Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 489 A true gentleman must retaliate if he has revenge

Chapter 489 A true gentleman must retaliate if he has revenge (Third update, please subscribe)

The United States is about to enter the 2000s. In this year, the per capita income of the United States is close to the US$ mark.

At this time, the United States had completely emerged from the post-war economic crisis - with the economic assistance provided to Europe by the "Marshall Plan", a large number of American-made products and technologies were transported to Europe. While helping Europe to rebuild, it also opened up a huge market for American companies. American machinery, automobiles, chemical products, etc. are widely sold in the European market, driving further growth of the American economy.

The current United States is definitely Blue Star's No. 1, there is no doubt about it. This is true whether it is economically, industrially or technologically.

Almost every country in the world has an interest in the United States - Western European countries need assistance from the United States, Latin American countries also need it, and the same goes for Asian countries. Because of this, to a certain extent, Washington is the world's Heart, the diplomats gathered here will always do everything possible to please the Americans - White House officials, members of the two congresses. At this time, the United States is proud. Even a small and unknown member of the House of Representatives can do nothing. He has no scruples in blaming a certain country and speaking nonsense.

What gave them the confidence?
Without him, it is the US dollar waving in the hands of the United States - one dollar contains 0.888671 grams of gold.

Relying on the stick of US dollars, Americans did whatever they wanted in the post-war world, and they seemed to be accustomed to this.

But in the past half month, these proud and arrogant Americans have suddenly become confused - a country in Asia has said "no" to the United States with a tough attitude. Not only that, but he also made the famous "Emperor Mai" look disgraced.

Many Americans are not used to this. It is difficult for them to understand - how can a small Nanyang dare to... challenge the authority of the United States? This world should not allow the United States to do whatever it wants!

Amid the astonishment of the crowd, Senator McCarthy delivered a speech that was neither shocking nor fatal.

As a personal friend of Li Yi'an, although McCarthy has never met him, this guy is easy to get along with. As a friend, he will do anything he wants!
In fact, when Nanyang challenged the "Alliance General", many American-first politicians in Washington expressed either euphemistically or directly that Nanyang could not bear it.

"We provided US$4.5 million in aid to Nanyang last year, 80% of which was used to purchase American machinery and equipment as well as milk powder, wheat, corn, cotton and other crops. Only 20% was used for the military. A stable political situation will allow Nanyang to We can invest more in the economy, and as Nanyang’s economic strength increases, it will allow us to save a lot of foreign aid funds after it becomes economically self-sufficient.”

The White House has declared this to the outside world. In fact... well, it is also true. In Asia, except for Southeast Asia, the United States does not have a single ally that it can fight with. After all, the largest ally has successfully moved to the north of the Gulf, and the red regime has been established on that ancient land. In Southeast Asia, Siam and North Vietnam successively turned red a few years ago, and the situation in Southeast Asia is precarious. In this case, Nanyang became the target of support from the United States.

"We need to form a defense line from Tokyo to Nanyang,"

There is no other way. In Washington, President Li mainly has a lot of friends, and his friends are even spread across both parties.

Of course, this does not prevent some people from siding with Marshal Mai. After all, Marshal Mai, who comes from a wealthy and handsome family, has many friends... and more.

And Nanyang is the recipient of the "Fourth Point Plan". Acheson was also the formulator and implementer of this plan, and of course he knew that among the recipients of aid over the years, this plan had achieved real success only in Nanyang.

"Nanyang is a solid and powerful barrier for us to stop the Russians! It is the most important ally of the United States in Asia."

"Fourth Point Plan" At the beginning of the year, Truman proposed a four-point action plan for the U.S. global strategy in his inauguration speech. The first three points are: support for the United Nations, the post-war European economic recovery plan known as the "Marshall Plan" and assistance to the free world to resist aggression. . However, he also focused on the fourth point, which is to provide economic and technical assistance to underdeveloped regions in Asia, Africa, and Latin America in order to achieve the purpose of politically controlling these regions. For this reason, the "Fourth Point Plan" is also called the "Development of Backward Areas Plan."

