Back to 80: My literary life

Chapter 131 The young man from Xiangjiang named Xingzi

Chapter 131 The young man from Xiangjiang named Xingzi
  Although the title of the lecture is different, the content is similar, except that the origin and development of magical realism novels are added, and the part that uses "The Legend of Wukong" as an example is deleted.

Since this book has not been published in the Mainland, there is no need to mention this now.

"About stream of consciousness novels, I have already introduced them abroad. In addition to the domestic ones I wrote "The Sun Also Rises" and "Roadside Picnic". Teacher Wang Meng's "The Gift" and "Butterfly" are also typical stream of consciousness novels. novel."

Fang Minghua said.

At this time, he saw a beautiful girl sitting in front raising her right hand high.

"This classmate, please speak." Fang Minghua stopped his lecture.

"Teacher Fang, I remember that when you gave a lecture at Northwest University, you specifically mentioned a stream-of-consciousness novel "The Legend of Wukong" that you wrote, which subverted the original work. It was very good. Can you give us an example?" the girl said. .

"That book has not been published in the mainland, so it is not available for the time being, so I won't use him as an example." Fang Minghua explained.

"Teacher, is this the one?" The girl suddenly raised a book.

Immediately, a classmate passed the book to the front row, and a boy took it and handed it to Fang Minghua.

It's really "The Legend of Wukong"!
  The cover is very gaudy, with a rebellious monkey drawn, and a line of words written in traditional Chinese next to it that catches the eye:

"This is a masterpiece by the emerging mainland writer Fang Minghua and highly recommended by Mr. Jin Yong as the number one book in the mainland!

"Subvert your imagination! Let you see a unique world of Journey to the West!"

It was published in Xiangjiang!
  "Teacher, can you tell me a little bit? I like this book very much." The girl said again.

"Okay, since this classmate talked about this book, I will talk about the specific application of stream of consciousness writing in this book. First, I will tell the students the general content of this book."

While Fang Minghua was speaking about this book in the auditorium of Xiamen University, thousands of miles away in Xiangjiang, a young man was also reading this book in a bookstore.

Lok Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Chen Chong Bookstore.

This is one of the largest bookstores in Xiangjiang with a long history, so many people come to read books.

A thin-faced young man stood by the bookshelf, looking at the rows of books. Soon a book caught his eye - "The Legend of Wukong".

It’s not that the name is a bit weird, nor is it the slightly exaggerated copywriting on the cover, but the author of this book is from the Mainland!

What a strange and familiar term.

Because he is also from the mainland, to be precise, his parents.

In the early 1960s, she fled from the mainland to Xiangjiang and gave birth to him.

A well-educated mother in the Mainland nurtures her children in all aspects. She has stage drama skills and often teaches her children to sing and recite poems by great men.

What he remembers most deeply is the song "Butterfly Loves Flowers".

During her spare time from working, her mother took the three siblings to watch movies and go shopping in Tsim Sha Tsui, hoping to increase their children's experience.

Influenced by what he saw and heard, he fell in love with movies.

In the blink of an eye, we are in the 81s. In 430, he was admitted to the TVB artist training class. He just graduated from the training class this year and was assigned to the crew of the children's program " Shuttle".

Not filming, but doing odd jobs.

The host of the show is also his good friend, named Liang Chaowei.

It's time to get off work now. When I have nothing to do, I'll go to the bookstore and go shopping.

He looked at the book casually, but was quickly attracted and fell deeply into it.

He secretly felt that the lawless but pitiful monkey in the book seemed to have some connection with him.

The "nonsensical" language in the book seemed to open an unknown door to him.

He felt there was something he needed in it.

He picked up the book, pawned the money at the cashier, and then hurriedly left the bookstore. He wanted to go back and read it.

His name is Zhou Xingchi. Now people call him Xingzi, and later he is called Xingye.

