Junlv: You mentioned the breakup, why are you crying now?

Chapter 190 The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish.

Chapter 190 The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish.

Zhang Meng thought for a while, and finally followed Ding Hai's order, contacted Expert Luo, and asked him to help create some public opinion on the Internet.

Expert Luo did not agree immediately, but after reading the information carefully on the Internet, he replied to Zhang Meng, saying that he could give it a try.

An hour later, the blog post prepared by Expert Luo came out.

Expert Luo is a well-known public blogger, with a postdoctoral degree, a former journalist, and a former editor of Global World. The number of fans he has is even more exaggerated than that of Mr. Wu, who is a literary and artistic worker, with tens of millions of fans.

You can imagine how much attention an article posted by such a big V will attract.

It can be said that every time a certain point of view of the Luo family will quickly become the focus of heated discussion and go directly to the hot search.

This time, the article he published mentioned that front-line law enforcement personnel made some chaotic mistakes during the law enforcement process, which caused a comprehensive rectification, and they needed to put down their work. Some comrades also lost their jobs because of this mistake. rice bowl.

Expert Luo used this incident to express his opinion. He believed that law enforcers made low-level mistakes in law enforcement and needed to be rectified. This hit home.

As a media worker, Lao Luo hopes that frontline workers will recognize their own mistakes, reflect deeply, and avoid similar mistakes in the future.

The current urban management bureau is like this. If you do something wrong, the people can still forgive it after you change it. But if you do something wrong, some people say that the people want you to die. I think it is a bit dry and too violent.

Lao Luo hopes that everyone can understand more about the hard work of frontline workers. When the flood comes, they are the ones who rush in front. When the fire comes, they are also the ones who rush in front. Even if there is a fire, they are still in the front. So don’t dampen the enthusiasm of frontline workers. .

In addition, expert Luo also mentioned that rectification must be rectified. Without rules, there is no roundness. Meetings need to be held first, cases filed, and relevant policies issued. Everyone has laws to follow and laws to punish, so that a good continuation can be formed.

Having order is the only way to protect the real weak.

Expert Luo wrote a lot eloquently, pointing out various points of view, which were well-founded.

When this article came out, it immediately aroused a lot of discussion among his tens of millions of fans, and many fans left messages to express their opinions.

"Lao Luo said it makes sense. It is true that we must act in accordance with the law. We must establish rules first, and then we will know that there is a law to follow."

"Rectification is necessary, but it is not the cadres who have the final say. This is not about catching corruption. I support it."

"Don't beat them to death with a stick, thank you to the law enforcement comrades for your hard work."

"The problem is, that was no small mistake. In the last law enforcement operation, innocent people were killed and others were seriously injured. This was a serious mistake and should be rectified. Aren't ordinary people's lives worthless?"

"If you do something wrong, change it. If you do something wrong, you should follow the same laws as the people. If you should die, you can die. What's the difference? Is it because the family of the deceased did not resist fiercely enough, so they don't have to take responsibility..."

"Haha, the person upstairs is right, but he is very violent... I always feel that there is something wrong with Expert Luo this time. I can't say specifically, but I believe in the expert..."

"Expert Luo has no problem. I believe in the professionalism and character of the expert. Indeed, if we can't straighten things out, we will just raise a big knife and kill tigers, flies, and even elk..."

The comments below the article have all kinds of opinions, but one thing is that more and more people have the same view as Expert Luo, and feel that the violence is a bit too strong, and they have not seen any formal notice or relevant regulations.

Seeing that I was arrested once and reported once, it felt a bit unofficial and casual. It felt like they had the final say. Especially if the top leader made a mistake, a big hat would be taken off and everyone would die.

In short, the discussion was very lively. Some people supported Lin Guoliang and others, while others supported Expert Luo and front-line work.

As the discussion became more intense, it immediately made the headlines, and the popularity continued to rise. In a short time, it rushed directly to the first position. When there was a huge quarrel on Weibo, Donghai Urban Management Bureau, Chen Hai and Wu Wen were discussing how to rectify the situation to the satisfaction of the rectification team. The two discussed it all night, but they couldn't come up with it.

Both of their eyes had panda eyes.

At this time, a staff member came in with a mobile phone and reported to Chen Hai: "Bureau Chen, on Weibo, some experts questioned the fairness of the punishment imposed on the Donghai City Law Enforcement Bureau by the Rectification Department."

"Huh? Is there no discussion about the Urban Management Bureau?" Chen Hai suddenly asked.

"Not yet."

"Open the article."

Chen Hai read the article for a while, and after reading the comments below, he directly slapped the table and said: "Needless to say, it must be the person Ding Bureau found to create public opinion, just like what Chen said, this is the style of overturning the verdict. , framing, well, and smearing, it seems that the Law Enforcement Bureau has not really realized the seriousness of the problem."

Chen Hai's eyes kept lighting up, "I know what to do."

Wu Wen nodded and said, "This expert Luo has either received money, or someone has indeed given instructions to stir up trouble. Bureau Chen, what do you mean..."

Chen Haidao: "Expert Luo has made a lot of comments. This time we will assist Lin Guoliang and beat the drum with a heavy hammer."

As a veteran, Chen Hai knew what the so-called experts did for a living. He didn't do any research at all. He just wrote books and made statements to show that he was very knowledgeable. For example, lower housing prices would lower the standard of happiness, and high housing prices would help struggle... He was using public opinion. !

Chen Hai said seriously: "We will announce the details of punishment and rectification immediately. Department Lin is watching us."

Wu Wen is also an old comrade. He immediately realized that this was a rare opportunity. If he did it well, he would definitely get extra points. "I'll do it right away!"

An hour later, the Urban Management Bureau issued an announcement to start rectification of all urban management detachments within Donghai City... Insist on letting the masses supervise the urban management department and put an end to closed-doorism and individualism. The political agencies of the urban management department must insist on putting an end to the three major Evil wind.

When this announcement came out, netizens were shocked. The first reaction was that the Urban Management Bureau was crazy. The second reaction was that the Urban Management Bureau seemed to be serious this time!

And many people are interested in Lao Luo's starting point for this article.

"Damn, so professional!"

"Haha, you made me laugh so hard, you slapped me in the face!"

"Hey, the article on Expert Luo's Weibo has been deleted!"

"Haha, I was definitely shocked when I saw the attitude of the Urban Management Bureau. This is an expert. What a fool. Give the Urban Management Bureau a thumbs up!"

Public opinion on the Internet, following the Urban Management Bureau's announcement, became one-sided, almost all leaning towards Lin Guoliang's side.

At this moment, Lin Guoliang had just arrived at the office. He was going to teach Tang Xinyi, but she ran away, but he was not in a hurry.

Run away, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish will be!

(End of this chapter)

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