Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 512 Sand Sea City

Chapter 512 Sand Sea City

"Four hundred thousand magic stones... buy it. Is there anyone there?" Herage replied.

Herage planned to ask Vernon to help buy it and then send it directly to Silvermoon City.

Anyway, he can afford 400,000 magic stones, so there is no problem of arrears.

Vernon said: "I can help you buy it, but Meyer from the Farrell family said that he wants to talk to you in person about something."

"Talk to me?" Herage asked doubtfully.

"Mostly because he wanted to get involved with you. He didn't plan to sell it to me originally. But after I heard that you wanted to buy it, he said he wanted to talk to you. I also know a little bit about the Farrell family. Meyer probably wants to hug you and have some say in the division of the estate," Vernon said.

"Am I so famous? Everyone in Shahai City knows me." Herage said.

Vernon said: "You live in seclusion and don't understand the outside world. Your improved magic potion formulas have had a great impact on the market, and countless people know your name. An excellent potion master like you is the target of all forces." Those who want to win over, after all, if you can optimize one potion formula, you can optimize dozens of potion formulas."

"This kind of talent will be very popular everywhere. What's more, you are also a second-level wizard, a formal member of Seranduil, and a first-level Medal of Honor recipient..."

He didn't realize that his ability was actually very important in the eyes of many forces.

Vernon said a lot, and Herague touched his chin: "Did I become so powerful without knowing it?"

"No problem, I'll help you arrange the airship." Vernon said.

Herage replied after a while: "Then I'll go over and talk to him."

In addition, there is another problem, and that is the threat from Fran, a third-level wizard.


Herage has been practicing meditation in seclusion and rarely goes out.

But a private airship is very free, and you can leave whenever you want.

Herage paced back and forth in the room, ready to settle the problem this time.

After he saw such a future, there was no time left to waste on such meaningless things.

If Meyer can win over Herrag, his voice in the Farrell family will be greatly improved.

Herage had no intention of participating in the internal competition of these wizard families, he just wanted to buy the key to the rules.

The Nightingale Chamber of Commerce has its own airship, which is much more convenient than those big airships.

To take the airship, you have to buy tickets in advance and arrive at the specified time. If you miss it, you have to wait until the next time.

It’s just that private airships are too expensive and ordinary people cannot afford them.

If this potential threat is not resolved, there will always be hidden dangers. He cannot stay in Silver Moon City forever.

Now that Toad is a helper, Fran's problem is not unsolvable.

But the key to the rules was still needed. Herage thought for a while, considering how to get it.

What's more, after learning what kind of person Meyer is through Misu, it is even more impossible to cooperate with such a person.

For a wizarding family like Farrell, the potion business is an important source of income to maintain the family's operations.

Herage has been thinking about this problem in the past few years, but has never found any good method.

Day two.

"Do you really want to go there in person? It's better to send someone to handle these things." Reis said with some worry.

She naturally knew that there was a potential threat from Fran, so she really didn't want Herag to leave Silvermoon City.

Herage smiled and said, "It's okay. I've already made arrangements. I can't stay here forever." Herage knew that there would be risks, but nothing could be 100% sure.

Unless he gets rid of the threat of Fran, he will always be a sword of Damocles hanging over his head.

There are many things that cannot be done because of this problem, and there is no way to be promoted to the third level wizard while staying in Silvermoon City.

Just for the Rule Key, you have to find a way to get it from everywhere.

Silver Moon City, the port in the north of the city.

Herage glanced at the toad lying on his shoulder and stepped onto the Nightingale Chamber of Commerce's small airship.

The toad has now become much smaller and has become the size of an ordinary toad, sitting quietly on Herage's shoulder.

The aura on the toad was very ordinary. It looked like an ordinary toad, nothing unusual.

Others didn't find it strange when they saw it. It was very normal for wizards to keep toads as pets.

Toads, spiders, mice, owls, etc. are all common pets of wizards.

Herrag had a toad on his shoulder. Not only was it not obtrusive, it actually seemed very reasonable.

The Nightingale Chamber of Commerce's small airship is about the size of a three-story sea ship. It's quite large, but it's just smaller than the Wizards Alliance's airship.

Herage came to live in the best room. Apart from him, all the staff on the airship were members of the Nightingale Chamber of Commerce.

Here, he is the person with the highest status.

Herage was lying on the bed, and the toad was crawling around the room, curious about everything.

Herage didn't know when Fran would show up, so he was always on alert.

Although Fran hasn't done anything in the past few years, Herage doesn't think that he has forgotten about it.

Herage would not doubt the intelligence channels of a third-level wizard, and his departure from Silvermoon City would definitely be known.

The only question is when Fran will take action.

It takes half a month for the airship to go to Shahai City, which is a very long time.

Except for stopping in several cities to replenish supplies, most of the time was spent flying over polluted areas.

Half a month passed quickly in Herage's meditation. The whole journey was peaceful and there was no attack.

A shadow of a city appeared in front of him. This was the city to the east of Serantir, Sand Sea City.

Shahai City is surrounded by a desert area, and the wind and sand are particularly strong.

There is thick yellow sand attached to the outside of the city's high walls, which is the trace accumulated over the years.

After the airship landed at the port, the Farrell family quickly came over, led by Meyer.

Herage had met Meyer before through Misu, and he immediately recognized this man who looked luxuriously dressed but actually lacked some abilities.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you just lack some abilities. After all, it is just a disease.

But Meyer's subsequent behavior made Herrag look down upon him, and he naturally would not want to cooperate with such a person.

After Herage got off the airship, he was accompanied by two assistants sent by the Nightingale Chamber of Commerce, a man and a woman, who were responsible for handling various affairs.

"Is it Mr. Herrag? My name is Meyer Farrell. It's an honor to meet you." Meyer came over, smiled and extended his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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