Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 491: Sharing worries and resolving ugly Nanyang

Chapter 491: Sharing worries and resolving ugly Nanyang (first update, please subscribe)
The state dinner at the White House is grand.

Although snowflakes were falling outside the window that night, it was as warm as spring in the State Banquet Hall. Elite politicians from Washington gathered here. In addition to the politicians invited by Truman, many of them included some of Li Yi'an's old friends.

McCarthy, Nixon, Kennedy, Johnson... except for McCarthy, it was a gathering of presidents. That night, Li Yian made some new friends, introduced by Truman.

In short, the banquet ended in a cheerful atmosphere, during which Li Yi'an sent invitations to old and new friends - inviting these politicians to visit Nanyang at the appropriate time.

The dance didn't end until late at night. After getting into the car again, Margaret was a little tired.

The second most important activity at the White House state banquet after eating was the dance after the banquet, and Margaret was naturally invited by many people. After getting in the car, she leaned softly on Li Yian's shoulder and said.

"I don't seem to like dancing much anymore."

"Me too,"

Li Yian shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said.

"I seemed to have danced with more than 50 female guests today. Harry joked that I broke the White House record."

Obviously Acheson understands China and knows that Chinese people like to talk about things at the dinner table. In fact, the meeting between the two of them is more about talking about feelings. Real and specific matters will be discussed by the affairs officials.

Nodding, Li Yian said.

Leaning on his shoulder, Margaret said.


Therefore, no matter what, the meeting with Acheson was the top priority of his visit to the United States. The meeting was naturally held in a friendly atmosphere, and Acheson even smiled when he met.

"Emperor Mai..."

With a cold smile, Li Yian looked outside the car. Heavy snow was flying outside the window. Winter had already entered Washington in November. This winter, life in Japan would be difficult.

It just takes some time.

It just takes a while to buffer. After all, Washington needs to take care of its own face.

In the next few days, Li Nian stayed in Washington, meeting with leaders and members of the two houses of Congress. It was not until the fourth day that he finally met with Secretary of State Dean Acheson. There was no principle of reciprocity. Now the United States All foreign aid is controlled by the Foreign Aid Committee. This guy is a real "money boy." Although the United States has decided to increase aid to Nanyang, the foreign aid committee member who is actually responsible for implementation is Acheson.

Holding his wife in his arms, Li Yian's lips raised slightly, "Okay... Marshal Mai is about to be pulled off his horse."

"It will take some time, but basically there should be no problem,"

"Your Majesty, when I was in Chang'an at the beginning of the year, I was grateful for your warm hospitality. I always hope to repay your hospitality. If you don't mind, I hope our meeting can be held in the restaurant."

"Then you will definitely be on the news tomorrow...the king at the White House Ball. You seem very happy today. Did you achieve your goal?"

Without the support of Emperor Mai, will Japan still have a chance to revive?
That night, Li Yian slept soundly and soundly, sleeping until dawn. After all, the biggest inner demon finally disappeared on this day.

Soon the group came to a restaurant not far from the Truman Building. The restaurant had been prepared for a long time. During the process of serving food, Acheson talked more about his experience of visiting Nanyang, "Your Majesty, in Nanyang, what impressed me most was not just your warm hospitality, but the changes in Nanyang. As many people said - if there is a miracle in the world, the miracle must be in Nanyang. Your Majesty, it is better than during the Great Depression. Facing the crisis in the Western world, many left-wing scholars looked at Soviet Russia, and they once said - Russia is proving to the world that they are the future!"

Picking up the wine glass, Acheson looked at Li Yian and said.

"Your Majesty, your Nanyang's unparalleled prosperity is proving to the world that we are the future! Cheers to the future!" Faced with such a compliment, Li Yi'an naturally smiled and accepted it.

"To the future! Cheers!"

While smiling, Li Yi'an, who had been in contact with Acheson at the beginning of the year, understood that this was just the opening remarks, and Acheson would never mention Russia without reason.

Sure enough, Acheson quickly got to the point.

"Your Majesty, I think you should notice that in post-war international affairs, in addition to the issues between the free world and Russia, there are also some historical issues, such as colonies and international mandates. Russia is currently expanding rapidly in Europe and Asia Their power, they are even seeking trusteeship in Libya. What do you think about this issue?"

It is a bit far from Nanyang. Although it is far, Li Yian said directly when faced with Acheson's inquiry.

"The Russians must not be allowed to succeed. The Russians are just using the name of trusteeship to expand their power to the Mediterranean. If they cannot be stopped, they will inevitably expand to the entire southern Europe."

At this time, we must stand on the side of the American emperor and make money...not shabby!


Acheson nodded and said.

"This is not the first time they have made this request. At the Potsdam Conference, they tried to ask for the trusteeship of Tripolitania and hoped to extend their hands into the Mediterranean. Although we have handed over Libya to the United Nations, the Russians They have not given up on this intention and now they are trying to obtain trusteeship of Libya through the United Nations.”

When Acheson was talking about the Libyan issue, which was out of reach of the eight countries in Nanyang, Li Yian was a little confused. What was Libya doing in Nanyang?
But when Truman mentioned the "United Nations" in the White House, Li Yian couldn't help but be startled. Could it be that the United States wanted to hand over the custody of Libya to Nanyang?
This...this, this responsibility is a bit big. Li Yian is afraid that he can't bear this burden!
However, in my heart, I really hope to organize more tests. Although the place is a bit far away and the green environment there is too harsh, challenges are also opportunities.

But Acheson's next words completely dispelled his idea.

"But they are just wishful thinking. At the next United Nations Trusteeship Conference, we will make a proposal to make Libya independent. In this way, the Russians can be dispelled."

"Well, giving Libya independence is consistent with the spirit of the Atlantic Charter and what we fought for in wartime."

Although there was a smile on his face, Li Yian had already greeted the female friends of the Acheson family in his heart. Why are you wasting your breath on something that has nothing to do with me.

"But one thing that is certain is that the Russians will definitely not give up. They will definitely challenge the United States in other areas, or seek to obtain mandates in other areas, so..."

Acheson turned his gaze to Li Yi'an and said.

"In order to prevent the United States from becoming the target of public criticism, we hope that Nanyang can assume corresponding international responsibilities, such as taking over the trusteeship tasks of some areas, such as the trusteeship of the Rongqiu and the Caroline Islands."

The sudden suggestion made Li Yian a little confused. In any case, he did not expect that the other party would mention this matter.

Originally, he came to the United States to file a complaint and bring down Marshal Mai by the way. He didn't even have the intention to ask for a sip of milk. But I never thought... After crying twice, Truman actually gave me a large piece of meat to eat.

Faced with this suggestion, Li Yian felt a little melancholy - for a moment he couldn't tell what purpose the United States' suggestion was for, or was it just a test?

Although I want to say loudly in my heart - yes, I will share the pressure for the United States! Someone who can relieve the world's worries!
But Li Yian did not agree immediately. Instead, he picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine, thinking about the American's intentions in his heart.

This thing happened so suddenly that it was unbelievable.

Could this be a trap?
(End of this chapter)

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