Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 441: Commonwealth of Independent States

Chapter 441: Commonwealth of Independent States (Third update, please subscribe)

If you take a long step, it’s easy to pull your balls!

This sentence is more appropriate to describe India at this time. Under the auspices of Mountbatten, British India finally reached the moment of disintegration and partition. In addition to the thirty-nine princely states that had declared independence, British India also The two new countries of the Union of India and the Dominion of Pakistan were born. The partition under the agreement also included the assets of the Indian government departments, including the Indian Civil Service, the Indian Army, the Royal Indian Navy, the Indian Railways and the central finance, as well as other administrative services. In order to ensure that the property of the country is not lost, even a box of paper clips or a table cannot be given to the other party in official institutions. If it's really uneven, just split the thing in half.

But the real chaos still occurs among the people. Peaceful believers living in Hindu areas fled to Green areas. On the contrary, Hindus and Sikhs in Green areas fled to Hindu areas. Many of them were forced to move. Become a refugee. Large-scale population movements in a short period of time caused great chaos, and countless conflicts and riots, massacres and revenge took place between the two believers.

And who is at risk in this crisis?

Not India, not Pakistan!

Instead, thirty-nine countries spent US$5 billion in "tribute" to gain independence. Peace-loving peaceful believers in Kashmir took to the streets and demanded integration into Pakistan, even though this country has not yet been established. In this regard, The Hindu king flatly refused.

The state of Hyderabad, located on the Deccan Plateau, has a different scene - more than 10 million Hindus are watching their neighbors eagerly. There are less than 5 million peaceful believers here, and in Hyderabad The king is also a pacifist. As king, Asaf Jah VII, although he has gained the independence he dreamed of, he naturally knows the situation he is facing.

"Mr. Dwyer, do they agree?"

Asaf asked nervously as soon as he saw Dwyer, the man who was responsible for the independence of Hyderabad, no, the independence of all the princely states.

"Is the Imperial Council willing to sign the treaty?"

"Most princes are willing to sign a joint defense treaty. After all, everyone knows that this is their best option to maintain independence under external threats. However, they doubt whether you are willing to do it for them...such as Kashmir, They are worried about whether you will send troops to help them if they are attacked by Pakistan."

"Mr. Dwyer, do you have any good suggestions?"

Dwyer said.

"Now His Highness Singh and Your Highness are facing the same problem. They are internal volcanoes erupting at any time. If the volcano here erupts and His Highness Singh supports you, then the subjects he relies on will oppose him. On the contrary, if If His Highness the Peace Cult launches a rebellion, and His Highness goes to support him, problems will also break out in Hyderabad."

Asaf's worry made Dwyer helpless. In fact, this was also the dilemma faced by the feudal princes - "with less to defeat the greater number". Not only that, the few and the many among the princely princes were still in opposition to each other. Yes, some princes are Hindus, but most of their subjects are Hindus. Some princes are Hindus, but most of their subjects are Hindus.

"I have a half-baked idea."

"I was also worried whether Hari Singh would attack Indians when I was attacked!"

As soon as Dwyer finished speaking, Assaf said.

Dwyer's words caused Asaf Jah VII to fall into silence. How could he not be aware of this situation? After pondering for a moment, he turned his seeking eyes to Dwyer and asked.

Now that I encounter such a problem, I naturally have to ask him for help.

It was with Dwyer's help that his country gained the independence it dreamed of. However, as a political consultant, Dwyer's help did not stop there. After helping them win independence, Dwyer also Running for their safety after independence.

Dwyer said,

"Tell me about it, I know you can think of a good way to solve the problem."

"So, Your Highness, this is the biggest problem."

Because of their different beliefs, the princes and princes did not trust each other, and the kings and the subjects they ruled also did not trust each other.

"Since we have established the Commonwealth of Independent States, why can't we establish a collective security force?"

Asaf Jah VII was puzzled.

"Collective security force? What kind of force is this?" Dwyer continued to explain.

"It means that all independent princely states jointly fund the establishment of an army. This army can be a third party and is deployed in various countries. It is nominally commanded by the "Collective Security Conference" of the "parliamentary state", but in fact, it is still controlled by The princes command. Not only can they deter countries with ambitions for independent princes, but when countries face internal and external threats, they can send troops in the name of "collective security conferences". In this way, His Highness can dodge - this is the country's You have no power to interfere with the decision of the state assembly.”

"You mean to let the Proud Council take the blame?"

Asaf Jah VII immediately understood what he was thinking.

"Your Highness, there are Hindus, peaceful believers, and Sikhs in the princely state parliament. Who knows what decision they will make? Is there a more suitable scapegoat than him?"

Dwyer's answer made Asaf Jah VII smile.

"Indeed, there is no one more suitable than them, Dwyer, you are such a genius!"

In addition to praising it, Asaf Jah VII also pointed out the problems.

"Although the order was given by the conference, the army is still the army of each princely state. My army is the same peaceful believer as and if they are allowed to go to Kashmir to help Singh, pearl bless them, they will send Singh to hell. .For the same reason, I definitely don’t believe in the troops sent by Singh, they will definitely side with the Indians.”

Dwyer smiled after hearing His Highness's worries.

"So, at this time, we need an independent third party!"

"Independent third party?"


Dwyer nodded and said.

"It is an independent third party that has no connection with India, such as the black knights we hired, which is very suitable. They are all from East Asia. They are neither Hindus nor peaceful believers. They are well-trained and have strong combat effectiveness. This is what India People in Southeast Asia have a deep understanding of this. Of course, the more important thing is that it is cheap. It only costs 200 US dollars a year to hire a well-trained soldier, and it only costs 500 million to hire 2 soldiers!"

Looking at Asaf Jah VII, Dwyer continued.

"For the security and independence of the independent princely states, Your Highness only needs about 100 million U.S. dollars to hire a security force of more than 300,000 people, as an independent third party, under the joint command of the "Commonwealth of Independent Principalities" Next, to ensure the internal security of each country, this can be said to be the most cost-effective investment in the world!"

One hundred million US dollars may be a huge sum of money for the Kingdom of Hyderabad, but for the 39 independent princely kingdoms, it is nothing at all.

“So how should this money be distributed?”

"Of course, it will be distributed in proportion according to the size and financial resources of the country. Your Highness, the most important thing now is to get through the chaos in the early days of independence. After the situation stabilizes, the size of this force can be appropriately reduced, and the expenditure will also be reduced by then. a lot of."

Just a little calculation in his mind, and after confirming that he could only afford more than 10 to 20 million US dollars, Asaf Jah VII said simply.

"Mr. Dwyer, go and tell other His Royal Highnesses that for the sake of our country, I am willing to invest 2000 million US dollars to establish this institution!"

Compared to the country, what does this mere $2000 million count for?

Of course, this is just a preliminary budget, and sometimes the budget will be exceeded...

(End of this chapter)

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