Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 277 Bad Road Artifact

Chapter 277 Bad Road Artifact (Second update, please subscribe)

Like many people of this era, Uncle Guo also had the habit of reading newspapers while having breakfast. Moreover, the newspapers were very British and had been ironed by a servant in advance. Will stain hands. It can also sterilize and eliminate the odor of ink.

The news in the newspapers is mostly local news from Borneo. There are many news reports about industrial construction. It seems that for Borneo, the war is over and the most important thing now is construction.

Just like Li Yi'an once said to him.

"Sooner or later the war will be over, and then the most important thing will be to improve the economy."

Uncle Guo also deeply agrees with Li Yian's view. Even in his opinion, nothing is more important than economic development.

If there hadn't been the impact of the war, maybe... While feeling emotional, a piece of news in the newspaper suddenly caught his attention.

"Today Futian Machinery Company delivered its 500th three-wheeled vehicle!"

The content of the news made Uncle Guo stunned and said in surprise.

“Borneo can actually build cars.”

After reading the news in the newspaper about the delivery of the first batch of Foton three-wheel trucks, Uncle Guo's eyes were not the astonishing output of 12000 vehicles a year, but the extreme shock that Borneo could actually manufacture cars.

"Good guy, what this guy did was something that no one else would have been able to accomplish in ten years!"

In the past few years, I don’t know how many people have talked about building cars. But that is to say, just say it.

But what about now?

Borneo, however, suddenly took photos of the car.

Instead of just building one or a few cars as a display, we need to build 12000 cars a year.

This number is astonishing when you think about it. What's even more amazing is that it hasn't been a year since that guy returned to Borneo.

Actually, a car manufacturing plant has been built now and mass production has been achieved.

In fact, during the past period, through inspections here, Uncle Guo has been surprised. Although he has not won many shares for his daughter, he is a realistic person and is arranging a future for his daughter. , while preventing his daughter from being offended, he also carefully inspected the place.

Although he was only inspecting the North Borneo area, the results of the inspection subverted his imagination, not only because the investment in the project under construction was huge, far beyond his imagination, and even beyond the scope of his understanding.

And what shocked him even more?

It is Li Yian who seems to have a steady stream of financial resources to support all of this.

Where on earth did he get so much money? Nobody knows. What is certain is that the boy has a lot of money!

In fact, Uncle Guo almost knows some of the inside story. After all, it was under his arrangement that the tungsten sand was shipped out of the country.

In Europe, tungsten sand is extremely expensive due to the rush to buy it from the United Kingdom and the United States. Even Uncle Guo suspected that he had smuggled tungsten sand to the Germans.

This kind of thing should not be too normal. In a war, underground transactions between the enemy and ourselves are extremely common.

But the price is definitely much more expensive.

Maybe that kid earned unimaginable wealth through such secret smuggling.

Maybe hundreds of millions!

Uncle Guo, who has served as finance minister and bank president, knows very well what it means to have hundreds of millions of dollars.

It’s easy to do things if you have money!

Moreover, this guy is not only rich, but also has strong execution ability, plus he has harvested so much wool in Italy and Germany.

The future is limitless!

When this thought came to his mind, Uncle Guo's mood became complicated again. After all, he had taken that boy as his son-in-law, but the result was good...

"Sir, we are here."

Just at this moment, the secretary's shout interrupted Uncle Guo's thoughts and brought him back to reality.

The car stopped at the reclamation point camp. Uncle Guo and others came to the open space of the reclamation point. Two agricultural tricycles parked next to the armored vehicles and trucks looked inconspicuous at all.

Looking at the agricultural tricycle, Uncle Guo said;

"It doesn't look big. It looks like it's only four meters at most, right?"

Meters are meters, and Chinese people are still more accustomed to this unit.

"The overall dimensions of the vehicle are 3.8 meters long and 1.45 meters wide. The dimensions of the cargo box are 2.2 meters long and 1.45 meters wide!"

Zhao Handong replied from the side that he was sent by the Office to accompany his uncle for inspection. "Although it's not as big as a truck, it's bigger than a Dodge or a Jeep. It's about to catch up with a car!"

