Please, marry a white snake wife. It’s super cool.

Chapter 130 Why is this so cruel? He digs up people’s ancestral graves at every turn.

Chapter 130 Why is he so cruel? He digs into people's ancestral graves at every turn...

Su Liyan's mother felt a little strange when she heard her daughter's words.

This is?

Su Liyan also found it funny when she thought about it, so she said softly:

"We don't know what's going on, but my man is just afraid of these things.

Even after learning these moves, he was still afraid. "

Listening to her daughter's words, a smile appeared on Su Liyan's face, and she couldn't help but laugh:

“You’ve already practiced the moves, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Shouldn't you be afraid of us because of those tricks? "

As Su Liyan's mother spoke, she got out of bed and put on her shoes and said:

"Let's go chase him."

Su Liyan immediately said:

"Oh, mother, I just need to go.

Neither is a big business. "

After that, Su Liyan was about to walk outside.

On the other hand, Su Liyan's mother quickly stopped her daughter and said:

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm pregnant.

Originally, we didn't agree to your coming to Beijing this time. If Yuan'er hadn't insisted, we wouldn't have allowed you to come. "

To Su Liyan's mother, this was just nonsense.

Being pregnant ended up going to such a far away place.

If her uncle hadn't insisted on taking the lead, Su Liyan's mother would have been unwilling to do so.

Originally, Su Liyan's mother was thinking that she would go alone this time.

Ask your uncle to find a driver for you, go there and come back by yourself.

This is fixed now.

When Su Liyan saw her mother being so careful, she couldn't help but laugh and said:

"Mom, you are so delicate.

My second aunt and third aunt often said that before, when you were pregnant with Changliang and about to give birth, you took us to the fields.

This is nothing. "

Regarding her daughter's words, Su Liyan's mother rolled her eyes at Lu Yuan and said:

"Can it be the same?"

Su Liyan said with a smile:

"Why is it different?"

But Su Liyan's mother pursed her lips and smiled:

“It’s just different.

We, Liyan, are just different from other women, we are more precious than other women~"

Mother Su Liyan's tone of voice was different from usual.

After Su Liyan heard this, she was startled for a moment, a little strange, as if she had heard this somewhere before.

After thinking about it for a moment, he felt ashamed.

My mother is just imitating her own man's speech~

After Mother Su Liyan finished speaking, she couldn't help but smile, and then said:

"Okay, okay, mom, just go.

We are pregnant with Changliang, but you are pregnant with Jin Qiaoda.

You have to have moderation in what you do and don't act blindly just because you think a man loves you.

This is your child, and it is your top priority. "

Su Liyan nodded shyly.

Finally, Su Liyan's mother got out of the carriage.

As soon as he took a few steps towards the outside of the camp, he was discovered by a patrolling traveler from the Zhao family.

Everyone knew each other. As soon as the patrolling traveler saw Su Liyan's mother, he quickly ran over and asked:

"Why did the old lady come out?

If you have anything to say, we'll take care of it for you. "

Su Liyan's mother couldn't find a good excuse for a while, so she simply told the truth.

After all, there was no good reason for me to walk outside the camp in the middle of the night.

Immediately, Su Liyan’s mother said:

"There's some dirty stuff around here, let's go chase it out."

This traveler was not surprised by Su Liyan's mother's words.

There is indeed dirt out there.

They were also travelers, so they could naturally sense that there was something sneaky in the darkness, peering into the camp.

Everyone didn't think anything of Su Liyan's mother going to chase her away.

This young lady’s mother is good at this kind of thing.

Last time, the Liu family invited people to harm people at the door of Zhao's house.

Wasn't it the talisman given by the young mistress that stabilized him?

After what happened last time, everyone has said it in private and everyone knows it.

After hearing this, the traveler also quickly said:

"We'll keep an eye on it. These things can't get in. They won't be in the way."

Evil spirits are everywhere.

In particular, evil spirits are localized.

The poorer the place, the worse the local government, the more evil spirits there are.

Everyone knows that this evil spirit is afraid of official duties and officials.

Then the question comes, why are Xie Sui afraid of official duties and officials?

It's because official posts are official positions in the empire.

And why do evil spirits fear official positions in the empire?

Then this thing involves the issue of people's beliefs.

It is said that people are like water, water can carry a boat but also capsize it.

I won’t go into too much nonsense, that’s basically what it means anyway.

If the official in this place is a good official and the people trust the court, then there will be less evil spirits in this place.

