Chapter 114 I don’t know if it’s a BUG

"Lieutenant General Wilton."

"Lieutenant General Wilton."

"Lieutenant General Wilton."


Wilton and Sadie also appeared at the port. The busy sailors at the port along the way all saluted with respect in their eyes.

Wilton nodded in response.

"Is everything ready?"

Looking up at the brand new Equality of All Beings, Wilton was still very satisfied.

During his time at the Navy Headquarters, his warships were well modified.

As for the appearance of the Equality of All Beings, it is very unconventional whether it is placed in the navy or pirate world.

Especially the high-hanging flags and canvas patterns, as well as the bow of the ship, all look like all beings are equal.

He also chose the name very casually. At first he planned to use the name Justice, but later by some mistake he chose the name Equality of All Beings.

"The locations of Nine Snake Island and Kraygana Island have been recorded." Sadie raised his wrist, and there was a compass on it.

She also has charts, contact information, etc., all ready.

"Lieutenant Morty, how are the supplies for the voyage prepared?"

Sadie suddenly turned her head and looked at the tall naval sister next to her. She left the matter of navigation supplies to her new subordinates.

Wilton also looked over. Naturally, he also saw this female navy, and he thought he had seen it somewhere.

She has long blond curly hair and is elegant. She is wearing a very bold off-shoulder red hip-hugging dress. Her straight legs are becoming more and more slender against the backdrop of red high heels.

The face is delicate and lightly made up, especially the flaming red lips that are particularly eye-catching.

At first glance, he does not look like a serious sailor, but instead looks like a noble and elegant noble lady on vacation.

"Sir Saadi, all the navigation supplies have been loaded onto the warship."

"Lieutenant General Wilton, Lieutenant Morty is reporting to you."

Morty first reported his work to Sadie with a charming smile, and then gave Wilton a military salute.

Wilton nodded and said nothing. As a brigadier general, it was not surprising that Sadie picked and had his own deputy.

I probably picked it up temporarily when I went to understand the mission yesterday.

Wilton doesn't object to this. After all, a person's energy is limited. No matter how perfect Sadie is, she still needs some assistants.

Sadie has never made a mistake in his work. On the contrary, he is thorough in everything, giving him a feeling of omnipotence.

Sadie is almost entirely responsible for his daily life and work.

He never had to worry about anything, and the G-8 branch was managed in an orderly manner by Sadie from top to bottom.

There are only 24 hours in a day. Putting aside work and various miscellaneous things, there is not much time left for Sadie to practice and rest.

Under normal circumstances Sadie would have been looking for a deputy to share some of the work.

He ignored it.

"Sir Wilton, Morty will be my secretary from now on. He is not only a beautiful woman, but also a red wine lover and painter."

“Our newly customized flags and canvas graphics were all designed by Morty himself.”

Sadie gave a brief introduction, and Wilton also subconsciously looked at the flags and canvas patterns flying on the warship.

It looks like all living beings are equal, especially the dragon head and tiger head, which are as detailed as every line.

It can be said to be lifelike.

"very good."

"I ignored it before. You can recruit more secretaries in the future. I will need many talents like you in the future."

"You should cultivate as much as possible. Certain things are better for you women to be more refined."

Wilton thought for a moment and looked at Sadie.

He had always focused on cultivating powerful subordinates, but he had forgotten to cultivate some administrative talents.

A huge force, both civil and military are indispensable.


Sadie's eyes turned into crescent moons, and she was very happy inside because Wilton trusted her very much.

Giving her greater power also shows that she can help Lord Wilton, which is called attention.

She, Sadie, had never been a vase.

"lets go!"

Wilton didn't say anything more and walked to the warship first. But just as he stepped onto the deck, he finally remembered why Lieutenant Morty had some impressions.

Isn't this the beautiful passerby who appeared in the Shanghai restaurant in the original book?

Because of her perfect appearance and figure, she left a deep impression on many pirate fans.     I never expected to become a navy.

Still a second lieutenant.

Sure enough, everyone has his own life.

But there are too many passer-by characters like Morty in the pirate world, so there is no shortage of handsome guys and beauties on the sea.

The world's most beautiful woman, Boya Hancock, would still be just a passerby ABCDE with a decent appearance and figure if she lost the Devil Fruit and the aura bonus of her own strength.


Malinfando gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

Because there are whales and manatees that pull the boats, the warships do not need to rely on wind power and can sail very fast.

On the deck, four jailer beasts and six sea beasts were painstakingly receiving personal instruction from Wilton.

After Kibin and T. Penn inspected some measures on the warship, they also joined in to practice.

There are other sailors.

It's almost tradition.

Try not to waste your time as much as possible, practice and enhance your strength as long as you have time.

Sadie was at the stern attending to government affairs.

It was related to the G-8 branch. After Wilton left, the affairs of the G-8 branch were temporarily handed over to Smoker, Berrygoode and Xiuen.

In addition, Sadie controls it remotely.

Morty was studying some pastries in the kitchen, humming some tunes from time to time, but within a few seconds the beautiful tunes began to break into panicked screams.

ten minutes later.

Wilton fell into deep thought as he looked at the green pastries in front of him, as well as the Kung Fu manatees jumping up and down into the sea, drinking a big mouthful of seawater, and then spitting it out to destroy the burning kitchen.


Morty looked embarrassed.

She also wanted to perform well and integrate into the team as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, she lost face at the beginning. Although the kitchen was ordered, the pastry was still a success.

"Taste it?"

Penn, Kibin, Sadie, the four Jailer Beasts and some other sailors all looked nervously at the green pastries in front of them. They were all lucky enough to be given a piece.


Why does it look poisonous? The green color is a little abnormal, and why is it still smelling black?

"I still like Sadie's food."

"terribly sorry."

Amidst Morty's pitiful expectations, Wilton refused very coldly. He didn't want to eat these weird things.


Being pretty doesn't always mean being as perfect as Sadie, and it's clear from this look that Morty doesn't have the talent to be a chef.

On the contrary, the red wine made looks good, as bright as blood, and has a very clear fragrance.

If pastries are shit, then red wine is the best.

Drink a sip.

Wilton's eyes lit up. It seemed that Sadie had previously introduced Morty's hobbies of red wine and painting.

It seems that these are two of Morty's strengths and advantages.


The sudden fart sound startled everyone.

I saw the Minotaur, the Minotaur koala, the Minotaur zebra, and the Minotaur rhinoceros all covering their buttocks, their faces visibly bruised.

These four idiots were so bold that they ate the cakes.

It turns out there is a real problem.

In the next three days, even the abnormal physiques of the four Jailer Beasts almost caused collapse.

There was no light left in his eyes.

Morty set the kitchen on fire six times in the past three days, and everyone was already afraid of Morty entering the kitchen.

This woman is pretty, but she really doesn't have the talent to be a chef.

I don’t know if it’s a bug, but whenever Morty cooks, the kitchen will be set on fire.

Wilton was shocked.

It was difficult for him to understand. .

(End of this chapter)

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