Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 456 Boss Chen’s blue ocean

Chapter 456 Boss Chen’s Blue Ocean (Second update, please subscribe)
What is Nanyang?
In the past few years, with newspapers, magazines and movies, "Nanyang" has changed from a geographical term to a country name. For hundreds of millions of Tangshan people, "Nanyang" is not just a country name, but a country name. It symbolizes a certain kind of good life.

Millions of people come here for various reasons, either for high salary, for studies, for wealth, or for peace. Although the reasons varied, it eventually became their home.

In the midst of the war, "Nanyang" was a paradise to some extent.

Perhaps, this is what many people say about this place.

It's just that this paradise doesn't seem to be perfect for some people. At least in the eyes of some people, Nanyang is not perfect.

"You mean, I can't rent a bigger house!"

In the real estate agency, Hu Dexuan answered the customer's question.

"Yes, this is Nanyang's regulation. Renting an apartment is based on the family population. Mr. Chen, there are five people in your family, so you can only rent a six-bedroom apartment. This is not a matter of money, but a government regulation. .”

"What kind of rule is this?"

Chen Liang couldn't help but muttered.

The reason why Chen Liang was so angry was not only that he paid more for rent but could not rent a satisfactory house, but more importantly, the Nanyang-style life made former dignitaries like Chen Liang somewhat uncomfortable.

In fact, in addition to living in apartments, senior employees can also purchase real estate. However, due to the limited number of such properties, they are swept away by the middle and senior management of large companies before they enter the market.

Foreign tenants mainly rent four-bedroom apartments with one living room and three bedrooms, and six-bedroom apartments with one living room, one dining room and four bedrooms.

"Mr. Chen, six bedrooms is already the largest apartment."

Managers with higher incomes certainly do not have the opportunity to apply for public housing. However, the company took their needs into consideration when building the apartments and built duplex apartments for them.

"How come it only costs less than 3 yuan a month to rent a small western-style building? But if I rent an apartment like this, it costs yuan a month. I can't even rent a bigger house even with the money!"

This also led to the wealthy dignitaries from Tangshan having to rent apartments after they came to Nanyang. Although the apartments were rented at market prices and the environment of the community was beautiful, they felt that the layout was too stingy and there was not even a yard. Going out to the upper room and the lower room - there is no residence for the servants yet, this is the most important thing.

There are many types of apartments in Nanyang. There are two-bedroom apartments with one living room and one bedroom, and three-bedroom apartments with one living room and two bedrooms. They are usually used as transitional rooms for newlyweds before moving into public housing.

No servants!

Almost every apartment complex has similar duplex apartments, and even duplex luxury apartments with small outdoor gardens.

For these prominent and wealthy households from Tangshan, although the "Nanyang-style" lifestyle seems good, compared to the war-torn Tangshan, this is a peaceful and extremely prosperous time. But the lifestyle here has seriously affected their quality of life.

The first is housing, because there are no commercial real estate in Nanyang, only officially owned public housing and apartments. The public housing in Nanyang is based on the realization of "home ownership" for Nanyang people. Residents do not have the ownership of the house. House ownership is owned by the government, which provides housing to families with ordinary incomes on a lease basis, and residents must pay rent to the government every month. Its rental policy has many restrictions. In addition to being married, you must also be a member of a provident fund cooperative - because its public housing in Nanyang is now built with provident funds and bank loans. In addition, it is stipulated that only those with a monthly income of less than 100 yuan can apply.

After the explanation, Chen Liang was completely helpless. Even when he went out, he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"That's impossible. There is a duplex apartment in the community where I live. I want to rent a duplex apartment for any amount of money."

Even though Chen Liang brought several attendants and servants, because the number of rooms was not enough, Chen Liang wanted to rent a larger house. He came with millions of properties and did not need that little money. Unexpectedly, I was rejected directly.

Hu Dexuan's explanation made Chen Liang speak loudly.

The double-storey apartments described by Chen Liangkou are larger in area. Generally, the lower floor is the living room, dining room, kitchen and storage room, and the upper floor is the bedroom.

This also makes the wealthy people who are used to having servants take care of their daily lives very uncomfortable. Although they want to hire servants, the number of houses limits their ability to hire servants.

Therefore, there is currently a very strange phenomenon in Nanyang, that is, senior company managers basically live in apartments, while ordinary married employees can live in those small western-style buildings. Because there are corresponding income restrictions for moving into public housing.

