Back to 80: My literary life

Chapter 114 113 "Someone can take over the editing job, but writing can't take over for yo

Chapter 114 113 "Someone can take over the editing job, but writing can't take over for you."

"I heard that Fang Minghua also wrote a very powerful novella that was published in "Yanjing Literature". Their magazine originally wanted to recommend that article, but it was inappropriate to recommend two novels by the same writer for selection at the same time. So I removed it," Yang Li said.

"Yes, that novel is called "The Donkey Gets Water", have you read it?" Feng Mu asked.

Yang Li shook her head:
  "I've heard of this, it's such a strange name, but I haven't seen it yet."

"I suggest you take a look. It's worth a look. Latin American magical realism is the first of its kind in China." Feng Mu said.

"Well, I'll buy a copy when I have time." Yang Li said: "Chairman Feng, what kind of person is this Fang Minghua? He is so good at writing novels?"

"What kind of person?" Feng Mu chuckled: "He will definitely come to Yanjing to receive the award. You will see it then."

"Well, Chairman Feng, what about this list? Are all three of Fang Minghua's novels selected?" Yang Li asked.

"Of course it won't work. You have to find a balance, right? Look at this book "Garlands Under the Mountains" ranked 21st, right behind "Youth", and the number of votes is not much different. I mean, choose "Garland Under the Mountains" wreath"."

"What about "Into the Dust"? It's ranked 12th, so it can't be removed, right?" Yang Li asked.

"One of the important reasons why this novel received so many votes is that the movie of the same name adapted from it was released at the end of last year, which gave it extra points. However, in terms of the literary artistry and ideological nature of the novel, it shouldn't be ranked so high." Feng Mu Explain patiently.

"Of course this is my personal opinion. There are still fourteen judges. Yang Li, please inform Ding Ling and Zhu Wei that they will come for a meeting tomorrow afternoon!" Feng Mu finally said.

"What about Mr. Palladium?" Yang Li asked.

Feng Mu pondered for a moment and said, "Palladium is old and still lives in Shanghai. Forget it, but send a copy of the minutes of the meeting, each judge's speech, and the award results to Ba Lao. He will do it." Final decision!”

At this time, Palladium was at his residence, listening to the report of Xiao Dai, deputy editor-in-chief of the "Harvest" editorial department.

No. 113, Wukang Road, Shanghai.

This is a garden house with a single courtyard and an elegant environment. The main building is a European-style fake three-story building with fine pebble walls and dark green wooden windows. The overall building is simple and elegant.

In the living room on the first floor, Xiao Dai reported to Palladium about the manuscript appointment.

"Ba Lao, I originally wanted him to write an avant-garde novel, whether it's stream of consciousness or magical realism, but I didn't expect that he would actually start with Journey to the West."

Xiao Dai said, forwarding the letter from Xijing to Palladium.

Palladium put on his reading glasses and looked at them carefully for a while, then took them off and looked at Xiao Dai again: "What do you think?"

"I am very conflicted. Judging from his conception and outline, it is unconstrained and typical of the stream of consciousness technique. It is very interesting, but it completely subverts "Journey to the West". I am worried that if it is published, it will cause a lot of controversy and some people may be dissatisfied. ."

"Controversy? Avant-garde novels are inherently full of controversy, not only in our country, but also in Europe and the United States. Look at his article "The Sun Also Rises." Didn't the literary world become a mess last year?" Palladium laughed.

"But the issues you mentioned must also be considered." Palladium pondered for a moment: "Let's do this. You write a letter to encourage him to write. After he finishes the manuscript, you take a look at it. If necessary, invite him to Shanghai to revise in person. It's appropriate. Let’s just publish it. If it’s really difficult to publish it in China, there are also Xiangjiang and Treasure Island, and we can recommend them there!”

"Then I'll reply to him right away." Xiao Dai stood up after saying that.

