Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 428 Destruction, we must ensure mutual destruction

Chapter 428 Destruction, we must ensure mutual destruction (Second update, please subscribe)

The most expensive beard ever!

Almost overnight, all newspapers in Nanyang were reporting on that somewhat legendary sales technique.

Everyone can do business, legends don’t happen every day.

More often than not, newspapers are concerned with booing heads and legends.

The $200 million in the news... is just a boo.

What does a large order of US$200 million mean?

Some people see it as an increase in the total value of Borneo's exports. Some people see it as a new opportunity, so they start to enter the household appliances industry. Some people see it as a blue ocean - a blue ocean of export trade. . We see unlimited prospects for export trade under the framework of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

But only a handful of people saw a future that was definitely not just about money.

"Two hundred million dollars!"

Leaning back on the chair, Li Yian couldn't help but exclaimed.

Under such a coincidence, TR-1 is destined to become a commercial miracle. It may even be one that cannot be copied.

Thinking of the amazing ways in which electronic technology will change people's lives in the coming days with his help, Li Yian raised his lips slightly and his expression was full of pride. After all, he had single-handedly brought about this change!

"The age of the transistor has arrived!"

The arrival is not only of transistors, but also of integrated circuits - a few months ago, after Li Yi'an proposed the idea of ​​integrated circuits, the laboratory of Nanyang University began to conduct research in this area, and I believe that the research results will be available soon.

But while he was proud, he was also calculating two accounts in his mind.

But this was just a radio. Compared to the radio, what Li Yian saw was the future.

The first account is Nanyang's own account. By seizing the first-mover advantage in this wave, Nanyang's companies will gain huge profits, not hundreds of millions or billions, but tens of billions or even hundreds of thousands. With a market worth billions of US dollars, as long as they can firmly seize the opportunity of the electronics industry revolution, related companies in Nanyang are destined to grow into leaders in the integrated circuit industry.

From transistors to integrated circuits to personal computers, this does require a process, and in this world, everything is accelerated and advanced.

"This is just the beginning..."

For humans, this is indeed a good thing. Technology will change people's lives earlier.

Even though it was just a small semiconductor radio, its appearance changed the fate of many companies. The most famous one is probably Tokyo Communications Industry. In 57, Tokyo Communications Industry released the Sony series of semiconductor radios. Later, because Sony radios were so successful at the time, Tokyo Communications Industry simply changed the company's name to Sony the next year. Sony also became the Japanese consumer electronics supplier that would dominate for 50 years, and the company also became A household name.

Compared with companies such as Sony, United Communications' TR-1 was launched at just the right time - TV sets had not yet been fully popularized and most families needed a radio. A cheap and compact radio would definitely take off. Enter thousands of households.

In another world, the importance of chips is well known, and the integrated circuit industry itself is a comprehensive reflection of a country's high-end manufacturing capabilities. It is the strategic high ground for global high-tech national strength competition. In the next few decades, by firmly grasping this commanding heights, the economic and technological advancement of Nanyang cannot be ignored.

There is also the advance of scientific and technological innovation. The transistors and integrated circuits that came out in advance and other subsequent inventions will further promote the scientific development of the world and bring human civilization to new heights. This is the second account, but it is also The account with the most variables and uncertainty.

It even led to the third account - change. Although Li Yi'an knew how far the future technological revolution with transistors, integrated circuits, and electronic computers as its source would bring mankind, he was not sure, in the context of the Cold War, what impact this industrial revolution would have on the Cold War. What a change.

Such variables are sometimes really difficult to predict!

"Will it cause the Cold War to become more intense? Or..."

Thinking of the several misfires that humans had in the Cold War, Li Yian couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Now, he seemed to understand why during the Cold War, everyone was always careful to ensure that they could destroy their opponents. To put it bluntly, it was because - not sure sex!

Not sure when the other party will destroy itself!

What is Li Yian worried about now?

This is also the future of uncertainty. He is not sure what impact the technological revolution that is breaking out in advance will have on the Cold War.

After all, technology itself is combat power!

"The advancement of science and technology means the enhancement of combat effectiveness. Will the enhancement of combat effectiveness lead to any changes?"

Frowning his brows, Li Yian suddenly felt a little melancholy. Otherwise, this uncertainty is too scary!

If this increase in technological power led to a subversive gap in the technological power between the two sides in the Cold War, would the side with the absolute advantage then choose to take desperate risks?

Thinking of this, even the two hundred million U.S. dollars that were originally very delicious suddenly no longer smell good.

It would be bad if a knife fell from the sky!

Just like that, after thinking for a long time, Li Yian still shook his head helplessly.

"Never mind it, it's just unfounded worries. The most important thing now is to develop yourself well. The more intense the Cold War is, the more opportunities there will be in Nanyang..."

Despite this, while putting all this behind his mind, Li Yian's desire for the atomic bomb became even stronger in his heart.


A DC4 passenger plane was flying over the rain forest, looking at the dense rain forest below, Li Yian's brows were frowning. In the past few days, although on the surface he was the same as before, nothing seemed to have changed.

But thinking of the threat posed by that "uncertainty", the unknown fear in Li Yian's heart deepened. Perhaps he had not experienced the Cold War, but it did not prevent him from fearing a hot war. After all, even thirty years after the end of the Cold War, people are still grateful that the Cold War did not turn into a hot war.

During the Cold War, mankind had too many brushes with destruction!

At its peak, tens of thousands of nuclear bombs around the world were aimed at each other, and everyone ensured this mutual destruction. During the entire Cold War, all peace was based on this mutual destruction.

If, with the help of their own technology, the United States and Russia come up with some technological trick that can break the nuclear balance, it will be the end of the world!

Just ask if you are afraid of it!

Li Yian didn't know whether others were afraid, but he knew clearly that he was scared!

Really scared!

There are not many people in Nanyang, only tens of millions, and the country is so big. A few dozen nuclear bombs can bring Nanyang back to the Stone Age!

And this also means that Nanyang's survival needs to be guaranteed by nuclear bombs. After all, only by ensuring that you can destroy the other party can you ensure your own safety.

The atomic bomb...is the first step in technology and hard work!

While Li Yian was thinking this, the plane had slowly landed at the airport. The airport was located in the middle of the dense rain forest, and here was the Atomic City of Nanyang...

(End of this chapter)

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