"At this stage, the only place that can reassure us is Nanyang, which is also the region where the "Fourth Point Plan" has been most successfully implemented."

In the Oval Office of the White House, Secretary of State Dean Acheson sat in his chair and looked at the president.

"The United States can do whatever it wants, but that is based on the common interests of its allies. If someone wants to do whatever they want for other countries by trampling on the interests of allies, I think such a challenge comes at the right time and should not be limited. For a challenge, we should pull down a guy like that and then step on him hard!"

So while there was a confrontation in the fishing areas in the Pacific, politicians in Washington were also expressing their opinions and arguing endlessly because of the "fishing area incident."

But this does not prevent the White House from approving aid to Nanyang for the new year - a total of up to US$600 million, even far more than in the past.

Mentioning this, Acheson felt a little chilled - they also provided equal aid to Turkey and Greece last year, but that aid was basically used for military purposes, and its economic promotion effect was almost negligible.

This means that Turkey and Greece will still be "burdens" for the United States in the near future, and such burdens cannot be shaken off, because the United States must curb Russia's expansion.

"It can be expected that in the near future, in the face of the expansion of Russian power in the Far East and the Pacific, Nanyang will be our anchor in Asia. Only Nanyang can shoulder this important task." In fact, this is also the decision to provide Nanyang with supplies this year. The fundamental reason for the US$6 million in aid - because last year's investment income was very high - Nanyang purchased more than US$15 billion in goods from the United States. Much more than U.S. aid. This has also made Nanyang the United States' largest trading partner in Asia.

Truman said with a slight nod.

"In other words, we need to side with Nanyang on the "fishing zone dispute"."

With his elbows on the table, Truman did not make a biased decision because of his personal relationship with Li Yian. This was entirely based on the interests of the United States.

"We should stand on their side to a certain extent, and at the same time, we must also take into account the face of the United States - such as his challenge to the "Alliance General", although in a sense the "Alliance General" Its existence is no longer appropriate, but after all, it is an institution established by the United States, and its authority must be maintained,"

Looking at the president, Acheson took a sip of tea. After first affirming the role of the president, he spoke slowly.

"Of course, the interests of allies also need to be maintained. Especially now, when that guy Mike's behavior of disregarding the interests of allies has aroused dissatisfaction in many countries, including Nanyang, we must deal with this matter carefully. After all, , we need these allies in Asia."

When Acheson made his suggestion, Truman noticed that he never mentioned "McKinja", which seemed to have something to do with his experience during his visit to Asia last year. Like all State Department officials, Acheson was also influenced by Received a cold reception.

As Secretary of State, he could only accept an audience with Emperor Mai in the First Building.

The self-righteous Emperor Mai always looked like a rich man. He never knew how to respect others and always looked like he was superior.

And what about in Nanyang?
However, Acheson stayed in Li Yi'an's private palace, eating barbecue and drinking beer with him. After getting drunk, he played the guitar and sang songs.

In just a few days, Acheson formed a very deep friendship with His Majesty the King. This friendship was personal and of course included some personal gifts.

Truman asked, minutes after Acheson proposed a final solution to the "fishing problem."

"So, where's Mike?"

"Harry, you know, although I don't like that guy, I have to say that that guy did a pretty good job in Japan, but the damage to the interests of the allies is also obvious to all. We can't abandon everything for Japan. Allies, so..."

Acheson said as he put down his teacup and leaned back in his chair.

"I think that at the right time, the League should be abolished."

Revenge at last!
For a moment, Acheson felt a sense of secret joy. Once again, he recalled the cold reception he received in Japan. Although the Japanese were extremely enthusiastic and wanted to kneel in front of him and ask for help, what about Emperor Mai?

I really thought I was the emperor!
"Another problem is that in Libya, the Russians have been trying to use the United Nations to administer Libya. As long as we can stop them in Libya, their ambitions will never stop because of this. They will definitely seek to seek United Nations mandates in other areas. ,so……"

Acheson said, looking at the thoughtful president.

"You have to make some preparations in advance."


Truman asked, looking at Acheson.

"What kind of preparation are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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