It was five days after Fang Minghua received Xiao Dai's reply. During this time, he put aside all the distractions from the outside world and devoted himself wholeheartedly to writing.

Li Tianfang knew that he was creating, and took the initiative to reduce his workload. He also joked: "Someone will take over the editing job, but writing can't take over for you."

"Thank you, Sister Li, for understanding me and inviting you to dinner." Fang Minghua said with a smile.

"Forget it, Xiaofang, haven't you been entertaining a lot of guests recently? The royalties are still there for you to marry your wife." Li Tianfang joked again: Xiaofang, how are you and that girl Tangtang doing now? "

"It's just like that."

Fang Minghua hesitated a few words, stood up, and walked away.

It is now March in spring, and a patch of grass is growing and warblers are flying.

The letter from Xiao Dai, the editor of "Harvest" finally arrived.

The main message in the letter is that the editorial department was busy with work some time ago, so I haven't been able to reply to the letter. I apologize. I am very interested in the concept of the novel. Please complete the manuscript as soon as possible and send it to the editorial department of "Harvest". If necessary, you will be invited to come to Shanghai for face-to-face exchanges. ” ˆ ˆ I’m very busy at work, and I don’t know what to do?

Fang Minghua remembered that when Lu Yao was writing the article "Life", he kept in touch with the editor of "Youth Literature" at all times!
  From the conception of the article to the specific plot and character settings, everything was discussed with each other.

However, Fang Minghua has also made up his mind to complete it as soon as possible. If "Harvest" does not publish it by then, and no mainstream domestic magazines are willing to publish it, we will find a way to publish it in Xiangjiang or Baodao!

A girl's voice came from outside.

It's Song Tangtang.

The girl walked in, carrying a net bag with a box in it.

She put the box on the desk. Fang Minghua took a look and saw that it was tea.

He opened it and smelled it. There was a faint aroma of tea, and then he looked at the shape of the tea leaves.

It turned out to be Longjing! And it’s still top quality!

"Tangtang, where did you get it?"

Fang Minghua was surprised.

I heard Song Tangtang say that his father is not as fond of tea as Zhao Hongjun’s father, but likes drinking. It is said that there is a lot of Maotai in his family.

"My cousin's grandfather lives in Hangzhou. I asked her to help send some back from her hometown. I will get some for you when the new tea comes on the market this year."


After Song Tangtang was transferred back to Xijing, he often came to see him. Every time he came to bring something, such as White Rabbit toffee and apples, this made Fang Minghua feel a little embarrassed.

Why do you always take things from other girls?
  I bought it for her, but she was told that she didn’t need it and didn’t need it!
  It’s tea again today!

"Tangtang. This is so embarrassing."

"Why are you being polite to me? But don't drink strong tea at night. It's not good for your health!" Song Tangtang said, "What have you written in the past few days? Let me take a look."

"Here." Fang Minghua picked up a stack of manuscripts from the desk and handed them to the girl.

"There is only a little tail left. After you finish writing it, you can modify it and contact Editor Xiao."

"Then you write and I won't disturb you."

Song Tangtang picked up the manuscript and sat aside to read it quietly.

In mid-March, "The Legend of Wukong" was completely completed, with a word count of about 20. It is considered Fang Minghua's first full-length novel after time travel.

He immediately contacted Xiao Dai from the editorial department of "Harvest" and sent the manuscript first, waiting for the other party's response.

Finally I can rest for a while.

It's spring now, with flowers and willows everywhere. Should you invite Song Tangtang to go out for a spring outing?

What he didn't expect was that Song Tangtang was rehearsing a dance recently and didn't have time. On Sunday, Fang Minghua had to take a correspondence course again and he didn't have time.

Oh, what a pity.

But what makes him happy is that the final results of the awards for outstanding short and medium novels have finally come out.

His "The Sun Also Rises" and "Red Dresses Are Popular on the Street" won the Outstanding Novel and Short Novel Awards respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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