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Chapter 105 Shelf Testimonials.

Chapter 105 Shelf Testimonials.

This afternoon, oh, it's already past 12 o'clock. It should be the editor's notice yesterday afternoon, asking me to put it on the shelves at noon tomorrow.

The signing of the book went smoothly. After writing the first three chapters, Shui Mo agreed to sign the book. You know, I wrote nearly ten chapters of my last book, "Middle Age: Leisurely Life in the Entertainment Industry," and I finally passed it.

This is also my first book in Sanjiang. Although the current results are not as good as other books in Sanjiang during the same period, I feel quite satisfied. So I would like to thank the editor-in-chief Shui Mo for his patient guidance and my editor-in-chief who is transparent. , answer all questions.

So far, the writing of this book has gone fairly smoothly. Of course, there have been some twists and turns in determining the heroine.

When I first conceived the idea, I wrote Li Li as the heroine, so I wrote more about her at first, but the feedback from readers was not very good, and it was not as good as the supporting character Song Tangtang.

Shui Mo also asked me to change the heroine. I argued with him for a while (I often argue with him). I am older and more stubborn, so I asked Shui Mo:

"Why is it that my understanding of the heroine is always opposite to yours? Is it because I am older?"

Shui Mo asked me back: "You think the one who accompanies and lives is the heroine, right?"

I replied: "Yes, she is my wife."

Shui Mo laughed loudly.

"Wrong! In your works, you need to see unique people. Gentle companionship. This requires time and hardship. It is difficult to write. Especially in online articles with a relatively relaxed style like yours, you can't do it."

I finally understand now.

I made a similar mistake in my last book.

These are some experiences I learned while writing, which can be used as a reference for authors who are reading my books and writing them at the same time.

Closer to home.

It will be released at 12 noon today. They say that the first order result is very important, so I hope everyone can help me.

On the first day tomorrow, there will be a guaranteed update of five chapters with more than 11 words, and it will be posted in one go at around 5 noon (so this chapter will not be posted at night, and the original time will be restored in the future. New chapters will be posted around o'clock and o'clock every day during the day) .)
  I can't do any more.

I'm going to Xi'an on a business trip in the afternoon. I won't be able to type for a few days, so I have to save my manuscript.

If there is a reward: Dharma protector plus one, elder plus two, head plus three, grandmaster plus four, leader plus five, I will dance in women's clothing for everyone in the Silver League.Ha, just kidding, what's so good about me dancing as an old man.

If there really is a silver alliance, all the saved manuscripts will be published. However, I am an honest person and tell the truth, which is about 20,000 words.

There's no way, I'm just an amateur coder, and my coding speed is extremely slow, so I still want to save some manuscripts for my work.

For monthly tickets, one chapter is added for every 100 tickets.

The last thing I want to say is: ask for a first order, ask for a full order, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass!
  I see there is QQ Reading. If you have money in your starting account, please subscribe to two of them here. The first order is higher, and it counts as a jackpot. It looks good.

Mori bowed to the book friends.

Night of February 2023, 12

(End of this chapter)

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