Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 275 Petrochemical Industry

Chapter 275 Petrochemical Industry (Fourth update, please subscribe)

Means, sometimes it is necessary to adopt some means for long-term interests.

This kind of control is also a helpless choice.

In order to promote the "industrialization of Borneo", the "inclined production mode" currently implemented in Borneo concentrates limited material resources on the four major heavy industry industries of coal, steel, electricity and chemicals. As for the development of light industry, it is bound to need to introduce There is no problem with injecting other capital. The only problem is the internal friction of capital. This internal friction includes "involution" and disorderly competition.

Only by avoiding the involution of capital can we use precious funds to develop overseas markets and develop enterprises with a "finger-to-fist" attitude.

Those companies will also become subsidiaries on the battleship "Borneo" and go to sea to fight together. Only in this way can they exert their overall advantages and conquer cities and territories in the invisible war of world trade. Then expand and develop yourself in the war. Ultimately achieving a qualitative leap for Borneo.

"This qualitative leap is not only for Borneo, but also for enterprises!"

Standing at the desk, Li Yian raised the corner of his mouth and said to Liu Chengyu.

"Under the premise that the price difference does not exceed 10%, in order to obtain orders, companies have only one choice - to pay close attention to quality and win the market through quality. In the end, what will be built is a brand instead of cutting corners in every possible way."

What is the real king of scrolls?

It is to achieve the ultimate quality at the lowest price. Quality on one side and price on the other complement each other. This is Borneo’s weapon to conquer overseas territories.

"You can't predict the future by pricing..."

The boss's words made Liu Chengyu think for a moment, and he soon figured out the key. After being taught a lesson, he nodded and said.

"I understand, please rest assured, Chief Li, I will do my best to promote this work.",

Looking at Liu Chengyu who was thoughtful, Li Yian smiled.

"Take your time and don't be in a hurry. Our problem now is that we are waiting for things to be done. Everything is at the beginning. We are just setting rules for them. Once the rules are established, they will get used to it."

This is true for many things. If rules are established from the beginning and implemented strictly, then there will be no challenge to the rules, and a virtuous cycle will eventually be formed.

"Okay, let's go down."

After Liu Chengyu left, Li Yian continued to lean on his desk, looking through the documents in the document basket. Borneo is now a construction site, and various factories are under construction.

In the end, everything will be sent to his desk. As in the past, when Li Yian looked through these reports, his brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

"It's still not fast enough!"

The fast that Li Yian mentioned refers to the factory infrastructure.

For most factories, the most time-consuming construction is the factory infrastructure with the factory building as the core.

In order to speed up the progress of factory construction, construction sites in Borneo are operating in two shifts 24 hours a day.

The so-called "ten-hour work system" does not actually exist. Workers on construction sites need to work eleven hours every day.

Of course, candy is still needed, such as overtime pay. Of course, this does not mean that there is no whip. In fact, in order to promote the construction speed, Li Yian deliberately drew on the advanced experience of construction site management that he learned in the sales department to speed up the construction. speed.

There was even a speed competition.

In this regard, those German engineers naturally had various objections. In their view, it was impossible to ensure quality while blindly pursuing speed.

"Time is money, efficiency is life!"

Faced with the engineers' objections, Li Yian's answer was straightforward. While answering this, he couldn't help but yearn for the "Shenzhen speed" of the group of roller kings in Shenzhen's construction.

“Strive to create a “Sandakan Speed!” ""One floor in three days"... It would be great if we could build a factory in three days..."

This is just an imagination. After all, a building with a brick and tile structure needs to be laid brick by brick to form a wall, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Looking at the construction schedule that has been reduced by one-third by the engineers. Even with continuous construction day and night, it still takes three months to complete. Li Yian can't help but miss the steel structure factories of later generations. The construction speed of those factories is very fast. !

The fastest one actually takes three days to build a factory. However, here the steel structure is just a matter of imagination, not only because it requires colored steel plates, but also polystyrene foam and various other insulation materials. The former requires a lot of steel, but the latter... hasn't been invented yet!

"The petrochemical industry is imminent!"

Once again, Li Yian couldn't help but miss the developed petrochemical industry in another world, but for now he just wanted to think about it. After all, although the petrochemical industry in the 40s adopted catalytic cracking technology, it was still in its infancy in the development of fine chemicals and new polymers.