Otherwise, that's it.

But then again, there are a few counties like Taining City.

Taining City is an exception.

The last one was pretty good, now it's Lu Yuan, and this Taining city is even more prosperous.

But counties in other places are not so lucky.

Therefore, it is very common for evil spirits to appear in other places, and there are many of them.

Anyone who has traveled south or north will find it strange.

When you get to a place, you have to chase away evil spirits, so why don’t you die from exhaustion?

Anyway, if this evil spirit doesn't come to attack you, then just don't worry about it.

And what did Su Liyan's mother say to what the Zhao family traveler said?

Can you tell him that it's because our uncle is a little timid and is afraid of this thing?

Are you afraid that if you sneak in and scare our uncle?

Wouldn't that be exposing his uncle to his uncle, which would cause him to lose his status?

So, I can't say.

Su Liyan's mother just smiled and said:

“The main reason is that I couldn’t sleep, I slept for a while this afternoon.

This is idle now. "

After hearing this, the Zhao family practitioner naturally had no objection.

Of course, I didn’t dare to have an opinion before.

I'm just afraid that this old lady is nosy and has to take care of everything she goes to, which would be tiring.

But is this for fun?

Then it'll be fine.

Immediately, the Zhao family traveler grinned and said:

"Chengli, wait a minute, old lady, we are looking for a few people to go with you."

As for the words of the Zhao family traveler, Lu Yuan's mother-in-law waved her hands and said:

"No, no, we can go by ourselves."

However, the Zhao family practitioner refused to do anything, and finally said with a pitiful expression:

"Old madam, you have the right to pity us servants.

You said you wanted to go out by yourself this late at night, but we saw it here, how can we safely let you go by yourself?

If something happens to you, this young nephew will take off our skin? "

Seeing how pitiful this man was, Lu Yuan's mother-in-law finally thought about it and said helplessly:

"Okay, just follow one or two, it doesn't take much.

Looking at the business around here, it's not that bad. Don't be too busy with too many people. "

After hearing what Lu Yuan's mother-in-law said, the man smiled and nodded:

'Okay, old lady, please wait while we get the others up to patrol for us. '

Lu Yuan's mother-in-law didn't say anything.

Forget it, just follow it.

Anyway, I just talk about it and it doesn't matter.

Soon, the previous traveler came back and took another one.

Then a group of people, including Lu Yuan's mother-in-law and two other travelers, left the camp. Lu Yuan's mother-in-law is still doing the same thing.

While waiting for the two travelers, I found a bamboo basket and got some sand and stones.

While talking about it, he invited the people in this business to eat.

While talking about not going to cause trouble in the camp.

This stunned the two travelers who were carrying muskets behind them.

Everyone is a traveler.

Although, in terms of Taoism, he is definitely not as powerful as the Heavenly Master.

However, he can be selected into the Musketeers.

The level is not bad at all.

After all, this is the original Musketeers team. In other words, it is a direct descendant of the Zhao family.

This direct lineage must not only be loyal, but also capable.

Otherwise, you won't be able to get in.

And these two practitioners have never seen this kind of chanting.

According to the two people's previous thoughts, if they catch a thief and treat it directly, everyone around them will be scared away.

Unexpectedly, the old lady actually used this trick to coax the child.

The two of them followed and looked at each other. They both thought it was interesting, but they didn't say anything.

Each industry has its own tricks, so naturally they are not all the same, so there is no need to make a fuss.

Soon, the group of people made a big circle around the camp.

Su Liyan's mother also finished talking about it.

It's almost ten or eleven o'clock in the evening now.

Just in time to go back and tidy up for bed.

But just when Lu Yuan's mother-in-law and the two travelers were about to return to the camp.

A voice suddenly came from the distance:

"Which family is so unruly that they come here talking nonsense?"

This voice sounded, making Lu Yuan's mother-in-law and the two travelers stunned for a moment.


For a while, the three of them understood what it meant.

Things like Lu Yuan's mother-in-law raising prostitutes in Changliu Village are actually not uncommon in the Shenling Empire.

how to say.

Everyone actually understands this thing.

You can't cure this thing if you treat it.

This has something to do with the situation in the entire empire.

Therefore, situations like that in Changliu Village cannot be said to be common, but they are not uncommon either.

In other places, this kind of captivity also exists.

Generally speaking, this person also has a nice name in the county government office.

It's the spiritual master.

