Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 502 International Financial Night Market

Chapter 502 International Financial Night Market (Fourth update, please subscribe)

The last month of the forties.

The most eye-catching person in New York is undoubtedly Margaret, the British princess, the first lady of Southeast Asia, and the queen of Sarawak.

While she attracted almost all the attention of public opinion, almost no one in New York cared about the war in India.

Not to mention ordinary people, not even Wall Street cares about the South Asian subcontinent.

How much profit can that hell place in India bring to Wall Street?
Wall Street is more concerned about Nanyang than India. After all, Wall Street has invested heavily there, and their cooperation has been extremely close in the past few years.

While the United Nations was discussing the International Trusteeship, Li Yi'an was chatting with Henry Morgan, the founder of Morgan Stanley, about financial topics in the Morgan Library.
"For now, there are only two financial centers in the world. One is the old center, which is London, and the other is New York. One thing that is certain is that New York will definitely become the real world financial center, and London It just plays a supplementary role, such as continuing to take over the market after New York closes or, in other words, serving as a night market for the world's financial markets..."

Although Morgan Stanley looks inconspicuous, it was originally the investment arm of JP Morgan Chase. After the Great Depression in the United States in 33, Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Act, which prohibited companies from also providing commercial banks. With investment banking services, Morgan Stanley was established in New York as an investment bank, while JP Morgan was converted into a purely commercial bank.

Even though it has only been established for a few years, thanks to the influence of the Morgan consortium, it has always been an important partner of the New York Stock Exchange and a partner of Nanyang.

Li Nian, who intends to build Nanyang into a world financial center, naturally needs to win over partners on Wall Street, and Morgan is the first choice among them.

"Your Majesty, your point of view is very novel, but it is true. After all, money does not sleep. As early as the last century, financial capital in Europe and the United States began to swim on both sides of the Atlantic. Indeed, to a certain extent , New York used to be London’s night market, but now that role has changed.”

Seeing the pride on Morgan's face, Li Yian smiled.

Morgan raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Li Yian curiously.

"Financial Night Market."

Henry Morgan laughed and said.

After two world wars, the transfer of the center of the old and new worlds was finally completed. This was exactly the dream of old Morgan and others, and this dream was completed in their hands.

When he mentioned "role change", Henry Morgan's expression was slightly conceited. This is what the Morgan family has been working tirelessly for half a century, not just for personal wealth, but also for a more noble one. The goal is to replace London. Of course, in the process, they will also gain huge wealth.

"But Mr. Morgan, the problem now is...London is only half the market."

Li Yian said.

"Half the market?"

"As you said, money never sleeps. The flow of capital is eternal. Only flowing capital can bring more returns. The only problem is that the distance between New York and London is too close. It’s so close…”

"The time difference is only a few hours, which means that when the New York and London exchanges are closed, capital is stagnant..."

While talking, Li Yian picked up an orange from the table and said.

"As we all know, the earth is spherical. When it is daytime in the Eastern Hemisphere, it is nighttime in the Western Hemisphere, and vice versa. And London and New York..." shrugged his shoulders, Li Yi'an said.

"Unfortunately, one is located at the edge of the Western Hemisphere and the other is at the edge of the Eastern Hemisphere. Because of this, capital is stagnant in darkness for more than one-third of every day."

When Li Yian mentioned the stagnation of capital, Morgan thought for a while and said.

"Your Majesty, this means we need another financial night market, such as Nanyang, right?"

It's always easy to deal with smart people.

Li Yian smiled and said.

"Mr. Morgan, the world today is completely different from the past. The emergence of airplanes has changed everything. Now the UK has jet airliners. Maybe in a few years, it will only take a dozen hours to fly across the Pacific Ocean, and the distance in space will be reduced." This makes it easy for investors to travel to and from the Pacific Ocean. Who knows? Maybe the world is entering a "global village time". The only question is who opens the door first before entering this era!"

In fact, during today's chat with Morgan, Li Yian never thought about what he would get from him. Today's conversation was actually to lay a foundation for the future.

Nanyang's desire to take on the role of "world financial center" cannot be decided in a few words, nor can it be decided by Morgan alone. But now he can leave a shadow on Wall Street. With the development of technology, Wall Street capitalists will realize that Nanyang will be their best choice.

What is this technology?
Jet airliners, and even the Internet, are the follow-up to many technological developments.

After all, it will be decades before even Hong Kong Island becomes an international financial center.

Before that, all Nanyang needs to do is to develop its own financial capital industry steadily, and only in this way can it be able to become a guest sitting at the table instead of food on the plate before that day comes. In this way, you can have your own piece of fat in this international financial feast.


Two days later, when the United Nations was still debating the international mandate and the meeting was not progressing smoothly amid Russian protests, Li Nian set out on his way home and left New York on a special plane on his way to Seattle.

Why go to Seattle, of course, to visit Boeing's factory. Although Boeing will definitely not show him the B52 long-range strategic bomber under development, it does not prevent him from visiting and learning about other projects. In fact, in the post-war civil aviation market, Boeing Far behind rivals Douglas and Lockheed. In particular, the Douglas DC6 airliner is considered the "ultimate" piston airliner because of its long range and many seats. As for Lockheed's Constellation aircraft, it is not inferior to it.

On the other hand, the Boeing 377 Stratocruiser manufactured by Boeing has a longer range and more seats, but it looks too ugly. Appearance is justice, and the production is very limited. This passenger plane caused Boeing a loss of US$1500 million. If it were not for the fact that the broadcasting company was supported by a large number of profits from military projects, I am afraid that this loss would have put it on the verge of bankruptcy. However, even so, the Boeing 377 is still the most luxurious civilian airliner after the war. It became the flagship on the Atlantic and Hawaiian routes. Its double-decker cabin and spiral staircase were a reflection of the wealth and luxury of the wealthy in this era.

"I don't know if their 707 project has been approved yet."

This time when he went to Boeing Company, Li Yian still went for the classic Boeing 707. However, he would most likely be disappointed, because the birth of the Boeing 707 originated from the British "comet" until next summer, when he was the president of Boeing. Bill Allen led a delegation of Boeing engineers to the UK to participate in the Farnborough Air Show. They saw the real aircraft of the "Comet" passenger aircraft at the air show. The outstanding performance of the "Comet" passenger aircraft impressed those sitting on the stage. Bill Allen was envious. He had always wanted to compete with Douglas in the civil aviation market and saw an opportunity to overtake in a corner. Representatives were immediately dispatched to negotiate with de Havilland. The next day, the Boeing delegation was invited to visit the de Havilland aircraft factory in Hadfield, County Radford. After returning to the United States, Boeing engineers began the design of the jetliner.

Although when he visited Boeing Company in Seattle, Li Yian naturally returned disappointed because Boeing did not yet have a development plan for a jetliner. Douglas Company in Los Angeles did not see a jetliner project. Unlike Douglas Company at this time, Generally speaking, they are still immersed in the success of DC 6 and do not realize that times have changed.

On the way back to Southeast Asia by plane from Los Angeles, Li Yi'an lamented that these two American aircraft manufacturing companies were so behind the times. It also allowed Li Yian to see an opportunity, an opportunity to overtake in the aviation manufacturing industry and create a new era.

"If we seize the opportunity, maybe Nanyang will become the pioneer of this jet airliner era."

(End of this chapter)

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