Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 485 Marshal Mai’s conspiracy

Chapter 485 Marshal Mai’s conspiracy (Third update, please subscribe)

There is always no shortage of speculators in the market, and they will do everything possible to take advantage of loopholes to benefit themselves. It may seem like taking advantage of a loophole, but it is actually human nature.

Gambling is part of human nature.

Taking advantage of loopholes is just a manifestation of gambling.

This is true for businessmen, and it is also true for countries. Sometimes countries are more adventurous, just like Japan. During the Pacific War a few years ago, they simply killed the entire country.

Of course what is the end result? The whole world saw it.

In the face of Nanyang's tough attitude in the "fishing zone incident", although the "Alliance General" seemed to be silent, some US military officers privately told Japan to ignore the threat from Nanyang.

"Unless they are crazy, they will never fire on civilian ships!"

Not only the US military thinks so, but also Japanese officials think so. They believe that the threat from Southeast Asia is more of a protest than a threat.

After all, no one thinks that Nanyang really dares to challenge the alliance leader. It should be said that no one will take the risk of offending the big benefactors to offend the United States now.

"It's not about rushing out, but about fishing in the fishing areas designated by the "League General"."

"Now, what you need is to use your own actions to protest against Nanyang. This kind of protest should not be limited to Japan, but should be in a more intense way. You should not stop moving forward just because of Nanyang's protest. After all, your people need fish to fill their bellies!"

"very good!"

"So will the U.S. military protect us?"

Nanyang simply ignored this.

"I want to see if that kid dares to open fire. Isn't he running around Europe contacting various countries, trying to put pressure on me from the Far East Committee? Well then, I'll pass the pressure on to him!"

In an office of the Bureau of Natural Resources in the "First Building" in Tokyo, under dim lights and filled with smoke, several Japanese officials and two US military officers were sitting around, and a US military officer said directly.

"Colonel, do you mean we send fishing boats out?"

As he spoke, the officer took a drag on his cigarette, then looked at them and said.

"The decision-making power in this matter lies with you, gentlemen, you must take responsibility for your people, and this is the only option to break the deadlock."

Holding the corn pipe, Marshal Mai sneered.

"General, they have decided to send a fleet to attack the fishing area tomorrow."

In order to protest against Nanyang, 14 fishery groups including the Japan Fisheries Management Federation submitted letters of protest to Nanyang on behalf of fishermen across the country. At the same time, massive protests were launched by the public.

All is just protest. It's just that the attitude is a little tougher.

As soon as he finished speaking, a Japanese official asked.

"Is this what the marshal meant?"

"The U.S. Navy can't do anything now, just like the "Alliance General" can't do anything now, but if an accident occurs there, it will inevitably let the world see the atrocities in Nanyang, which will undoubtedly cause strong repercussions in the Western world. By then Only the "League President" can intervene."

Several Japanese officials whispered to each other for a while, and then asked.

"No, this is your problem."

another official asked.

Ten minutes later, after the Japanese officials left, Brigadier General McGlynn came to Marshal Mai's office again and said.


Brigadier General McGlynn asked.

"What if the Nanyang Navy really opened fire?"

"That's just right!"

Marshal Mai sneered.

"At that time, the whole world can see his atrocities, and the whole world can also see that the Japanese can sacrifice their lives in order to have enough food! Nothing is more important than life!"

Marshal Mai was betting, firstly, that he would not dare to fire, and secondly, that he would dare to fire. It seemed that... no matter what the choice was, Nanyang would lose. If he dared not fire, then all the threats were empty, and if he did, the whole world would see them shooting at defenseless fishermen.

Two days later, nearly a hundred fishing boats of various sizes gathered at the fishing port of Shikoku. Those who came to see them off at the dock were not only their families, but also reporters from newspapers, and even many foreign reporters. Not only that, the Fisheries Management Federation also prepared a hired American merchant ship and invited hundreds of reporters from various countries to let them go. They recorded this historic moment.

"The Japanese have the right to fish freely!"

Taro Matsumoto, president of the Fisheries Management Federation, shouted.

"Not only have the right to fish within the fishing areas designated by the "Alliance General", but also the right to fish in the Pacific, Indian Ocean and other oceans around the world. Japanese fishermen have determined to make every effort to fish in a way that does not damage international credibility. "! This is our right, because the Japanese must live! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the fishermen around him all shouted loudly.

"The Japanese must live! The Japanese must live!"

In their loud shouts, hundreds of fishing boats set off. When they set off, the women on the dock shouted "Banzai" loudly like they did when sending their husbands to join the army. Everything seemed to be back to the past.

As the reporter of "Nanyang Daily" in Tokyo, Tian Haoran also received the invitation. Looking at the scene in front of him, he sneered.

"You don't have a damn good memory."

Just at this moment, Mike next to him asked.

"Tian, ​​will your navy open fire?"

"They are betting that our navy will not dare to open fire. You see..."

Tian Haoran said, pointing to the reporters from various countries on the ship.

"They called so many reporters just to show us off. If they succeed in their attack, it means that our warning is powerless and pale. If we fire, then they will tell everyone about it. The world, let the world condemn us, so..."

Tian Haoran said with a cold smile.

"This is a conspiracy, it just depends on how we respond."

"Then how will you respond?"

Mike asked curiously.

"Since you know this is a conspiracy, and it is a conspiracy that cannot be broken no matter what!"

In fact, everyone is very curious. The reporters from various countries on the deck are all talking about what is going to happen. Everyone knows very well that this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy that leaves Nanyang with no choice.

While the reporters were talking about all this, Taro Matsumoto kept expressing to the reporters.

"All our Japanese fishermen have prepared for the worst. If they sink our fishing boat today, the unarmed Japanese fishermen will die with the boat, and then more boats will come. Journalists and gentlemen, please We must report fairly and report everything that happens here!”

Taro Matsumoto bowed to the reporters again. As soon as he bowed, before other reporters could ask questions, Tian Haoran asked loudly.

"President Matsumoto, what you are saying is that you are preparing to launch a "kamikaze attack"!"

Tian Haoran's rhetorical question stunned the surrounding Western reporters. They immediately thought of the kamikaze aircraft that rushed towards Allied warships during the attacks on Okinawa and Kyushu.

"Mr. Reporter, the kamikaze attack was the stubborn resistance of the old warlords to the Allies, but now we... are just a group of civilians eager to live! Unarmed civilians, sir, we Japanese have the right to live!"

As soon as Taro Matsumoto finished speaking, Tian Haoran said.

"What you are experiencing today are all the sins of yesterday. When you invaded other countries and massacred their people, did you ever think about the retribution? Did you ever think about the children, women and elderly people who were massacred, that they also have the right to live! The law of heaven is clear , retributive displeasure!”

Faced with such a rhetorical question, Matsumoto immediately broke his guard and defended weakly.

"Well, that's a crime committed by soldiers and has nothing to do with ordinary people."

Tian Haoran directly questioned his explanation.

"How many of these fishermen have never joined the army, and how many of them have never killed anyone!"

For a moment, there was silence on the deck...

(End of this chapter)

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