Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 537 Cloud City

Cloud City.

Herag discovered the sentry tower when he was still ten kilometers away from Cloud City.

Each watchtower is manned by two or three men, and there is a pyrotechnic signaling device in the watchtower.

Herage bypassed these guard towers. With his methods, it was basically impossible for ordinary people to discover him.

He made a special detour and adjusted the direction.

It originally came from the west of Yunduan City, but after a detour, it turned out to be from the southeast of Yunduan City.

Because the west side of Yunduan City is the area controlled by the expedition team, coming from this direction will inevitably arouse suspicion and cause a lot of trouble.

Herague's current appearance has a thin face and a relatively thin body. His appearance is ordinary and does not attract attention.

A high city wall has been built outside Yunduan City. It can be seen at a glance that this city wall was newly built in recent years. There are a lot of blood stains on the wall.

There is also a city wall within the city wall. The inner wall is lower and looks a bit old.

The original city wall of Yunduan City no longer has any defensive capabilities, at least it is useless against monsters, so this city wall was built later.

On the city wall, there are people patrolling at any time.

Herage was noticed by the archers on the city wall from the moment he first appeared.

When he came to the city gate, he was allowed to enter the city after some questioning.

After Herage entered the city, he felt a chilly atmosphere, and few people walking on the street were talking or laughing.

Most people have sad faces, and the streets are basically full of adventurers with weapons. There are more or less scars on these adventurers.

Herage could tell from the unintentional actions of these people that these people had rich practical experience.

Cloud City is considered a border, and the adventurers here must often deal with monsters.

Herage had an ordinary long sword slung around his waist. His face had no expression, and he looked like he would not let strangers in.

He asked around and found a caravan heading to Tares County.

Tareth County is a city in the northeast of the Norn Kingdom. It is a city relatively close to the Strange Valley in the Norn Kingdom.

Herage planned to just follow the caravan and not use elemental flight to get there.

Although he is now a level two wizard, he does not think he is invincible.

Among the natives of the elven plane alone, there are elves and spell casters with level three strength. If he uses elemental flight in a very ostentatious way, his end may be very miserable.

"What's your strength?" Ferry, the captain of the caravan's escort team, asked.

Ferry is a great knight and an experienced adventurer.

There are a total of more than twenty people in his adventure group. Although the number is not large, they are very strong. There are more than a dozen knight-level ones.

Many caravans want to hire them, and the prices they offer are very high.

Ferry doesn't accept all jobs. He is cautious by nature and tries not to accept tasks that are too risky.

He believes that money can only be earned and spent.

Over the years, I have seen many powerful adventurers who originally had a bright future but ruined their future for high profits.

After seeing many such things, Ferry rarely took on dangerous missions.

This is also the reason why he is active in the area of ​​Yunduan City. It is far away from the border and is slightly safer. At the same time, there are many high-return tasks.

Herage said: "Great Knight."

"Oh?" Ferry was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the thin man in front of him was actually a great knight. Seeing Fei Rui's doubtful expression, Herage stepped hard on the ground, and a dull loud noise came out, and some cracks immediately appeared on the ground.

This is the simplest and most direct way to show strength.

Ferry looked at this scene and his brows twitched. This power was terrifying.

Even he can't do this. Needless to say, Herage's strength is natural.

"Very good, what's your brother's name?" Ferry asked.

"Ruwak." Herage made up a name.

Ferry nodded: "Welcome to join you. I will repeat the task again. It will take about two months to escort the caravan to Tarez County. The reward is one hundred gold coins. Are there any questions?"

"No problem." Herage nodded.

Two hundred gold coins are already considered a very generous reward.

This is also because the current world is too chaotic and manpower is scarce, so the price of adventurers has also risen.

This is also the reason why many adventurers come here to make a living even though they know that Yunduan City is close to the border, all to make money.

After the two reached an agreement, Ferry took Herrag to meet this time's employer, the owner of the caravan, Torre.

Torre is a rough-looking man, with a broad sword on his back.

He looks far more like an adventurer than a businessman.

When Herage got closer, he discovered that this Torre was also a great knight.

It seems that those who can make a living near the border are not easy, and they cannot survive here for long without two brushes in their hands.

"I just saw it. It's very good. You are welcome to join. If you have any requirements, you can tell me at any time. We can also cooperate with you for a long time in the future." Torre nodded with satisfaction. He saw the scene just now.

Herage nodded without saying much.

His expression has always been very cold, as if he is not good at words.

Just like when Ferry raised the question, Herage did not speak, but directly proved his strength with actions.

Torre and Ferry were not surprised by Helag's behavior. Many adventurers are like this and don't like to deal with people.

It's not surprising that such a powerful knight performs like this. If he has strength, he has the capital to be arrogant.

Two days later, the caravan officially set off.

Herage has learned in the past two days that although the expedition team's castle has not been built here, it does not mean that there are no monsters here.

On the contrary, monsters appear here very frequently, and most of the monsters summoned by the expedition team came here.

Because there is basically no activity on that side of the border, either running away or dead, the monsters can only wander around there meaninglessly.

This also means that the remaining half of the Norn Kingdom is still very dangerous, and monsters often attack the city.

Especially in cities close to the border, monster attacks are commonplace.

For caravans running in the wild, it is even more dangerous.

There are city walls as defenses in the city, but in the wild you have to face attacks from monsters.

In this case, powerful adventurers are even more scarce.

Over the years, adventurers have been screened through layers of waves, and those who have survived to this day are all adventurers with considerable strength. (End of chapter)

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