Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 463 Nanyang wants to play the cultural card

Chapter 463 Nanyang wants to play the cultural card (first update, please subscribe)
Finally, when everything was over, I looked at Hepburn floating on the water, looked at the bright moon shining on her body, and looked at this mermaid who looked like an angel and an elf.

Previously, he was still thinking about "building a country through culture", but an idea suddenly flashed in Li Yian's mind.

"Yes...that's right, that's right! That's it!"

Hepburn, who was floating on the water without any strength, glanced lazily at Li Yi'an and said curiously.


"Honey, do you want to make a movie?"

Li Yian looked at Hepburn and asked.


Yes, it’s a movie!
Once again, Li Yi'an thought about the half-finished "Borneo Holiday". Originally, he was planning to use that movie to bring Margaret home, but before he could come up with this magic weapon, the problem was already solved. .

Now, it's time to bring out the story.

Compared with world affairs, what do most people care about?
It's always gossip, it's always romance.

It is not just the need for cultural establishment, but there is also a deeper reason - Nanyang needs to create some news to divert the attention of the world.

Don't say that the world is vulgar, this is just human nature. It is impossible for human nature to be concerned about the country and the people all day long. In fact, the vast majority of people are not that tall at all. Especially in Europe and America.

As for Nanyang, it is no longer "an immoral colonial deal between Nanyang and the Netherlands."

Hepburn wondered?
"I want you to play Margaret?"

"Oh my god, I dare say, this is the most beautiful love story I have ever seen!"

When everyone is talking about the gossip of the king and the princess, who will pay attention to the expansion of Nanyang.

Speaking of which, Nanyang really has no shortage of good-looking faces. This is Hepburn in front of me!

Sometimes, the development of the world is always so wonderful. Just when Li Yi'an thought that Hepburn would disappear from the big screen forever, due to an accident, she appeared on the screen again. Although I don't know if "Chang'an Holiday" will become a A classic like "Roman Holiday", but who knew?
But when the women in the family finished reading the script written by Li Yi'an, they were all amazed by the beauty of the story.

Hepburn blinked and looked straight at Li Yi'an. Facing those ignorant deer-like eyes, he immediately overlapped with the princess in "Roman Holiday", and Li Yi'an laughed.

Since they like gossip, then give them gossip!

Li Yian looked at Hepburn and said.


When it comes to diverting attention, Li Yian is still very expert.

Moreover, this will also help create Nanyang’s business card. Promote the development of cultural industries in Nanyang. After all, in the future, Nanyang will build a country based on culture.

"Making a movie? I've never done it before."

Who the hell cares about the ownership of colonies tens of thousands of kilometers away? What they care about is always bread, and gossip other than bread. Just like the "Berlin Airlift" that just ended, people are interested in the fact that "Shake" made the children happy, rather than the "Super Giant" that transported thousands of tons of supplies.

Perfect shift of sight!

Those speculative politicians like to talk about Nanyang, so let them talk about it!

Nanyang needs its own business card, and "Chang'an Holiday" can definitely become Nanyang's business card. Since we are determined to make money all over the world, we must come up with some competitive products. At present, although Nanyang does not have a Hollywood film industry and no big-name stars, it can only take the fastest path, that is, handsome boys and beautiful girls.

"You don't need to know how to do it, just show your true colors!"

Taylor held the script, his purple eyes constantly looking at Margaret and Li Yi'an.

"Lily, is this your story? Is this how you fall in love?"

That is to say, she was the only one who would ask this, and no one else even asked. As for one of the participants, Lautrey, he even rolled his eyes at Li Yi'an.

"Not that romantic."

Margaret laughed, but she didn't mind the story being her own.

I have to say, it is indeed very romantic.

It's as beautiful as a fairy tale. God knows, their process of being together is not romantic at all, but it is indeed quite romantic.

"Oh my god, your highness, I dare say that when it is made into a movie, women all over the world will be envious of you and go crazy with envy."

Elizabeth's purple eyes were full of unspeakable envy, and she couldn't help but look at Hepburn and Margaret. Finally, she understood why Li Yi'an chose Hepburn instead of her... You know, she is a professional actor. Indeed, their temperaments are similar, and she does not have the aura that is inherent in aristocrats.

