Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 543 Ivins County

The Dark Night Forest is located in the north of the Elf Plane. It is where the mother tree of the World Tree is located and where the Elf Royal Family thrives.

Herage had already known this information before and knew the approximate location.

The next problem is to send Shalltear back to the Dark Night Forest, and then use Shalltear to learn the information Herague wants to know.

How to send it back is also a problem, and Herage needs to properly consider the specific methods.

If he directly returned to the Dark Night Forest with Shalltear, he might encounter a lot of trouble.

Judging from the current situation, the elves must be full of hostility towards people from the wizard plane.

Even if he didn't harm Shalltear, the elves would definitely not trust him, and they would probably think that he had hidden malice and ulterior motives.

To put it simply, it is difficult for Herage to gain the trust of the elves, even with Shalltear's help.

Therefore, if Helag and Shalltear go to meet the Elf Royal Family together, it will not only be difficult to gain their trust and get some information, but they may also be in danger.

Although he has a master-servant contract with Shalltear and can use her as a hostage, Shalltear will also actively cooperate.

But there was no telling if the other party would have any means to solve this problem, so Herage had to consider this possibility.

More importantly, if another group of wizards is on the side of the elves, they will be even more in danger.

Before all this is investigated clearly, we cannot act rashly and must consider other methods.

"Sir, will you come back after you leave?" Shalltear asked aloud when she saw Herage thinking about something.

Herage said: "Of course I will come back. Do you remember how to communicate with me as a believer?"

Before he came to the elven plane, he made Shalltear and Asuna his followers so that they could communicate at any time.

"Of course!" Shalltear replied.

Herage said: "Very good, what I tell you next is very important. I will send you back to the Dark Night Forest, but I will not go in. Once you get there, it will be up to you to find out some information. Your identity should make it easy to access that information. And I will look at you from the perspective of a god and indirectly obtain the information I want."

Herage thought about it. It was too risky for him to enter the Dark Night Forest. Not to mention gathering information, there would be a lot of trouble.

In this case, it is difficult to obtain any effective information.

But Shalltear was different. As a princess of the Elf Royal Family, she had a high status and had easy access to the core information.

The only question that needs to be solved is how she returned to the elven plane.

From the perspective of the Elf Royal Family, Shalltear must have gone away forever.

After falling into the hands of those evil wizards, it would be difficult to survive, let alone come back safe and sound.

Herage was also thinking about how to fabricate a reasonable process to explain how Shalltear came back.

He thought for a while, maybe he didn't need to make it up, he just needed to make some changes to the facts.

Shalltear's return to the Dark Night Forest unharmed will definitely arouse the vigilance of the Elf Royal Family, and there will definitely be an inspection to ensure that there are no hidden dangers left on Shalltear.

Herage didn't need to worry about this at all. Apart from a master-servant contract, there was nothing fishy about Shalltear.

"I will do a good job, sir." Shalltear nodded seriously, remembering everything Herag said in her heart.

...Ivans County is the largest city on the outskirts of the Dark Night Forest, with a large population.

This is also the northernmost city in the entire elven plane, and further north is the endless dark night forest.

The Dark Night Forest is a restricted area for humans. Most humans are prohibited from entering, and only the elves can enter.

Because that is the area where the mother tree of the World Tree is located, and it is also the place ruled by the Elf Royal Family. It is an absolute restricted area.

Of course, having said that, there are still many people who take risks and enter the outskirts of the Dark Night Forest for the sake of profit.

The Dark Night Forest has a long history, so long that it is almost as old as this plane.

This leads to the fact that there are all kinds of precious medicinal herbs, materials, and treasures inside the Dark Night Forest. If you take them out at will, they will be priceless treasures.

Money is attractive, and as long as you succeed in doing it, you can enjoy it for many years. This is an irresistible temptation for many adventurers.

Although the elves punish adventurers who sneak into the dark night forest very severely and will kill them on the spot if discovered, there are still many people who will go in and give it a try.

After all, the Dark Night Forest is so large that it is like an ocean.

The elves have a sparse population and don't have enough manpower to guard the entire forest, so every year many people get things from it and return safely.

Such successful stories have inspired many people to continue venturing out. As for the adventurers who died in the dark night forest or were discovered and executed by the elves, no one talks about or remembers them.

People only remember those who came out and made a lot of money. No one cares about how many bones are buried inside.

Of course, people who come out of it only dare to buy and sell those things on the black market, and no one dares to expose it openly.

This is a world ruled by the elves. Once discovered, it is still a dead end if caught.

Evans County is also under the control of the elves. Although the lord Barash here is a human, he is also a subordinate of the Dark Night Forest and is in charge of everything here.

It is said that in addition to being a great knight, Barash is also a mage himself.

Their family has guarded this place for generations and is a loyal supporter of the elves.

As the guardian of Ivins County of this generation, Barash has been guarding this place for more than a hundred years.

Ivins County has been quiet over the years without much trouble.

Even if the wizard plane invaded, this place was not greatly affected, and the flames of war did not burn here.

Since the Elven Royal Family is behind Ivans County, few people dare to cause trouble here.

Shalltear stood outside the majestic Lord's Mansion in Evans County, with many people surrounding her looking at her in awe.

The strong elven aura on her body and her exquisite and impeccable appearance all revealed a message.

This is an elf, and not just any elf.

Shalltear felt a little uneasy and nervous. She looked at a figure hidden in the crowd in the distance and felt a little more at ease.

She took a deep breath, cheered herself up, and then stepped into the Lord's Mansion with firm eyes.

Shalltear knew that her trip was not just to go home, but also for the future of Herag and others. (End of chapter)

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