Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 448 The Shield and Sword of Nanyang

Chapter 448 The Shield and Sword of Nanyang (Second update, please subscribe)


To some extent, the society in Nanyang is completely different from that in Tangshan.

There is not only an atmosphere of abundance and peace here, but also a particularly fashionable and modern atmosphere.

For many people who are new here, they may not even be comfortable with this culture.

The night in Nanyang is bright and gorgeous, not only with colorful neon lights, but also music.

Every evening, there will be music playing from record players in almost all parks. In the parks, under the red, green, and blue lights, men and women are like moths, coming and going among the laughter, soda, and beer. .

The nearby bars are also doing a booming business. Beers costing a penny a cup are spread to every corner around the park stage. The whole air is filled with laughter and laughter. The men and women who never know each other's names range from strangers to familiar ones, and even extremely affectionate.

Men and women danced there to the sound of music, and then after a few songs, the slightly intoxicated men and women would walk along the park.

For Nanyang, such open-air dances have long been a part of everyone's lives, where men and women meet, fall in love, and embrace each other.

However, being in it, Sun Dechang didn't know how to describe his mood at this time. Under the colored lights, the skin of the women wearing colorful skirts could be clearly seen. The skirts above the knees had a pair of white legs, even in the dark. It's very eye-catching, not only the arms are exposed, but even the chest is slightly exposed.

Sun Dechang couldn't figure it out. He looked for one job after another, but the result was the same - the other party rejected him with an excuse that couldn't be considered.

"When I was in Jinmen, I, Sun Dechang, was clearly a well-known figure in advocating for the people. How come I am here and have no use for my work?"

Soon, after reviewing the file, Wu Dekun stamped it with a "D" level. This danger level is not static. In fact, if it rises to C level, they will take corresponding measures. , if it reaches level B, it will definitely be repatriated.

He couldn't figure it out, so he could only blame everything on Nanyang being too dark. Even the kind that cannot be seen in the light of day.

Although the music was flowing there, Sun Dechang had no intention of enjoying it. He still read the newspaper in his hand under the light of the street lamp.

But besides these jobs, what else can you do?

Do you want to work as a clerk in those companies?

For the 37-year-old Sun Dechang, he does not want to be that kind of clerk, and he cannot even be a teacher, because teachers also need to pass background checks.

Under the illumination of the desk lamp, Wu Dekun was looking through a file. There were more than a dozen files with "top secret" written in front of him. At this time, the file he was looking through was none other than Sun Dechang.

While Sun Dechang was complaining like this, what he didn't know was that in a modern-looking building just two kilometers away, there was a dark office that looked more like a prison cell than an office. A small window faced the empty inner courtyard, and the view outside the window was of cement floors and brick walls. There is a row of tall filing cabinets against the wall, filled with various files.

A series of suggestions with only one core - to nip problems before they burn.

"...Potentially dangerous elements are recommended to be prohibited from engaging in the journalism, publishing, and education industries, from opening bookstores or joining reading clubs, from entering large industrial and mining enterprises, and from..."

And what about these people?

They are all ordinary people. How can ordinary people dress like this?

“The Nanyang atmosphere is so open!”

There are many files like this in the Security Bureau. In the past few years, under the guidance of experts, the Security Bureau has established a strict personnel screening system. The core of this system is not to send specific personnel into Concentration camps, but through various classifications, or to implement strict monitoring of them, or to prohibit them from engaging in certain industries, or...direct repatriation.

"It's simply dark!"

He is still looking for a job. Although he really wants to work in newspapers, publishing houses and other institutions, he has not passed the background check. I can only think about it.

Sun Dechang once again complained about the "darkness" in Nanyang.

An indescribable feeling filled Sun Dechang's heart, and he quickly turned away. All this made him a little uncomfortable. Although he had attended dance parties when he was in Tangshan, those dances were all held in dance halls. Even if some women wore very revealing clothes, they were dancers.

Although this kind of scene has appeared in movies more than once, although in the movie "Southern Nights", the hero and heroine met again and again at the dance and fell in love.

"The world is as dark as a crow..."

What kind of identity review, what kind of blacklist, in short, in his opinion, he didn't even know why he failed the identity review.

Sun Dechang muttered in his heart, but that was all. After all, he has more important things to deal with right now.

Just as he was putting the files away, a colleague on the side said.

"It seems like there haven't been any high-risk people coming recently."

Hearing this, Wu Dekun stretched and said. "So many people come here every day, Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Er Mazi, we never know who is who! The so-called Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Er Mazi. Maybe Zhang San is Li Si. Wang Er Mazi is Zhang San. Whether Li Si is Li Si, Or something else."

As a country that relies entirely on external immigration. The biggest security problem is here... They know nothing about the immigrants' past. Even if some files have been established now, they are only those of celebrities.

But there are tens of millions of immigrants, and those people are a mixed bag. There are all kinds of people among them. There are soldiers, civilians, men and women, and even some traitors who fled here to try to avoid liquidation. They only need to change their names to avoid everything. After all, Nanyang knows nothing about their past.

"So the most difficult part of this job is here. The people who appear here seem to be dangerous elements, but in fact, their risk level is very low."

Ma Chao said to him calmly, while taking out two cigarettes from the cigarette case. He knows Wu Dekun very well. Since last year, the two of them have become partners together and started personnel screening work.

"Who are the real dangerous elements? They are those people whose names we never know. That is our priority, but we don't know who those people are? We don't know where their organizations are. .This is the most dangerous thing.”

Leaning back on the chair, Wu Dekun took a puff of cigarette. On the bookshelf behind him, you can see some works on security work. Their authors are all secret police of the Third Reich. They are also experts in this field and their teachers. In the past few years, the Security Bureau has been Nanyang's shield and sword. In fact, his role is the shield, and the Secret Intelligence Service is the sword.

As a shield, the role of the Security Bureau is to keep potentially dangerous elements out of Nanyang before they pose a threat to the security of Nanyang.

"Millions of people come here every month and trying to find them is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Wu Dekun said helplessly.

"So 'intelligence priorities' are important."

Ma Chao said while smoking.

"This is why we need to monitor every external phone call and telegram to get some clues..."

Suddenly he lowered his voice and said.

"By the way, that radio signal appeared again!"

Ma Chao's words made Wu Dekun slightly stunned, and then he asked.

"Haven't you found the exact location yet?"

"Maybe. If we locate it, we will definitely see the confession in the newspaper. If not, it means...it probably hasn't been discovered yet."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore,"

Ma Chao smoked and looked through another file, and suddenly he was surprised.

"Hey, we are traveling together."


"A colleague came and used his real identity."

As Ma Chao spoke, he put the file in front of Wu Dekun and said,

"Look, the identity he reported himself... Military Commission, Bureau of Investigation and Statistics..."

Looking through the information filled out truthfully, Wu Dekun frowned and said.

"Weird things happen every year, but this year is the only one where there are more. What a fucking bullshit. Others are hiding it, but it's better for him to report it to himself!"

When he said this, his eyes lit up, and then he said.

"How about we go meet him together?"

Ma Chao also nodded in agreement.

"Since you find it strange, then go and meet this guy."

(End of this chapter)

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