Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 494: There are so many people who are taken advantage of

Chapter 494: There are so many people who are taken advantage of (Fourth update, please subscribe)


Outside the restaurant, Grace looked at the man and said.

"Don't forget me this time!"

This has always been what bothers Grace the most. The first time they met was on a plane. As a result, this guy didn't pay much attention to her. Even in the casino, he... this guy's attention was on that diamond.

From beginning to end, maybe she was just a little girl to him.

Huh, is it still the case now?

Li Yian answered simply.

When the girl turned and left with a smile, he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"Grace Kelly...is actually the princess!"

"Five years ago...I didn't even notice her."

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

"Sir, this is the information someone from the consulate sent you during your morning exercise."

How long does it take for a small spark to burn into a small flame?

Smiling, Li Yian stretched out his hand, and a car that had been parked in the distance drove over. Just when the car was about to stop, not far away, a newspaper seller was shaking the newspaper and shouting at the top of his lungs.

Looking through the information sent by the consulate, Li Yian couldn't help but sigh.

This kind of thing depends on the situation, the timing, and the chance.

However, it is not impossible to have some stories with her.

"It's finally about to start, and I don't know what the situation is like over there."

While sighing, Li Yian's heart was full of expectations, looking forward to this melee in the South Asian subcontinent.

Looking at the girl's retreating back, the corners of Li Yian's mouth rose.

The content of the intelligence is simple - India has issued an ultimatum to the state of Hyderabad, requiring it to stop suppressing local Hindus, otherwise it will take further action.

When getting into the car, the security captain Tang Zhili in the passenger seat took out a document and said.

Since she is a famous princess... then - no, your princess already has a master.

The sudden news made Li Yian feel shocked and his whole body was shaking.


Looking back now, she seemed to be too young five years ago, so she was ignored.

"Finally... the war begins!"

What I missed five years ago is now delivered to me. This opportunity cannot be missed.

Li Yian has never doubted this.

“Look at India’s first battle after independence, he issued an ultimatum to the state of Hyderabad.”

Hyderabad State, Hyderabad.

In the past few months, the atmosphere in this city, like other areas, has been extremely tense. Hindus have continued to demand to join India. In many places, peaceful believers and Hindus who support independence have clashed many times.

In order to quell the conflict, while sending military and police to crack down, the officials also announced that they understood salt. However, now their crackdown has encountered pressure from the outside - India wants to interfere in their internal affairs.

After hearing that Mr. Dwyer was back, Asaf Jah VII immediately rushed over and asked eagerly

"Pearl bless you and bring you back safely. Is there any result from the meeting of princes now?"

"Your Highness..."

Dwyer said with some embarrassment. "His Royal Highness Singh believes that...unless Delhi directly threatens military affairs, the Maharaja should not overreact. After all, the Indian side now..."

Before Dwyer could finish speaking, Asaf Jah VII cursed loudly and excitedly.

"Damn heretic, that guy Singh is on the side of the Indians, I knew it, I knew it would be like this, Mr. Dwyer, did you see it? This is how they treat us, Singh That guy betrayed us! Pearl Bless them all to hell!"

While cursing the other party, Asaf Jah VII looked at Dwyer and said.

"Mr. Dwyer, you once said that the Commonwealth of Independent States will never sit idly by and do nothing. You also said that the "Collective Security Treaty" will definitely play a role and guarantee the independence of Hyderabad. But what about now?"

The furious Asaf Jah VII asked loudly.

"This is Singh's answer. They are afraid of angry Indians. Don't they know that after Hyderabad disappears, they will be next?"

Don’t they understand the truth that lips are cold and teeth die?
Asaf couldn't help but feel a little upset, but if he had to ask himself, it was certain that if something similar happened in Kashmir, he would definitely make a similar choice. After all, believers are his last resort.

"Now, what is the significance of this "Collective Security Treaty"? Mr. Dwyer, tell me, can I still refer to those princely states?"

Faced with the prince's question, Dwyer said.

"Of course, Your Highness, please rest assured that the CSTO will definitely play a role, but now, they have not realized the seriousness of the problem. Please believe that if the Indians dare to attack this time, what awaits them will be An unprecedented failure.”

Dwyer's vowed words were simply a joke to Assaf's ears.

Not simply, but absolutely!

"Failure? Can I defeat them with my army? Mr. Dwyer!"

Mr. Dwyer said when Assaf almost broke his defense.

"Collective security forces! Your Highness, we also have the Black Knights and the collective security forces!"

After that, Dwyer puffed out his chest and said.

"Your Highness, please believe that when war is inevitable, I believe that the Collective Security Forces will definitely take action. After all, they... will definitely get things done after they take the money!"

Assaf looked at Dwyer with uncertain eyes and said.

"Really? You know, the British... they took the money too!"

When it came to the British taking money, Dwyer couldn't help but feel even more upset. Although they spent 5 billion, or should I say 2 billion US dollars, the remaining 3 billion US dollars was to purchase British bonds in installments within ten years. All they got in exchange was that the British agreed to their independence, but what else? Britain was simply unwilling to grant them any security guarantees.

Even just a few hours ago, the British ambassador had stated that Britain had no intention of interfering in the affairs of the subcontinent, but was simply telling him that Britain would demand that India respect the independence of the princely states through the Commonwealth Conference.

That's it……

When it comes to betraying friends, the British are damn good at it!

In the past two hundred years, the British have not been reliable. Thinking of what his father and grandfather said, "Never trust the British", Asali felt that he was a fool for trusting the British!
At this time, Asali had not broken his defense a little, but had broken his defense completely. He even looked at Dwyer with a resentful look and said.

"The British are unreliable, and besides, they are still a group of mercenaries!"

For a moment, Asali, the king of the country, even felt that he was a fool. Not only did he believe in the British, but he also believed that the mercenaries could act as a third party to protect his country's independence. Now it seems that he is a fool at all, and he is a victim in everyone's eyes.

He's just a scapegoat who paid for it.

"I dare say that once the Indians attack, those mercenaries will definitely throw away their guns and run away."

Asali looked at Mr. Dwyer with an affirmative tone. At this moment, his defense was broken. He was not only suspicious of the mercenaries, but also suspected Dwyer.

As his political advisor, it was Dwyer who had planned everything behind the scenes in the past few years. At that time, Asali was grateful to him, but the reality he is facing now makes him Asali became suspicious of Dwyer for the first time, because everything he provided was so unreliable.

The collective security treaty is unreliable.

Even those mercenaries are also unreliable. How could those mercenaries throw their lives and blood for his country?
They are just a bunch of guys who work for money.

Can such a person be trusted?

(End of this chapter)

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