Chapter 137: Not a sister

Chen Li ignored her guilty look and smiled: "Thank you, Xiao Ai."

"Thanks to you, I was able to wake up so quickly."

These words fell into the mind of the second person Liu Ai, making her even more angry.


another me! Why did you choose to come out at this time? !

Otherwise, wouldn't it be her who was praised by Chen Li at this time? !

Chen Li didn't say anything to Liu Ai that he should pay attention to his standards in the future. We are brothers and sisters.

After all, it was the second person Liu Ai who did this, and it would be of no use if he told the current Liu Ai.


Liu Aier's ears turned red and her heart beat faster.

Although it came suddenly, Chen Li's thanks and praise always made her happy physically and mentally.

"But what happened to you just now?"

The second person, Liu Ai, noticed what Chen Li said, "Only people can wake up so quickly."

She instantly guessed the reason.

Chen Li fell into a coma, and then his second personality took the opportunity to touch him...


Liu Aixin was confused.

Didn't the other self always want to kill Chen Li?

Chen Li fell into a coma. Not only did she not take action, she also...

"It's nothing." Chen Li shook his head and said, "It's just that this world's rejection of me has become more serious."

Later, he told the specific reasons.

The reason why he fell into a coma was because just in the morning, the power of heaven and earth gathered thousands of miles around and attacked him instantly. His consciousness was pulled by the power of heaven and earth, trying to pull his spirit out of his body. In this mutual interaction After tearing it apart, he lost control of his body.

However, fortunately after a struggle, he successfully repelled the power of heaven and earth, and his consciousness returned to his body.

"Is everything okay for you now?!"

Hearing this, Liu Ai asked immediately, and his emotions just now were completely covered by worries about Chen Li.

She knew that although Chen Li said it lightly, this process must be extremely dangerous.

If he's not careful, he might not be able to come back...


Chen Li shook his head and said: "The power of heaven and earth was repulsed by me and will not attack again for the time being."

He had noticed that the world's rejection of him had been growing slowly for a while, but he didn't expect that it was actually "holding back its ultimate move". Such a huge amount of power from the world suddenly hit Chen Li. There are also some things that are too much to bear.

"But I can't guarantee it next time..."

He knew that the next time the power of heaven and earth struck would be much stronger than this time.

However, his death at the age of twenty was an established fact, and before that, his life safety could probably be guaranteed.

If the next attack happens to happen when he turns twenty, he is destined to be unable to withstand it, but if it happens before then, although he will not die, he will not feel comfortable either.

"Is this so..."

When Liu Ai heard this, she felt sad inside, but she couldn't do anything.

This feeling of powerlessness that she could only watch the person she loved slowly pass away... made her very uncomfortable...

Chen Li is already eighteen years old, and there are only two years left before he turns twenty.

Liu's heart is filled with bitterness.

All she can do is stay with Chen Li during the past two years...


In the blink of an eye, another half year has passed.


The first person, Liu Ai, opened his eyes and saw Chen Li who was cooking.

However, at this time, Chen Li's aura was much weaker than half a year ago. Since the attack half a year ago, to Chen Li's expectation, the world has increasingly rejected him, which has consumed a lot of his energy.

Even now, he is using nearly half of his spiritual power to fight against the power of heaven and earth that invades him all the time, and it seems that his aura is much weaker than before.

Contrary to Chen Li, Liu Ai's aura is getting stronger day by day.

However, the powerful one is only the second personality Liu Ai.

The power of the red fragment is gradually growing, and the spirit of Liu Ai with the second personality has also become stronger, squeezing out the first personality Liu Ai, who was originally only a small part of the spirit, even more seriously.

Therefore, Liu Ai, who has the first personality, feels mentally tired every time she wakes up, and the time she spends falling into a deep sleep becomes longer and longer.

In the past six months, including this time, she has only woken up six times.

Liu Ai snuggled next to Chen Li, eyes half closed, as if sleeping but not sleeping.

This time, there was no fire or food in front of the two of them.

Because, as early as a month ago, the world's rejection of him had reached a new level.

Not only was heaven and earth rejecting him, but even the fish, insects, birds, and beasts in this valley and forest were also affected by heaven and earth and became hostile to him. They all attacked in one day and were wiped out by him with a wave of his hand.

Having lost his prey, Chen Li was too lazy to look for food in distant places.

He had a premonition that if he left the Valley Forest and went elsewhere, more animals would be affected by the world and attack him without mercy. Moreover, this influence would most likely continue to expand and even affect other humans.

It's good to stay here like this.

"Chen Li..."

Suddenly, Liu Ai's voice came.

There was a hint of weak laziness in her voice.

Chen Li looked at her, "What's wrong?"

Liu Ai opened her eyes. Under the moonlight, her long eyelashes seemed to be hanging with silvery-white starlight. With gentle trembling, the starlight seemed to be about to fall.

"You said...where do people go after they die?"

Hearing this, Chen Li somehow felt that the scene in front of him was familiar.

He thought for a moment and smiled: "It will go into the belly of a nearby beast."

"Eh-" Liu Ai knew that Chen Li was joking, and the originally melancholy atmosphere was suddenly destroyed. She also smiled and said: "Only you can do that. I can't. I will be wiped out when I die."

"Then tell me, when I am reduced to ashes and you are eaten by wild beasts, where will we go?"

Liu Ai changed the subject and brought it back.

"Maybe there will be another life."

Chen Li stopped joking at this time, and his words contained a vague meaning: "Maybe in that life, we will still be brothers and sisters."


Unexpectedly, Liu Ai shook her head, her tone became firm, and inexplicable courage emerged in her heart, and she said: "If there is a next life, I don't want to be your sister!"

"I want……"


However, as she spoke, her courage suddenly leaked again.

"What do you want?" Chen Li smiled.

"...I won't be your sister anyway."

"Really...then if you weren't my sister, we wouldn't be able to meet?"

Hearing this, Liu Ai suddenly seemed a little scared and said, "Then let's do it..."

Liu Ai turned her head to prevent Chen Li from seeing her face.

Seeing this, Chen Li shook his head: "Stop pretending."

He discovered that as early as after the first personality Liu Ai said she was no longer his sister, the second personality Liu Ai quietly "came online" and squeezed her out.

"Brother is so cold."

The second person, Liu Ai, bit her lower lip and turned her head to look at Chen Li, her eyes redder than before.

(End of this chapter)

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