Chapter 234 Are you the herbicide?

Captain Wei lowered his voice, "Xiao Lin, these people are obviously big guys. The one on the right is Chief Shi, the boss in charge of Wolf Warriors. He organized this exercise. He is so polite to those big guys. Your status is certainly not low, what can you do here? Leave quickly."

What he fears most is being stunned. If he says something without thinking, the consequences will be quite serious.

Lin Guoliang smiled slightly and said, "It's okay."

Old Wei frowned: "."

I really don’t know where Xiao Lin’s confidence comes from. You are a small cooking class. He was about to speak when he saw Tang Hao coming over, saluted and said respectfully: "Bu Lin, it turns out you are here."

For a moment, Old Wei was confused, "What do you mean? Department Lin?"

Lin Guoliang nodded.

Let me go, he is a minister? Damn it!

When they were in the kitchen, Lao Wei saw that Lin Guoliang was so good at his craftsmanship, knew everything, and could chat well. They all got along well. He was actually the minister? The boss of these people?

Is it so mysterious?

Lao Wei felt that his brain was not used enough. He thought that Lin Guoliang had made a mistake and came to work as a temporary worker in the cooking class, but he did not expect to change his identity and become the chief.

Not only was Old Wei confused, Leng Feng was also stunned.

Leng Feng looked at Lin Guoliang, "What kind of minister are you?"

Lin Guoliang ignored him at all, took off the work clothes of the cooking class and handed them to Lao Wei. Then he took the black uniform handed over by Tang Hao and quickly put it on.

When Lin Guoliang finished dressing and stood in front of Lao Wei and Leng Feng again, he turned into a majestic young man.

This is a 180-degree change!

Old Wei and Leng Feng were both stunned, feeling as if they had seen a ghost.

It is said that a man is judged by his clothes. Lin Guoliang changed his clothes and his demeanor instantly became extremely majestic. He had the air of a boss and no longer looked like a soldier.

This bright and blinding feeling made Lao Wei feel waves in his heart.

Leng Feng's eyes were about to fall out. Long Xiaoyun had said before that this forest department codenamed herbicide was not able to grow any grass. How could he become a fireman in the cooking class?

What does he want to do?

However, thinking about his attitude towards the other party just now, Leng Feng couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. The other party wouldn't blame him because of this, right?

You are the minister, you should have told me earlier, you are just pretending.

Lin Guoliang said to Lao Wei: "Squad leader Lao Wei, I'm sorry, this is my job."

Oh, he saluted squad leader Lao Wei.

Old Wei subconsciously saluted, still in a state of confusion, and he noticed that the expression of Chief Shi standing on the side became serious, which showed that the identity of this Linbu was not trivial.

In his spare time, he often watched videos, and he was never as surprised as he was now when he saw Ma Baoguo switching between celebrities, gangsters, thugs, and masters.

"You're careless, you're careless," Old Wei muttered softly.

Lin Guoliang smiled kindly, with admiration for Lao Wei, just like the old horse in Langya.

Old Wei came back to his senses and said, "I'm leaving, you go about your business. By the way, what is your specific identity?"

He couldn't help but ask one more question.

Lin Guoliang said: "Reorganize the department, Lin Guoliang."

Damn it, Old Wei was completely convinced now.

When he was in Sha Video, he watched a lot of videos about the rectification department, which contained a lot of relevant news. Rectifying the Wolf Warriors, dealing with the Law Enforcement Bureau, targeting the Urban Management Bureau, etc., these are all to make a voice for the people, especially the last report that the entire Donghai City citizens opened the way for Lin Guoliang and others, Old Wei almost burst into tears. .

Lin Guoliang is a big shot!

Old Wei never dreamed that such a big shot would actually work as a cook in their cooking class and chat with everyone so happily.

This young man is not simple!

Old Wei nodded, "Good job, I think your work is good."

His true words.

Since Lin Guoliang specially went to the cooking class to conduct an investigation and started from the most basic work, then he is not the kind of leader who is just a formality, but a down-to-earth person who does practical things.

Maybe he can really change something about the Wolf Warriors.

Yu Fei's sacrifice was quite a pity in Lao Wei's view, and he should not have to sacrifice it. He had warned Leng Feng many times to stay humble and prudent, and not to be too arrogant. The real battlefield is not simple, and it cannot be won by bragging. .

It's just that Leng Feng is young and energetic, and doesn't listen to himself at all. He will do whatever he wants and do whatever he wants.

It is said that when Leng Feng was in school, if he disagreed with his classmates, he would beat him ten times. He couldn't stay in school anymore, so he came to join the army.

Leng Feng still has the temperament of a ruffian, how can he listen to it?

If people want to grow, they have to experience some unforgettable things.

Old Wei turned around and left quickly, with surprise on his face, but more of expectation.

He just told Lin Guoliang a lot about Langya, and he must have remembered these things.

Leng Feng didn't take his words to heart because he felt that he was a small cooking squad leader, but if the people above him said those words, the effect would definitely be different.

This is a good thing!

Shi Jinsong and Long Xiaoyun, who were standing aside, both frowned. They never expected that Lin Bu would actually go to the cooking class and become a cook. What was he doing?

Shi Jinsong knew best that the cooking class was the place with the most information. Wherever Lin Guoliang went, he must have gone to investigate.

Not taking the usual path and playing cards according to common sense, Lin Guoliang is not simple.

Long Xiaoyun had heard a lot about Lin Guoliang, and he understood it this time. No wonder there was a code name for the herbicide. He was really looking for problems.

I wonder what news he found out in the cooking class.

Leng Feng always causes trouble for me! Long Xiaoyun heard clearly just now that Leng Feng was scolding Lin Guoqiang and telling him to get out of here.

However, Lin Guoliang did not take the usual route and went to the cooking class under a different identity. He must have been trying to find out what was going on, and letting Tang Hao and others attract their attention here was a false pretense.

Just now, Long Xiaoyun was wondering why he didn't see the Lin Bu in the legend. It turned out that he was playing this trick.

She now understands why her old classmate reminded her that she must pay attention to it.

Obviously he has to be serious about it, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

This time it was a bit troublesome. Leng Feng rushed into the opponent with all his strength. If the opponent had a big hat on him, Wolf Warrior would surely suffer as well.

After watching Lao Wei leave, Li Guoliang turned to Leng Feng, "Comrade Leng Feng, were you right to tell me to get out just now?"

Leng Feng was stunned. I told you to get lost just now, but I didn't know you were the forest department. If I knew you were the herbicide, of course I wouldn't say that.

He subconsciously said: "You are the herbicide, no, that's not what I meant."

(End of this chapter)

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