Back to 80: My literary life

Chapter 120 119 Go to Xiangjiang for publishing

Chapter 120 119 Go to Xiangjiang for publishing

Since the leader had approved two days of leave, Fang Minghua wanted to have fun for a few days. It happened that Song Tangtang had been rehearsing less in the group recently, so he planned to run away with the girl.

"Minghua, let's go climb Mount Huashan tomorrow." The girl said happily while walking around the park.

"Okay, let's set off tomorrow morning!"

But what Fang Minghua didn't expect was that when he returned home in the evening after visiting the park, he heard his mother ask as soon as he entered the door: "Xiaohua, your publishing house asked Uncle Zhang to bring you a message today, saying that you should go to the work early in the morning. If you have anything to ask, you."

"Am I not on vacation?" Fang Minghua felt strange.

"It's said that it's the editorial department of a company called "Harvest" in Shanghai. I'm calling you."

Are you going to Shanghai to revise the draft?

Early the next morning, Fang Minghua went to the unit office and made a call to the editorial department of "Harvest" in Shanghai.

It was Xiao Dai who answered the call, straightforwardly:

"Xiao Fang, I have read your article "The Legend of Wukong". Overall, it is good. Of course, there are still some flaws in the article that we will discuss in the next step. I will tell you our suggestion now: do not publish it in China but publish it in Xiangjiang or Published by Treasure Island.”

"Going to Xiangjiang?"

"Yes, the content you wrote is too bold and completely subverts the original work. After it is published in Hong Kong and Taiwan, we will see the reaction there, and then we will decide whether it is safer for us to publish it in the mainland. This is the result of my discussion with Mr. Palladium. Of course, it depends on you. agree or not."

"Okay." Fang Minghua agreed quickly.

His purpose for this novel is to target Hong Kong and Taiwan, otherwise he will directly reject Xiao Dai and write the "Crossing Guandong"!

"Okay then, come to Shanghai as soon as possible to revise the draft, and we'll start contacting Hong Kong and Taiwan."

"Okay, I'll come as soon as possible. Thank you very much, Editor Xiao, for letting you worry about it."

"You're welcome. I still regret not publishing your novel in Harvest." Xiao Dai said on the phone.

Xiao Dai did have some regrets.

It stands to reason that this novel can be published in Harvest.

Harvest publishes two novel supplements every year, with each issue publishing a number of novels.

But there are some non-literary things that you, as the deputy editor of a magazine, also have to consider.

On the other side of the microphone, Fang Minghua's words surprised Xiao Dai: "Editor Xiao, you are so enthusiastic, how about I write another article? Or is it a stream of consciousness?"

"Really? Okay, welcome. It's best to write the manuscript and bring it to Shanghai together!"

"Okay, I'll fight for it."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Minghua rode his bicycle home and made an appointment to climb Mount Huashan with Song Tangtang.

At the door of the courtyard of the Za magazine house, Fang Minghua saw the girl carrying a green satchel, it was Song Tangtang.

Today she was neither wearing a military uniform nor bell-bottom pants, but a sportswear that was very popular in this era.

It is blue in color, with two white stripes on the sleeves and trouser legs, plus a pair of white pull-back sneakers.

Don't tell me, whatever you wear will look good if you have a good figure. This very ordinary sportswear looks different on Song Tangtang.


The girl also has a camera hanging around her neck, a Huashan brand!
  "Tangtang, come with me to my house." Fang Minghua greeted.

Song Tangtang, who is usually generous, showed a hint of shyness on his face after hearing these words: "How about next time?"

Fang Minghua didn't embarrass the girl. He went in and put down the car. Then he told his mother and hurriedly left the family home, and the two of them walked to the bus stop together.

On the way, Fang Minghua told Song Tangtang what happened this morning.

Regarding this result, Song Tangtang was not too surprised. She said: "I heard from my aunt that in Xiangjiang, the main ones that have connections with the mainland are Sanlian Bookstore, Zhonghua Book Company, and The Commercial Press. The local ones in Xiangjiang include Ming Pao. "Ta Kung Pao" and so on, I guess "Harvest" is most likely to be in contact with Sanlian Bookstore!"

