Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 478: All bargains

Chapter 478: They are all bargains (fourth update, please subscribe)
The freedom to eat meat is important.

Milk freedom is also important.

In the next few days, while visiting the Netherlands and France, Li Yian also signed contracts with some companies in the two countries to introduce agricultural and livestock products such as dairy cows and breeding pigs. In addition, of course, he also introduced some machinery and equipment.

Although it is not as good as the US$1.5 million in the UK, Li Nian directly demonstrated what "money ability" is in the Netherlands and France by waving the banknotes in his hands.

The banknote's ability is... to let France and the Netherlands, like the United Kingdom, issue diplomatic statements to oppose the unauthorized expansion of fishing areas by the "Alliance General" and demand that the role of the Far East Committee be fully utilized.

Well, Britain, France and the Netherlands are all members of the Far East Commission.

The statements of the three countries mean that the dominance of the "Alliance Alliance" has been challenged to some extent. As for the result of the challenge, what will be the result? No one knows, but what is certain is that the world situation is subtly changing.

Who controls the general trend of the world?

This is a very delicate question, and almost everyone has their own answer. After France and the Netherlands issued statements, Moscow also issued a corresponding statement. Unlike the implicit statements of Britain, France and the Netherlands, Moscow directly accused the "Alliance General" They regard themselves as the Emperor of Japan and even sacrifice the interests of their allies to protect war criminals. Although they also do this, the problem is that they are talking about the Americans.

At this time, everyone wants to take part in it and make the United States feel sick. The Netherlands, in particular, has always been resentful of the fact that the United States used aid to force them to withdraw from the Netherlands and India. They even directly called for "all Japanese affairs to be decided by the Far East Committee."

The following year, with the company's support, Dior opened his first haute couture show and launched his first collection called "New Look." This fashion has a distinctive style: the skirt length no longer touches the floor, emphasizing women's breast augmentation, hip augmentation, slender waist, and graceful shoulder curves, breaking the conservative and rigid lines of postwar women's clothing.

Of course, whether the United States buys it is another story, but it is certain that Li Yi'an's trip to Europe at least had a corresponding effect and successfully allowed those European countries that were just symbols in the Far East Committee to take his side. .

Facing the visiting king, Dio said in a flattering tone.

Two years ago, to be precise, it was the end of 46. After realizing that the textile industry, including the clothing industry, would be the main industry in Nanyang for a long time, Li Yi'an began to lay out the clothing industry.

When it came into Li Yi'an's sight, Christian Dior had just opened a fashion store. Under Li Yi'an's instruction, Mickey walked into his store and used a check for ten thousand dollars to complete the acquisition of "Dior" and, of course, the long-term employment of Christian Dior.


Sometimes everything is so cheap if you just get the timing right.

This further challenged the dominance of Americans in the Far East Committee. And this is why he visited Europe not to avoid Emperor Mai, but to make many friends and then bring Emperor Mai down.

When Li Yian used his "money power" to stir up ripples, he himself stayed out of it. Instead, he started other journeys in Europe, going to the Allied Cemetery in Belgium to lay flowers to the fallen search team members, and to meet with the search team members who stayed in France after retiring. Some of the injured search team members did not return to Asia after the war. Instead, I chose to settle in Europe. Old brothers always want to take a look.

Christian Dior was a fashion designer for the company "Pignet" before the war. Forced to leave Paris to reunite with his family during the war. When he returned to Paris, his position in the "Pignet" company had been replaced by others and he had to become an assistant.

It was at this time that Christian Dior, who had just ended his exile, came into Li Yi'an's sight.

In just one year, "Dior" has grown from scratch into a well-known luxury brand, and all this is due to...

After staying in Northern France for four days, Li Yian returned to Paris. No, he did not return to the hotel. Instead, he took a bus to the Avenue des Champs-Elysées and entered a fashion store. No, it should be said to be a fashion studio.

