Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 344 Entering the slums

Chapter 344 Entering the slums

The roads in the slums are very narrow and can basically only accommodate one person.

There are low shacks on both sides of the road. Some shacks have doors, some have no doors, and some are just covered with a rag, which is considered a door.

When Herage walked through the path, many sallow-looking children came out and stared at him blankly.

That kind of look makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Herage thought for a while before he remembered what kind of look it looked like.

That's the look in a hunter's eyes when he's targeting his prey.

This kind of look appears on such a young child, and the meaning behind it is extraordinary.

What worried Herage even more was that he felt like he had arrived at the lair of the Abyss cultists.

Along the way, I have met countless people who have the aura of the abyss plane in their bodies.

The number was so large that Herage was a little confused. He wondered if these people realized that they were already Abyss cultists.

If these people spontaneously become Abyss cultists, then the Mozambi slums are definitely a big hidden danger.

Of course, even if they are not willing, this is already a big trouble.

"Hey, handsome~" A scantily clad woman on the side of the road whistled at Herage.

Perhaps it was because men with tender skin and fair skin like Herage were rare here, so many women stared at him along the way.

Those who are bolder are like this woman on the roadside, who greets her directly and teases her.

What's more, he even showed it to Herage...

Every time Herage encountered this situation, he could only smile helplessly.

Naturally, he won't react. No one here looks clean.

Literally clean, [-]% of people's faces look like they haven't been washed for a long time.

From this we can see how worrying the sanitary conditions here are.

Herage didn't want to get sick for no apparent reason.

It has been sunny these days, but the roads inside the Mozambi slums seem to be always muddy.

Walking on the road, there will always be the sound of stepping on the muddy ground in the rain.

Herague glanced at his leather boots, which were bought for him by Ruisi and were already covered with mud.

Asir led Herage deeper and gradually arrived at the center of the Mozambi slum.

Asir didn't say a word along the way, he just led the way. He didn't seem to want to talk to Herague.

Herage looked around, and could see a series of low shacks all around, like an ocean.

In the distant horizon, you can see some tall buildings, which are the prosperous areas of Silver Moon City.

"It turns out you can see it here too."

Herage discovered that even from the center of the slum, majestic buildings could be clearly seen in the distance.

These people live in slums with such poor conditions every day. When they look up, they can see the places where the upper class of Silver Moon City live and play. I don't know how they feel.

Herage continued to walk forward for some distance, knowing that he should be there soon.

Because the footpath has turned into a clean, hard stone road, no longer a muddy path.

Looking up, this is a rare clean place in the slums. The roads are very clean. You can tell that someone must be cleaning them at any time. Not far away, there was a house lying quietly there. The tall courtyard door was incompatible with the atmosphere of the slums, giving Herage the illusion that he was not in the slums.

Asir came to the door and knocked on the door. Someone opened the door.

"Go in." Asir turned around and said, then walked in on his own, seemingly not even bothering to look at Herague.

Herage looked at the back of the kid's head, resisted the urge to go up and tap it lightly, and walked in to see what kind of medicine these people were selling.

Franz's house was even bigger than it looked from the outside. Herage walked a long way around before arriving at a small courtyard.

There was only Franz in the yard, sitting on a chair.

Next to the chair is a round table with a bottle of red wine and three wine glasses.

"Mr. Herage is here, sit down." Franz gestured to a chair next to the round table, which was reserved for Herage.

Herage was not polite, walked over and sat down carelessly.

Franz did not speak, but picked up the bottle of red wine on the round table, and said slowly: "That bottle of red wine was bought for me by that boy Brown. I heard it cost a lot of money, but I haven't drank it yet. Leave it there. It wasn’t until he died that I remembered there was such a bottle of wine.”

"By the way, Mr. Herrag, Brown is the young man you killed. You probably don't know his name."

Franz was talking to himself, taking off the cork of the wine bottle and pouring red wine into three wine glasses, as if he was talking about something insignificant.

"Oh, so his name is Brown." Herrag smiled.

Franz nodded: "He was a good boy and always worked hard. Was he in pain before he died?"

Herage thought: "It shouldn't be painful."

He recalled that when Brown died, it was quite simple, and he was evaporated directly with a punch.

I just don’t know if the huge psychological impact is considered painful.

Franz placed a poured glass of red wine in front of Herage and said: "That's good, that's good."

There were three glasses of red wine, one each for Franz and Herage, and another glass was placed on the round table without anyone touching it.

"Try it?" Franz glanced at Herage, and then drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.

Herage took a look at the glass of red wine. It had a mellow color and looked like it was not ordinary.

He smiled, raised his head and drank it in one gulp, leaving not a drop left.

"I thought Mr. Herage didn't dare to drink." Franz laughed.

"I dare to come, so why don't I dare to drink? Tell me, why are you asking me to come? I won't really help you set up the witch formation." Herage put the wine glass on the round table nonchalantly.

Franz leaned directly on the back of the chair, seemingly relaxed: "I just want to ask, Brown, how did he die?"

"It's very simple. I punched him to death." Herage said seriously.

Franz shook his head: "Impossible. He is at least a second-level wizard in the abyss. How could he be beaten to death by you?"

"That's the truth. Whether you believe it or not is none of my business." Herage said bluntly, not bothering to explain anything to him.

"Are you looking for death?" Asir stared at Herage angrily, as if he was about to rush up and punch Herage.

Herage glanced at Asir, turned around and asked, "Who is this coward? He looks like he has no brains."

Asir was completely furious, and his muscles all tensed up.

"Asil." Franz shouted unhurriedly, and Asil immediately controlled his anger, but his chest was still heaving violently, obviously he was very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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