that kept jumping. After the letters CC-DOS finally appeared, the girl excitedly said to her brother.

"Thank you."

Thanks to a sister who majored in computer science, Fang Minghua would not have been able to handle the tedious installation process by himself.

"Xiaohua, is this thing worth 3 yuan?!" Zhang Fenglian, the mother, looked at the computer in disbelief.

Thirty thousand yuan

Now you can buy several sets of commercial housing in Xijing!

Who in their right mind would buy this thing?

"Mom, you don't understand!" Fang Mingli defended: "Brother's computer is the latest configuration, and it is more advanced than the computers used in our laboratory!"

"10M hard drive, 256K memory, 8-inch monitor, this configuration exceeds IBM PC and NEC 980! Brother, this Japanese editor treats you well." Fang Mingli said with a smile.

It's not bad.

But it cost 30,000 yuan to buy this thing. If Fang Minghua was asked to pay for it himself, he wouldn't pay it to death. Wouldn't it be nice to buy a very good courtyard house in Yanjing?

Of course it doesn't matter if it was given by someone else.

"Brother, can you let me use your computer, okay?" The girl started to act coquettishly towards Fang Minghua.

I'm so greedy to see such a good thing.

"No problem." Fang Minghua agreed.

To be honest, if it weren't for coding, he wouldn't even have the desire to turn on the phone. He is really too backward.

Fang Minghua's parents and sister talked for a while and then left the room, leaving only Fang Minghua and Song Tangtang.

The girl also looked at the computer curiously.

"What, you want to learn?"

"Yeah!" Song Tangtang nodded.

"Okay. Let's start from this table together." Fang Minghua picked up a table with "Wubi font root table" written on it.

Looking at the root word above, Fang Minghua felt a pain.

The fact that Fang Minghua's family had a computer somehow spread to the magazine, and a lot of editors immediately came to visit. Even Jia Pingwa and Chen Zhongshi came here because they knew it, and they felt fresh about it.

Jia Pingwa couldn't put it down. She sat on the computer keyboard and typed out a few Chinese characters clumsily according to Fang Minghua's instructions.

"that's it?"

"Yes, although it is a little troublesome to memorize the five strokes at first, once you memorize it, the typing speed will be very fast. What's more convenient is that it is very easy to modify the article." Fang Minghua explained.

Both of them nodded after hearing this, what a good thing.

But the price per tin is 3 yuan!

It's simply an astronomical number. "Although it is expensive now, I think the price will come down soon in the future, and computer writing will become mainstream."

"But I still like to use a pen, and I feel the words I write." Chen Zhongshi was smoking a cigar, looking at the neat Chinese characters on the screen, and suddenly a sentence came out.

"Zhongshi, you don't accept modern civilization!" Jia Pingwa bluntly criticized: "Minghua, when you have time, teach me how to operate a computer? I will buy one in the future."

"No problem." Fang Minghua agreed.

Fang Minghua fell into a hard coding life.

Since I agreed to Yamamoto, took his computer, and signed the contract, I must act in accordance with the contract.

Of course, how you write it is your own business.

According to Yamamoto's request, they plan to serialize it every week in their "Weekly Young Magazine", with the word count being about 5000 words each time, which means writing 5-6 words per week.

This novel will also be serialized in the domestic "Science Fiction Literature and Art". Since it is a monthly magazine, it has about 20000 words per month, which is equivalent to a novella.

So for Fang Minghua, it's not a big deal at all. Of course, he needs to code more.

Jin He Zai's science fiction novel only has more than 20 words. It is said to be the first part of "Future Empire". In fact, it is Eunuch. Fang Minghua plans to write a million words according to his own idea and start it.

This is not too difficult for someone who has read N science fiction movies, novels and online articles before coming to this era.

It’s not about preparing for the Mao Dun Prize. It just needs to be written with passion, passion, and excitement. Of course, it should also draw lessons from serious literature to portray the characters.

Lu Boyan, Zhou Gongjin, Zhang Yide, and the Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty

Fang Minghua wrote the first part of about 20000 words quickly. After some modifications on the computer, he printed out two copies. One was sent to Kodansha in Japan and the other to "Science and Literature".

How many roads will I walk,

How many mountains will I conquer in search of myself,

How many times will I fail,

How many times will I start over,

And does it all make sense?

I will wait patiently, I prepare myself,

That journey to my dreams and hopes.

Don't burn yourself out,

My stars, please wait for me.

When Yang Xiao received this manuscript, she couldn't help but smile.

This Fang Minghua, the introduction to the novel is actually a poem!

The science fiction novel "Poetry Cloud" published in the last issue is a science fiction piece written with poetry as the theme, and it has won a lot of praise.

The novel begins with a poem.

What a poetry editor.

Poetry is poetry.

Later I will write a preface or something to give readers a brief introduction.

Previously, Fang Minghua had told her the setting and story outline of this science fiction novel in detail on the phone, but after receiving the manuscript today, she was still stunned by the author's unconstrained ideas.

Gene replicas, nuclear fusion satellites, Ares mechas, and the super space battleship called "One Billion Light Years".

What made Yang Xiao even more dizzy was, imagine this:

The man named Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was sitting in the Weiyang Palace three hundred miles away in Chang'an City, the imperial capital. Nine suns line the sky, ensuring the imperial capital’s splendor and splendor

The territory of the Han Dynasty has spanned hundreds of thousands of light years and governed thousands of stars.

What does that feel like?

"Publish it, publish the full text." Yang Xiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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