The current petrochemical industry is dependent on the petroleum refining industry and has not yet formed an independent industrial system.

Although the petrochemical industry grew rapidly during World War II, its real rise came in the 1950s. This is due not only to the development of cheap Middle East oil, but also to the development of fine chemicals and new polymers. Especially with the widespread application of plastic products in various aspects, it has stimulated the rise of the petrochemical industry. Eventually, the petrochemical industry transformed from a dependency of the petroleum refining industry into an independent industrial system and became the bloodline of the industry.

But right now the petrochemical industry in Borneo is... well, it's about contemporary, with not only oil refineries but also oil and gas refineries.

Thinking of the importance of the petrochemical industry, Li Yian immediately thought of going to Balikpapan.


Pandansari Refinery, known as the "Ploiesti of the Pacific" before the war because of its large scale, is the largest and most advanced oil refinery in Asia.

The refinery area is very large, covering more than ten square kilometers, so that during the inspection, Li Yian and his party could only sit in a car and watch the inspection.

"This is our gas refinery. It uses high-temperature cracking to obtain methane, ethane, propane, butane and other low-molecular-weight alkanes as raw materials. We need to thank the Dutch for this, who introduced the most advanced refining equipment from the United States before the war. At the same time, this oil and gas refinery was also introduced, and in terms of equipment, its equipment is more advanced than the Ploiesti refinery.”

As the former chief engineer of the Ploiesti Refinery, Hermann played an extremely important role in the reconstruction of the Pandansari Refinery, which had not only suffered many Allied bombings. Moreover, when the Japanese army retreated, they also destroyed the factory.

When the military occupied the refinery, the equipment was almost reduced to scrap metal. Under the command of Hermann, with the efforts of hundreds of German engineers and thousands of local workers and 10,000 laborers, just a few weeks later Normal production capacity has resumed.

It was precisely because of Herman's outstanding performance that he was appointed as the general manager of the refinery, responsible for the production and operation of the oil field and the refinery.

"Mr. Sir, Borneo is different from Germany. Germany's chemical industry mainly relies on coal chemical industry due to insufficient oil. However, Borneo has extremely rich oil reserves. Sufficient supply of raw materials is the basic prerequisite for the development of petrochemical industry, so I It is recommended that our chemical industry should be centered on the petrochemical industry."

The reason why Herman made this suggestion is that the chemical plants in Borneo still use German technology - an extended industrial chain based on coal chemistry and coking plants. In the view of Herman, a petroleum expert, Come on, this is simply a waste of resources.

The richness and quality of Borneo's oil are both enviable. Although the oil fields here have been damaged many times during the war, it is expected that by June this year, Balikpapan, Tarakan, Sarawak and North Borneo will After the continent's oil fields resume full production, the annual oil output will exceed 1000 million tons.

If it were Germany... Herman couldn't help but think about it, but if he knew that the annual oil production in Borneo and surrounding waters would exceed 50 million tons, he would probably go crazy with excitement.

But this is Borneo, not Germany.

"Indeed, we should develop the petrochemical industry. Do you have any good suggestions?"

His suggestion simply spoke to Li Yian's heart. Compared with coal chemical industry, petrochemical industry is the real future.

"Mr. Sir, five years ago, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey built the world's first tube cracking furnace steam cracking unit. We should introduce their equipment and technology to upgrade our gas refinery to produce ethylene, etc. Multiple chemical reasons.”

Lest the officer in front of him didn't understand the function of ethylene, Herman went out of his way to explain its purpose, and then continued.

"Actually, we can also design and manufacture similar steam cracking devices ourselves, but the patent... Without the authorization of the patented Standard Oil, it will be very troublesome to adopt their technology. Of course, we can also research new production processes. And that’s what we do.”

"This is the right thing to do. We should study new production processes."

Li Yian immediately agreed.

"Mr. Herman, you will receive full trust here, and the best conditions will be provided for your research. As long as it is what you need, we will try our best to satisfy you. At the same time, I hope you can set your sights on Going all over the world is not just based on the original technology. While we are improving our technological level through international cooperation and technology introduction, your research can also learn from the research results of other countries and follow the world's most cutting-edge science. After all, , working behind closed doors will never bring about the development of science. The development of science lies in communication and learning..."

(End of this chapter)

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