The Dodge Jeep in my uncle’s mouth is the Dodge T214 military off-road vehicle. It is commonly known as the Jeep in China. It is not only widely used in the US military, but also supplied to allied countries in large quantities. It is a dual-purpose military jeep with a designed load capacity of 1 tons, but in practice were often "overloaded" and even towed large artillery.

In terms of vehicle size, the Fukang 46 agricultural tricycle is not much smaller than the Dodge T214, and may even be larger.

Zhao Handong opened his mouth and explained:

"Make it bigger, easier to haul things, and more practical."

After walking around an agricultural tricycle, Uncle Guo said:

"Chief Zhao, this cargo box of yours is 2.2 meters long and 1.45 meters wide. Can it really carry two tons of cargo?"

"Actually, the rated load mass is 1000 kilograms, and two tons is the overload data."

Zhao Handong explained:

“Now that the number of cars can’t keep up, there’s no one that’s not overloaded!”

With a capacity of one thousand kilograms, double the overload is definitely not a problem, and is even considered a relatively conservative figure.

“Can the car still move when it pulls so much cargo?”

Without waiting for Zhao Handong to answer, Uncle Guo said.

"Let's go to the scene and see it together!"

The roads in the reclamation area are difficult to walk, and there are no roads at all in the new reclamation area. They are just rutted roads made by tractor tracks and cars. Sitting on an agricultural tricycle feels so comfortable on such a difficult road. . Not only does the person's buttocks hurt, even the bones are loose.

However, after only a short while, Uncle Guo, regardless of his dignity, simply stopped riding in the car and squatted directly on the car, holding on to the wooden carriage and assuming a posture of getting into a queen-size position. Don't say, It's more comfortable this way.

Zhao Handong continued to introduce:

"Sir, look at the road we are taking now. It is said to be a road, but it is actually just a flat dirt road made with wheels on the newly cultivated land. If it rains on this kind of road, ordinary trucks will not be able to do anything. So, only a tractor can do it!"

Of course the uncle knew what the tractor he was talking about was an armored vehicle. There were many British-made Bren machine gun vehicles visible along the way.

"Tum, tom..."

The ear-splitting roar of the engine covered up Zhao Handong, who was sitting on the cargo compartment of the three-wheeled agricultural vehicle, "This sound is too loud!"

"Single-cylinder engines, that's what they are."

"The car is too bumpy..."

"For trucks, the shock absorption is much worse."

While he was finding fault, Uncle Guo looked at the road the car was driving on. The road was like a dirt road in a reclamation area, but it was driving as if it were on flat ground.

This car is really good!

"The road condition is really bad. If it rains, can it still go this way?"

Uncle Guo said.

"If you don't load cargo, it's basically fine. But when it rains, the road turns into a muddy road. If you load cargo, you can park any car here, but as long as you use a road roller or even a stone rolling After pressing it a few times, it will start walking fine!"

Zhao Handong pointed at the stone roll on the side of the road when he answered.

"When the tractor is empty, the tractor will be mounted on stone rollers and pressed several times, so that even if it rains, the tractor will have no problem walking on it."

Looking at the several stone rolls on the roadside, Uncle Guo now understood what these stone rolls were used for.

At this moment, Uncle Guo saw a dozen green agricultural tricycles driving in the distance beside the lush rainforest. When the tractor was struggling to pull out the tree roots, the agricultural tricycles were like flexible elves. , driving between village piles, workers shouting slogans to lift lumber onto the car.

In order to see clearly, Uncle Guo stood up and looked at the wood loaded on the tricycle. He just guessed that it was at least more than three thousand kilograms, and it must be able to hold two tons.

Looking at this scene in the distance, Uncle Guo instantly showed an expression of enlightenment.

"I understand, this kind of agricultural tricycle has a smaller turning radius, so it is much more flexible than ordinary cars in forest areas! Although the body is smaller and the engine is noisier, it is cheaper and can be installed Damn, this thing is really a rainforest artifact!"

When uncle Guo was boasting like this, there was a sudden loud "bang" sound and "ah" sound, and the person fell down...

(End of this chapter)

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