Some places have it, some places don't.

For example, there is no such thing in Taining City. The reason is because Taining City has a spirit stone mine and a guild like the Zhao family.

The Zhao family raised many travelers.

Moreover, in order to transport the spiritual stones, there were Zhuangzi in the surrounding towns.

Because of these reasons, Taining City does not need a spiritual master.

Generally speaking, all the practitioners of the Zhao family have been dealt with.

And this county town is obviously not as powerful as Taining City. It is just an ordinary small county town.

Therefore, there are spiritual masters.

As for what Lu Yuan's mother-in-law did just now, it was a bit against the rules in this industry.

After all, these tricks were kept in captivity by this spiritual master.

Others can't talk nonsense or make mistakes.

After all, people have something to say, and anyone can talk about it for our business.

Then how can we manage this business?

When the time comes, people in this business will not listen to the teachings and cause trouble to the people in the surrounding villages and towns. Are you responsible for it?

Such a big hat was thrown away just as soon as it was thrown away.

To put it more simply, you can't just feed the dogs that other people raise.

It's like you take a dog out to eat after eating.

At this time, a man came from nowhere and took two ham sausages to feed your dog.

Are you happy?

Therefore, what Lu Yuan's mother-in-law did was against the rules of this industry.

But then again.

This person also has a problem. Since you are responsible for these things, you have to take good care of them.

Don't let this thing come out at night.

Otherwise, who the hell would know that it was you who arrested him? ?

There is an off-leash dog running around on the street. Do I know who it is?

It stands to reason that this is the case.

However, Lu Yuan's mother-in-law is still very soft-tempered.

Of course, Lu Yuan's mother-in-law was not soft-tempered towards people, but she was not very soft-tempered towards people.

Or rather, it was because of the earlier years.

Because of his status as a half-demon, he was often bullied and looked down upon.

Therefore, Lu Yuan's mother-in-law never dared to say anything to others, nor did she dare to argue with others.

Immediately, Lu Yuan's mother-in-law turned around and wanted to apologize.

However, Lu Yuan's mother-in-law is gentle, but that does not mean that the two travelers next to her are gentle.

The two travelers next to them are sideways.

What are the identities of these two people?

Zhao family, direct lineage.

The first musketeers!

In the beginning, this group of travelers was the most ruthless.

In the earliest days of Taining City, those were the masters who dared to run wildly in the city on horseback.

And now, since Lu Yuan arrived at the Zhao family.

Let's not talk about the guns in hand, let's talk about the changes in Taining City now, plus the fact that the master of his family is now the county magistrate.

Now the Zhao family's musketeers are even more aggressive.

In other words, the current Zhao Family Musketeers are crazy.

Extremely crazy.

There is no way, who gave our master the ability!

Then Deputy General Song will have to beg for our Zhao family's artillery!

This time it was King Yan who invited me!

Of course, being crazy is not to say that the two of them have to cause trouble.

But this old lady is the mother-in-law of the young nephew.

If I don't protect him, can I still be called a direct descendant?

This old lady suffered the grievances of others in front of her, and if neither of her reacted, then the two of them would no longer be directly related.

Early tomorrow morning, just pack up and get out.

The next second, before Lu Yuan's mother-in-law could apologize, a traveler cursed directly into the dark night:

"What a piece of shit you are!

Don't we understand the rules?

Don't you care about your own dog? Come and peek into our camp?

Is it our fault? ! "

After the man finished cursing, another walker next to him went even more aggressive and removed the musket from his back.

Pointing his musket at the night, he cursed loudly:

“Get out of here and apologize to our old lady.

Otherwise, we will have to catch you and dig up your ancestral graves! "

Lu Yuan's mother-in-law quickly wanted to speak.

There was a gust of wind all around, and then a series of ghost cries and wolf howls sounded.

Want to have a fight?

Hearing the commotion around them, the two travelers were not afraid at all.

One person picked up the whistle on his collar and was about to blow it.

However, as soon as he put this to his mouth, another person slapped him down and cursed in a low voice:


The young nephew and the young nephew are taking a rest! "

Only then did this man come back to his senses and almost forget what happened.

This man didn't do any ink, put down his whistle, and ran straight into the camp.

The other person drew out the wooden sword on his back and rushed directly into the night.

Next to her, Lu Yuan's mother-in-law was going crazy.


Why is this so outrageous? He digs up people's ancestral graves at every turn...

(End of this chapter)

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