Fang Minghua nodded after hearing this.

Sanlian Bookstore is an old publishing house. Its predecessor was the Life Bookstore, Xinzhi Bookstore and Reading Publishing House founded in Shanghai in the 1930s by Zou Taofen, Xu Boxin and others. After liberation, it had branches in Yanjing, Shanghai and Xiangjiang. Institutions, but the first two were later merged into the People's Publishing House, and the independent establishment was restored in the 1980s.     But it hasn't started yet.

But what surprised Fang Minghua was: "Your aunt?"

"Yes, my aunt is in Pengcheng now."

Song Tangtang looked at Fang Minghua with a somewhat surprised look and explained:
  "My grandma and grandpa had a total of three daughters. My mother is the eldest, my cousin Li Li's mother is the second, and the other one is my aunt. She used to work in Yanjing. After the establishment of the special zone, there was a shortage of cadres from time to time. I asked for national support. My aunt and uncle were transferred from Yanjing to Pengcheng, and now work in the Municipal Cultural Bureau, so they know a lot about this aspect."

"Didn't you say some time ago that you wanted to publish in Xiangjiang? Although "Harvest" magazine is handling this matter, I think we can at least know ourselves and the enemy? So I called my aunt and asked about the publishing house there. Condition."

That's it!

"Also, my aunt reminded me that the royalties system for publishing books in Xiangjiang is different from the royalties system in our mainland, and it is very complicated. I asked her to find a way to get a copy of the royalty system documents there. , my aunt also agreed."

"Ha! Tangtang, you are so thoughtful! You are really my good wife!"

After hearing this, Song Tangtang rolled her eyes at him, but said nothing.

It is not convenient to climb Mount Huashan in this era. Fang Minghua and Song Tangtang first took a train to Huayin, and then took a local tricycle to the foot of Mount Huashan.

There is no admission fee for climbing Mount Huashan. You usually climb Mount Huashan at night so you can watch the sunrise in the early morning.

After renting a coat, a flashlight, and buying some dry food, the two started climbing Huashan Mountain at night.

Since the 1980s, more and more people have climbed Mount Huashan. Even though it is not a weekend, there are still people on the path up the mountain.

The road now is far inferior to the road of later generations. Many places have not been repaired. Everyone walks carefully.

Fang Minghua heard someone crouching underground and asking tremblingly: "Jianshe, please don't touch me and let me grab you." I heard from your brother that Huashan Mountain is as bare as the backbone of a fish, with cliffs on both sides. Did you fall into Yu Province? My heart is beating fast, let me hold you.
  Hearing this, Fang Minghua just wanted to laugh.

But Song Tangtang didn't seem worried at all. He held Fang Minghua's hand while humming. Sweet you smile sweetly
  It seems that the flowers are blooming in the spring breeze
  Open in the spring breeze
  After climbing for most of the night, I finally climbed to the east peak of Huashan Mountain at around 4 a.m., not even sleepy, waiting for the sunrise.

But suddenly the clouds started to clear and the fog cleared, and you could see the deep night sky full of stars, sparkling as if they were fake.

The brightest ones are Orion and Ursa Major, which seem to be within reach.

"Minghua, it's so beautiful." Song Tangtang leaned closely against Fang Minghua, their fingers intertwined, and couldn't help but sigh: "Don't you read a poem?"

The girl suddenly turned her head and looked at him.

"The night gave me black eyes,
  But I use it to find light. "

Fang Minghua blurted out.

"Is it written by Gu Cheng?" Song Tangtang said.

Fang Minghua nodded.

"You want to sing one too."

  Fang Minghua thought for a while, suddenly thought of a poem, and read it slowly.

Many nights overlap
  quietly forming darkness
  Rose absorbs light
  The earth suppresses the fragrance
  to find you

I move into the bird's eyes

Often staring at the passing wind
  "Minghua, you wrote so well!" Song Tangtang couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Suddenly, Fang Minghua was found in a daze.

"what happened to you?"

"No, nothing."

Fang Minghua came to his senses.

He knew which stream-of-consciousness novel he was going to write.

(End of this chapter)

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