Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 461 Movies are just promotional videos

Chapter 461 Movies are just promotional videos (Third update, please subscribe)
Even in the remote Dongning, the nights here are still lively.

In the prosperous urban area, despite the hot weather, the streets are still crowded with pedestrians.

Melodious shouts echoed in the streets from time to time. Amidst the cries of vendors and stall owners, passers-by stopped to watch from time to time, either buying snacks or looking at gadgets.

In the crowded sea of ​​people, people will always stroll in such snack streets, searching for familiar hometown snacks from time to time, and will strongly recommend them to their friends.

Wang Quanfu is no exception to this. Whenever he sees a stall selling Shandong snacks, he will invite Ayou and Axin to try them together. When he sees the smiles on their faces, Wang Quanfu will also smile with satisfaction.

Sometimes, he would even carry Ashin on his shoulders, letting the child look up at the busy market, just like his own father and daughter.

For Wang Quanfu, who has experienced too many wars and seen too many deaths, he only has one simple wish in his heart - to finally have a home of his own!
In fact, most people do not have high requirements for life, they just want a home.

A house, a wife, and several children are the simplest wishes of most people.

After leaving the snack street, Wang Quanfu pointed at the cinema not far away and said.

"Ayou, let's go watch a movie later."

As for what was in the movie, it didn't matter. At this time, the scene of the male and female protagonists kissing in the movie made Ashin cover his eyes with an "ah" sound. When he turned his head, with a little light, Wang Quanfu looked at Reliance Ayou, who was holding his shoulders, looked at her pretty face and seductive red lips. He mustered up the courage and spoke softly.

In this way, movies have integrated into the lives of Nanyang people in a very special way and become a part of their lives.

In the dark screening room, there were occasional sounds of women's gasps, and countless men and women kissed each other in the darkness.

"Mom, let's go watch a movie together. I haven't seen a movie in a long time."


Without waiting for Ayou to answer, Ashin took his mother's hand and said.

He remained motionless in the darkness, just watching the movie. At this moment, a warm and soft little hand stretched out and placed it on his leg. Wang Quanfu immediately held the hand tightly, and then the woman's head nestled against it. on his shoulders.

Although the words were not loud, they made all the bones in Wang Quanfu's body go numb. He no longer knew what was going on in the movie, so he just held the woman's hand tightly. Although the delicate little hands were still soft, the touch was a bit rough, so he held her hand tightly with his big rough hands.

"Axin will be with Meixin and the others tonight."

The screening room was dark. After the three of them sat down, Ayou did not let her daughter sit next to Shi Quanfu, but took the initiative to sit next to him.

The moment the woman raised her head, he kissed her hard...

Just when Wang Quanfu's heart was about to jump into his throat, Ayou's voice came to his ears:


Even without her daughter's request, Ayou would not refuse. Just like this, Axin took Wang Quanfu's right hand with his left hand, followed his mother, and walked towards the cinema.

The two of them stood side by side without speaking. Wang Quanfu could also smell the not too strong scent of perfume at the end of his nose. The sultry fragrance made his heart move, and thousands of strange feelings came out.

Like many people, Li Yi'an also likes to watch movies. Although most of the movies of this era are poorly shot, he will still watch recently released movies whenever he has time.

In the screening room of the official residence, the movie screen was projected on the screen. Although Li Yi'an sometimes laughed out loud because of the plot in the movie, when watching the movie, he was not just thinking about the plot of the movie, but observing the movie in more detail.

"In the past two years, Nanyang's film shooting skills have improved rapidly." Looking at the composition and lighting on the screen, Li Yi'an can clearly feel the improvement in film shooting skills.

The only regret is that the movie actors of this era have very strong accents, which is a bit similar to the old movies of the 1930s and 1940s. There is no way that the current Mandarin language, which has just been implemented for more than ten or twenty years, is not yet standard, and there is no standard pronunciation.

However, there is no problem with this. After all, Nanyang already has Chinese pinyin, initial consonants, finals and tones. In the future, Mandarin pronunciation here will become more and more standard.

Compared with the pronunciation of the actors, what Li Yi'an values ​​​​is their performance level, especially the shooting level of the movie, which is the strongest point of the Nanyang film industry.

Like many industries in Nanyang, it has strong "German traces" because Sandoku combines film art with its political propaganda and conveys its ideas through movies, so their film workers are essentially Sandoku's propagandists. After the Allied forces occupied Germany, many filmmakers fled Germany. Riefenstahl, who shot "Triumph of the Will," fled to Southeast Asia under an assumed name and became a photographer and school professor. As for Fait Ha Lan and others resumed their old business in Nanyang and continued to engage in film shooting.

The arrival of these well-known German directors not only cultivated a group of outstanding film workers in Nanyang, but also promoted the improvement of Nanyang's film shooting level. At the same time, there are also a group of film practitioners from Shanghai and other places, who may Either to avoid the war or to be attracted by the Nanyang film market. In just two or three years, various film companies have been established in Nanyang. Although these film companies vary in quality, they have produced a large number of films, making Nanyang the largest film industry base in Asia.

Although it is incomparable with the United States, in terms of output, the scale of Nanyang's film output far exceeds that of its Asian counterparts, and even exceeds that of European countries.

After all, film shooting is officially encouraged in Nanyang. Every time the company shoots a movie, it can get certain subsidies. For example, the film they get is cheaper - of course the film is domestic film in Nanyang, which is promoting the development of the film industry. At the same time, it also promoted the development of Nanyang's film industry.


Looking at the scene in the movie, after the dance, the hero and heroine are walking together in a beautiful park. Although it is a night shadow, the scene is shot very beautifully.

The night scene in the park and the embrace of men and women seemed very vulgar, but this scene made Li Yi'an's mouth curl up and he thought to himself.

"This is not just a movie, but a way of life!"

Li Nian has his own plan for the film industry. In fact, as early as three years ago, he had instructed film practitioners to present the Nanyang lifestyle to the world in the best possible way.

Why do you want to do this?
To put it bluntly, it is to attract immigrants.

At Li Yi'an's request, those directors from Germany did what they were best at in Germany - combining film art with its publicity, conveying the wealthy side of Nanyang through movies, allowing people to see the lifestyle of Nanyang, and sometimes Fascinating. Nanyang’s movies are essentially Nanyang’s propaganda machines. These romance movies are themselves propaganda films.

In order to expand publicity, they even provided subsidies to allow film companies to sell film films to Tangshan, Japan, South Korea and other places at low prices.

It is through the medium of film that life in Nanyang is presented to the world in the most intuitive way. It is through the dissemination of movies that "Nanyang-style life" has become a lifestyle that countless people dream of. After all, compared to newspapers and magazines, the images conveyed by movies are intuitive. People can intuitively feel the life and culture of Nanyang through movies.

I don’t know how many people came here to pursue a better life precisely because they watched Nanyang movies.

Feeling emotional about the "paradise" imagined in the movie, the heroine returned home and threw her clothes into the washing machine to clean them after taking a shower. Although high-end washing machines are now far from being widely available in Nanyang, it does not hinder her. As props in movies, they become a part of people's lives, just like the air conditioners in the heroine's company. They are just props, but they convey a modern lifestyle to people.

"Washing machine, telephone, air conditioner, refrigerator..."

Suddenly, Li Yian's eyes lit up, he stood up suddenly, and said excitedly.

"Ah, I see!"

At this moment, Li Yi'an realized!

At this moment, Margaret's somewhat dissatisfied voice came from beside her.

"Dear, is everyone watching a movie? What do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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