When one model after another appears in front of them, people can hardly believe their eyes: the long skirt with a round table, the slender waist, the towering breasts, and the hat covering half of the eyes slantingly... Suddenly people's eyes lit up, and the ladies sitting in the audience began to feel annoyed and uneasy about the short skirts and jackets they were wearing at that time.

"Your Majesty, everything is thanks to you!"

This style instantly caused a sensation in Paris and even the entire Western world, leaving a deep impression on people and making Dior famous in the fashion industry. This day "Dior" was a huge success. Soon, Diorr's first fashion series "New Fashion" successfully developed to the other side of the Atlantic - the United States. And took root on Seventh Street in New York.

“Without you, Dior wouldn’t be what it is today.”

Christian Dior's words were full of gratitude. It was with the full support of His Majesty the King that "Dior" has reached the height it is today. Although he believes that with his talent, perhaps the world will recognize "Dior", but it will never be as high as it is now.

After all, not everyone can find a princess... No, the queen should be the representative. The return of a married princess to her natal family is destined to cause a sensation in Britain.

Just like the last time, Li Yi'an and Margaret's visit immediately occupied the front pages of British newspapers. Margaret, who has been responsible for the beauty of the British royal family since she was a child, has become the forefront of fashion. From the day she arrived in London Since then, her exquisite makeup and dressing style have repeatedly attracted people's attention. The dresses that highlight the soft curves of the female body immediately set off a fashion whirlwind in London and even throughout Europe.

And this whirlwind also made "Dior", a brand that was already famous in Europe and the United States two years ago, once again shocked the whole of Europe.

And "Dior"... is a brand from Nanyang.

It is precisely because of such royal endorsement that "Dior" has now become the most prestigious luxury brand in Europe. Not only that, he can also provide all-round support including funding and publicity.

"The queen likes your design very much, and she asked me to convey her gratitude to you."

Li Yian said with a smile.

"It's my pleasure."

While answering, Dio looked at His Majesty with some doubts. When His Majesty came to his studio, he specifically checked the time. It was nine o'clock in the evening. Why did Your Majesty come here at this time?
Soon, Li Yian solved his doubts.

"Dior, I have an idea for a costume and I hope you can help me perfect it."

While talking, Li Yian took out the drawings of Hanfu that he drew. Most of the clothes on the drawings, such as waist-length underskirts, xuan skirts, and undergarments made in the Song Dynasty, originated from film and television dramas. They are relatively light and breathable. Suitable for Nanyang weather.

"This is?"

Looking at these clothing styles that he had never seen before, Dior felt his eyes light up.

"Your Majesty, the costumes you designed?"

"No way, this is the real traditional Chinese clothing. I just changed it a little bit, but I am a layman when it comes to clothing design. I hope you can help me improve it."

For professional matters, you need to find professionals. At present, there is no one in Nanyang who understands Hanfu. As for opera robes, Li Yi'an may be able to design their styles based on his memories, but professionals are still needed to perfect them. Dior is at least an option.

Moreover, clothing must first be attractive, and only in this way can it be promoted. When it comes to designing women's clothing, at least in this era, no one can match Dior.

Looking through the drawings in his hand, Dio thought for a moment and asked.

"Is there a time limit?"

"Two weeks. In two weeks, I am going to the United States. I hope the queen can wear it and appear in front of the world."

Later, Li Yian asked someone to carry over a few more boxes and said.

“Here are some Vietnamese court costumes that you can learn from.”

The so-called Vietnamese court clothing is actually the Han clothing made in the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, with only slight differences. It is also the only place in Asia that retains the Han clothing made in the Song Dynasty. However, due to the influence of the Manchu and Qing Dynasty in the later period, the folk clothing is closer to the Manchu and Qing Dynasty. Only the palace still has it. Keep the old system.

"I hope you can come up with a suitable sample in the next few days, okay?"

Facing the king's question, Dio nodded without thinking.

"Of course, Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will definitely come up with a work that satisfies you and the Queen."

(End of this chapter)

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