"Mr. Chen, duplex apartments are not for rent. They are houses allocated by the company to senior employees."

"It's so strange in Nanyang. You can't even spend money to live in a big house!"

In fact, this is Nanyang. Nanyang’s public housing system supports the country’s vision of “home ownership”. Let millions of impoverished Tangshan immigrants live in houses with good conditions instead of living in slums and shantytowns.

Even now, public housing in Nanyang has become a part of "Nanyang-style life". In movies, magazines and even novels, those unique two-story Western-style buildings represent the life of Nanyang people, and Nanyang officials are also working hard to communicate to the outside world. Show off the prosperity of Nanyang society, and claim that every Nanyang family will live in those unique small Western-style buildings. And this lifestyle also brings another gain - even those young people who were once somewhat radical will quickly integrate into Nanyang. After all, for most people, this is the society they pursue.

Although Nanyang-style life has always been the most proud and most flamboyant thing in Nanyang, it is also the capital to fight against other trends. But it has brought a lot of inconvenience to the lives of many rich people.

For example, not only the number of luxury houses is scarce, but also it is impossible to hire servants.

In fact, Nanyang officials have long been aware of these problems, and the reason why they have not started to deal with them is to eliminate the superficial gap between the rich and the poor through artificial adjustments. Even private residences priced at several thousand dollars don't look much different from public housing on the surface.

And because the rich have to bear high rents and can only rent apartment buildings, some people even say that Nanyang is "robbing the rich to give to the poor." This naturally wins the favor of many people. After all, "robbing the rich to give to the poor", everyone like.

In fact, another advantage of letting rich people live in apartments is to prevent servants from occupying the labor force. Without enough rooms, the rich will naturally not be able to hire servants, thus ensuring that manpower can be invested in the labor market as much as possible.

"It's really strange that no one invested in building a house."

On the way home, Chen Liang, the last mayor who had made a huge fortune in Shanghai, was thinking about this when his eyes suddenly lit up and he said to himself.

"Isn't this just a market? There are many rich people who have fled to Nanyang. Like me, they must also want to live in big houses and live the same life as in the past!"

Thinking of such a big business opportunity, Chen Liang was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

"If we seize this opportunity, we will be prosperous!"

Chen Liang was so excited that he did not go home directly, but took a bus directly to another community. Soon he arrived at the door of a house and knocked on the door one after another.

As soon as the door opened, Chen Liang said excitedly.

"Secretary Sun, I have an idea,"

Before Secretary Sun could speak, Chen Liang walked into the room and spoke as he walked.

"I plan to invest in real estate and build villas for wealthy people to live in. Many of the immigrants coming to Nanyang are wealthy people. There will definitely be many people willing to buy luxury villas..."

Listen to the mayor, no, I should be calling the boss now. Listening to the boss excitedly talking about the big business in his eyes.

Sun Yifan never spoke. He was once the boss's secretary and came to Nanyang with the boss, although here he has his diploma from the University of Political Science and Law. You can get a job if you want to.

But Sun Yifan has been following his boss, and now he relies on his boss to pay him a salary. In this regard, the boss is very kind.

He and his whole family were brought to Nanyang, and he had to be paid a salary.

"Secretary Sun, what do you think of my idea? This is a big business. There are so many rich people in Nanyang. I am definitely not the only one who wants to live in a big villa. As long as we seize this opportunity, you and I will, You can definitely make a lot of money and become a real estate tycoon."

Of course, this real estate tycoon must be referring to himself. As for Secretary Sun...it's still Secretary Sun.

Sun Yifan thought for a while and reminded.

"You have to know that this place is different from other places. If this business was easy to do, someone would have already done it. Why has no one done it?"

Although it was unclear why no one was doing this business, Sun Yifan still realized that this matter was not simple. His reminder made Chen Liang stunned for a moment, and then he said.

"Secretary Sun, you are right to remind me. This matter is definitely not as simple as I said. However, there must be something behind it."

Walking back and forth in the room, after thinking for a while, Chen Liang said to Sun Yifan again.

"No, you go check it out first, investigate why no one is doing this business, and then we will find a way. In any case, we have decided on this business!"

While speaking, Chen Liang rubbed his hands a little excitedly. At this time, a word suddenly appeared in his mind - blue ocean!
Isn't it the "Blue Ocean" often mentioned in newspapers in Nanyang?

The opportunity for development is right in front of you, but you must seize it.

(End of this chapter)

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