"Hepburn, I really envy you. I dare say that you will become the most famous actor in the world because of this movie..."

"This one……"

Hepburn shook her head and said.

"I don't care about that, I'm just helping Lee if he needs it."

Li Yi'an smiled and nodded, saying.

"Thank you,"

Ignoring the flirting between the two, Heidi said from the side.

"However, this story is very good. The only problem is..."

She asked after looking at Hepburn and then at Li Yi'an.

"Would you allow Hepburn to hug an actor? Or even kiss?"


Yes, Heidi’s simple reminder made people all over the world miss a classic again.

Of course, this does not prevent Li Yi'an from sketching out his vision of a cultural power in the following days.

"Although Nanyang is a small country, it does not mean that it cannot become a "cultural power." This cultural power must have a certain identity and must have a certain identity to be recognized by the world at a glance."

Li Yian, who was immersed in front of the case, was writing the "Five-Year Plan for Cultural Revitalization" and made the cultural industry a draft of the national strategy.

“Identity can be clothing.”

Why specifically mention clothing? To put it bluntly, clothing is the most intuitive way to identify civilization. Just like the Korean Wave, although it is a hodgepodge, it does not prevent them from making kimchi, taekwondo, and Korean clothes fashionable. When people mention Korea, except for the boy band and girl group group, as well as hanbok and taekwondo.

In the other world, Japan is a kimono and South Korea is a hanbok, which have long become symbols of their culture.

And what is China?
Is it a Manchu braid?
Such an ugly thing, let alone trying to make it popular all over the world, I feel embarrassed even if I did it myself. When those old and young people used Manchu clothes to represent China, why didn't they get rid of the pig tail?

This is a bit far off.

The key is what kind of clothing should be used to represent Nanyang?

Almost subconsciously, Li Yi'an thought of cheongsam. With the arrival of a large number of immigrants, especially those from the middle and upper classes, those cheongsams that showed off the female figure also became fashionable in Southeast Asia.

Although the cheongsam was indeed very provocative, Li Yian still instinctively chose to refuse.

"Cheongsam is definitely not acceptable! Nanyang must have its own characteristics."

Almost without thinking, Li Yian chose Hanfu.

"It's Hanfu. We should let fashion designers design some Hanfu. In the future, women will wear traditional clothes to attend formal occasions, and they can basically serve as formal dresses."

Thinking of another world, the habit of Xiaoli and Bangzi women wearing traditional clothes as dresses in formal occasions, Li Yian immediately made up his mind - Margaret and the others would wear redesigned Hanfu in formal occasions in the future.

Such a redesign is not a big deal. The Hanbok in another world is also the product of redesigning kimonos and European clothing, and then standardizing them. The finally redesigned Hanbok became the symbol of the stick and was based on life customs. Purpose, Hanbok is divided into festival wear, one-year-old wear, wedding wear, etc. Don’t ask people whether they are ancestral clothes. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter whether the clothes worn by ancestors are the same. The important thing is that in Bangzi, hanbok is not seen every day, but it will definitely appear on major festivals.

And eventually it became a symbol of the stick and an important element in Korean fashion - a national cultural element. This is very important. The long legs and sexy dance of the girl group are a famous brand of Hallyu. Hanbok is another business card. Tradition and modernity, conservatism and fashion are all combined in the Korean Wave trend.

Successful experiences always need to be learned, and we can’t let the stick represent East Asian culture! If you want to represent it, Nanyang is definitely more orthodox than Goryeo Bangzi.

Well, Nanyang. It can also represent East Asian culture.

This is the case with many things. If you don't fight for it, someone else will fight for it. Even if they are fake, when they play that card, they are likely to be recognized around the world.


Li Yian is no stranger to modern Hanfu. After all, in another world, there are many Hanfu enthusiasts, and there are many costumes from movies and TV series that can be used as a reference.

When Li Yi'an relied on his memories to outline the popular lines of Hanfu in later generations, he did not know that it was from this day on that Nanyang had taken a completely different path. Although the blood of culture originated from Tangshan, it began to take shape. Have your own set of traditional culture with Nanyang characteristics.

(End of this chapter)

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