Fang Minghua finished his lecture and received warm applause. After that, he inevitably signed autographs with his classmates. The first one was "The Legend of Wukong" that the girl got. There were many students behind me holding magazines such as Harvest, Yanjing Literature, and Yanhe, which without exception published articles they had published.

It's okay, sign them all.

As long as you don't take anything from Lu Yao and Chen Zhongshi.

Also, should we also publish a novel collection or something and do a book signing?

  This is possible, let’s see the opportunity.

In the evening, Zhuang Mingxuan treated Fang Minghua to a light meal, accompanied by two students, Peng Gang and Liu Xiling, and ended her lecture at Xiamen University.

However, Fang Minghua did not leave Xiamen. He declined the offer of the beautiful girl who had taken "The Legend of Wukong" to volunteer as a guide, and spent two days walking around Xiamen alone.

We visited the beach of Gulangyu Island, Langyu Piano Pier, boarded a wooden sailboat that has disappeared in later generations, and went to the Bagua Tower to enjoy the scenery of Lujiang Road.
  In fact, Fang Minghua also had another purpose. He wanted to visit Shu Ting, a female poet who lived here.

Following Zhuang Mingxuan's instructions, Fang Minghua boarded Gulangyu Island and found Shu Ting's home on Zhonghua Road. Unfortunately, her family informed her that Shu Ting had gone to Rongcheng to attend a meeting of the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and would stay in the provincial capital for a few days.

Some regrets.

Fang Minghua had no choice but to go home.

In early June, Fang Minghua returned to Xijing.

This time I went out and spent more than ten days on the road. I was finally able to rest for a while, read the manuscript and drink tea.

Of course, I still have to look for Song Tangtang. I haven’t seen her for many days, so I really miss her.

But I didn't expect that soon after I got to work the next morning, someone came to my door.

"Hello, Director Teng, please sit down." Fang Minghua greeted with a smile.

Teng Wenji is also a straight-tempered person. He sat down and immediately asked: "Xiao Fang, I know you are busy too, so I will tell you briefly, when can you write the script."

"Are you anxious?"

"Of course, I have reported it to my director. The film project has been approved and I have started looking for actors. Now I am waiting for your script."

"Then? I'll give it to you in half a month."

"Half a month? It's too slow. It's better to do it in a week!"

It’s been a week and you’re burning the midnight oil again that night?
  Looking at Teng Wenji's hopeful eyes, Fang Minghua agreed.

"Tomorrow I will bring the formal contract for you to sign." Teng Wenji rushed away happily, leaving Fang Minghua in a daze.

"Xiao Fang, did you have fun going to Rongcheng?" Bai Miao, who was sitting opposite, saw Teng Wenji leaving and said: "Here, this is the manuscript you have recently written. Please review it slowly."

After speaking, he took out a pile from the filing cabinet and placed it in front of him.

Oh my god
  so much?
  Fang Minghua has a big head.

"I can't help it. The number of submissions has increased dramatically this year. We are all working overtime to review manuscripts. You can't be too leisurely, right?"

  Fang Minghua said nothing, but took out a submission and read it carefully.

Working during the day to review manuscripts and writing scripts in the dormitory after get off work became a reflection of Fang Minghua's life.

Poor editor.
  But there is also good news. Over in Xiangjiang, Ming Pao has sent a traditional Chinese version of "The Legend of Wukong" from the publishing house, along with a letter written by Chen Jiawei.

The letter stated that 10 copies of the first issue were printed, with a retail price of 21 yuan. It has been fully rolled out in major bookstores in Hong Kong. Judging from the initial sales, the overall sales are not bad. As for the checkout, it will take some time.

Okay, I'll wait.

The script for "The Popular Red Dress on the Street" was delivered on time a week later, but of course it wasn't free this time.

However, since it was a Xiying Film Studio, we sold it at a preferential price: 2000 yuan.
  Adding in the novel manuscript fee, it was enough to make up the final payment for the 120-square-meter fund-raising house.

It was late June, and something very important to Fang Minghua during this period was that the correspondence college class ended and he graduated.

(End of this chapter)

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