Back to 80: My literary life

Chapter 183 "Editor Fang, you are simply extending the life of science fiction novels."

Chapter 183 "Editor Fang, you are simply extending the life of science fiction novels."

"Tan Kai, are you mistaken? Minghua actually writes science fiction novels?" Yang Xiao didn't believe it.

How come a domestic avant-garde novelist, one of the best young writers in the literary world, and the deputy editor of Yanhe magazine, suddenly writes science fiction novels that are not recognized by mainstream literature?

This is just like a person who reads literary masterpieces such as "A Dream of Red Mansions", "War and Peace" and "Faust" every day suddenly becomes interested in the stories in "Story Club" and "Ancient and Modern Legends" at street stalls.

After hearing what Yang Xiao said, Tan Kai said: "I didn't believe it at first, but the envelope is a special envelope for Yanhe magazine, and the author's introduction is clearly written on it."

After speaking, Tan Kai took an envelope and a brief introduction to the author:

Minghua: Male, writer, deputy editor-in-chief of "Yanhe" magazine.

This forced Yang Xiao to admit that this was indeed written by Minghua!

"Is there someone who is pretending to be someone else?" Tan Kai asked cautiously.

"No one is that boring, right?" Yang Xiao said, but still took out an address book from the drawer, which contained the mailing addresses of major domestic mainstream magazines, including magazines.

It's better to confirm, lest it turns out to be a joke if it's really like what Tan Kai said.

Yang Xiao dialed the number of "Yanhe" magazine. After the call was answered, the other party gave her the number of Fang Minghua's office. Yang Xiao dialed again, and soon a man's voice appeared.

"I'm Fang Minghua, who are you?"

"Hello, Editor Fang, I am Yang Xiao, the editor-in-chief of "Science and Literature" magazine. Did you submit an article to our magazine and write a science fiction novel called "Rural Teacher"?"

"Yeah, is there something wrong with the novel? Does it need to be revised?"

"No, no, it's very well written and doesn't need to be revised. I just want to think about it, why do you want to write science fiction?"

"Ha! Editor Yang, I don't even know how to answer your question. Just write it if you like it, just like I wrote stream-of-consciousness novels in the past two years."

"Editor-in-chief, will you write science fiction novels in the future?" Yang Xiao asked cautiously.

"Looking at the readers' response, if everyone likes it, I will write it again."

Yang Xiao was immediately overjoyed and couldn't help but sigh:

"Thank you, thank you Editor Fang, you are simply giving science fiction novels a new lease of life."

Yang Xiao hung up the phone and looked at Tan Kai: "Did you hear just now that Minghua can also write science fiction novels!"

"It's really great!" Tan Kai was also very excited.

"Has this issue of Science and Literature been typeset?" Yang Xiao asked again.

"The typesetting was done yesterday, and it has been proofread and sent to the printing factory today. Director Wang said it can be printed tomorrow."

Yang Xiao immediately made a decision:

"You call Director Wang immediately and tell him to suspend printing and bring back the sample. We need to re-edit. All the cadres in the editorial department will work overtime tonight!"

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Tan Kai hurriedly walked out of the office.

After Tan Kai left, Yang Xiao suppressed his excitement and considered the matter carefully.

The famous Minghua actually writes science fiction novels!

Not only the novel itself, but also this matter deserves a special mention.

You have to think about it carefully.

It was half a month after Fang Minghua received the latest issue of the magazine from the "Science and Literature" publisher.

When he opened the package and saw the cover, he burst out laughing.

The cover of this issue shows a plainly dressed middle-aged teacher teaching students in an extremely simple classroom, while above his head are the Milky Way and battleships that are 100,000 light years away.

The ordinary teaching scene suddenly seemed profound.

Below is a line of text: This issue grandly launches the science fiction novel "Country Teacher" written by Minghua, a representative of domestic avant-garde novels and a famous writer! "

This Yang Xiao has quite a business acumen.

But it's pretty well done. The launch of this issue of "Science and Literature" was like a sudden gust of wind ruffling a pool of spring water. The domestic science fiction market, which had been dull for a long time, suddenly became restless.

Yanjing, Hepingli District 14.

This is the largest residential complex in the capital. In a very ordinary building, an old man is lying on the bed with a magazine on top of the quilt.

In fact, he is not old. He is only 54 years old this year, which is the golden age for a writer.

His name is Zheng Wenguang.

A sudden blow a few months ago caused him to suffer a cerebral hemorrhage. After being bedridden for half a year, I was finally able to stand and walk crookedly, but my right hand was completely atrophied and I couldn't speak normally. This was the end of his creative career.

But his heart has not died. Although he cannot write, he still cares about science fiction.

("Science and Literature", "Science Fiction Ocean", "Wisdom Tree", "Science Era" and "Science Fiction Newspaper"). He subscribed to all of them and never missed every issue.

However, these magazines have closed down one after another. Now there are only two books, "Science and Literature" and "Wisdom Tree", and the science fiction novels written in them are not satisfactory.

But something is better than nothing.

But the last novel in today's "Science Fiction Literature and Art" attracted him.

Someone actually wrote this about rural teachers.

Someone actually writes science fiction like this!

Zheng Wenguang felt that his breathing was a little short.

If we continue to write like this, science fiction will be saved!

Zheng Wenguang felt that his eyes were a little moist

Henan Province, Nanyang Oilfield Petroleum Machinery Factory.

An engineer was looking at the mechanical drawings carefully. The lines and symbols on them were so densely packed that it made people dizzy.

He graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University the year before and was assigned to the factory's design institute, where he participated in the research and development of a national key scientific research project: the self-propelled chassis of a large workover rig and the chassis of a desert workover rig.

This job is hard and boring. During his free time, he reads novels to refresh his mind. He doesn't like serious literature and prefers things that are borderline with science, such as science fiction novels.

There was a copy of the latest issue of "Science and Literature" in his drawer. There was a science fiction novel about a teacher in it that deeply moved him.

Can you try writing it yourself?

It's quite fun.

Hey, I'm really busy with work. Let's talk about it later when I have time.

His attention was focused on the drawing in front of him again.

His name is Wang Jinkang.

North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower, Handan, Hebei Province,

A boy wearing glasses and wearing ordinary clothes was eating steamed buns and reading a magazine.

Although he studied hydropower engineering, he was very interested in literature, especially science fiction.

Clark's novels "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "Cities and Stars". Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and "The Mysterious Island" are all his favorites.

Today I read a science fiction novel called "Rural Teacher" in "Science and Literature".

Suddenly I felt like, can science fiction be written like this?

Then I'll try it too?

In fact, when he was 15 years old and in middle school, he once wrote a science fiction novel about an alien who came to the earth and became friends with the young protagonist who was in junior high school. Before leaving, he gave him a crystal ball, which later expanded. into a city.

I just submitted articles everywhere, but they were all rejected.

How about picking up the pen and continuing writing?

However, he didn't plan to write the original fairy tale-like story. He wanted to write a real science fiction, and he had been contemplating a novel for a long time.

His name is Liu Cixin.

(End of this chapter)

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