Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 271 The Beautiful Era

Chapter 271 The Beautiful Era (Fourth update, please subscribe)

What is fairness?

Fairness means we make rules together and then abide by them.

That's fair.

In early February, the draft of the distribution plan for public rental housing in Borneo was published in newspapers, and everyone was in an uproar.

Not only because of the unexpected lack of restrictions on official rank or rank, but because of the directness of the draft - those with children are given priority!

"This is asking everyone to have more children!"

"No, you can only live in a new house if you have children."

"It's not just that. Whoever has more children will move in first. Didn't you notice? Those with five or more children can also get a rent reduction or exemption."

"This is a good thing. Having a baby will not only help you get a house in advance, but you can also pay the rent. How great."

When everyone in the tavern talked to each other one by one, some said disdainfully.

As soon as the man in white shirt finished speaking, someone looked at him and said.

"Are you born to your parents?"

"How can you curse someone like this!"

"Swearing? You are a human being! If you are a human being, why don't you let me have a baby?"

"No, he's wearing glasses, looking like a scholar, and speaking in human language!"

"I read it into the dog's belly..."

Being choked by everyone, the man immediately said angrily.

"Vulgar, you are all so short-sighted, really, really... extremely vulgar! It's simply unreasonable..."

Amid people's laughter, the man wearing glasses had no choice but to leave the tavern. Although he left, the voices behind him did not stop.

"what is this!"

"No, it's a good thing that this man is not an official, otherwise the common people would have suffered, and his hands would have been put into their crotches."

"That's not, nothing."

"Don't tell me, he is really nothing. That guy's surname is Feng. He seems to be a scholar. He talks about not letting people have children, but he has five or six children!"


For a moment, everyone was in an uproar, what the hell is this! Don't let the common people have trouble with you but have so many troubles. This kind of person is really nothing.

Interludes are always just interludes, even if there are non-Eastern and Eastern things separately criticizing the distribution of public housing based on the presence or absence of children, which is really contrary to fairness, and having too many children is not conducive to the future of Borneo, and it cannot hinder the overall situation.

There are envious eyes all around.

After the distribution plan was released, Zhao Liu could feel the envious looks from around him, and everyone looked at him with envy.

"Liu Zi, congratulations."

"Yes, Brother Six, you have to treat me!"

As soon as I sat down here, there was a burst of congratulations all around.

"Please, please, as long as the lottery number comes up, I will definitely invite you!"

Zhao Liu's face was filled with smiles.

Going to have a family!

It should be said that he is about to have a home. As long as he can be picked in the lottery, he will definitely be able to move to a new home.

He is on the published list. "Look at how happy you are, Brother Six. It's a big house with two floors."

"Two and a half floors!"

Someone next to me interjected.

"When I was delivering the materials, I went in and took a look. There was an attic above that could accommodate people. I heard from people on the construction site that even a family of more than a dozen people could live there..."

"That's not the case. You have one baby in a house. Brother Six, you can have a few more babies by then."

"Dachun, you have to work harder."

"That's right, Dachun, can you do it? If you can't..."

"Fuck you, you can't do it..."

There was a burst of laughter and curses for a while. After everyone stopped laughing, Zhao Liu said with a smile.

"Okay, brothers, stop joking. This is a good thing that you can't even find in a lantern. It's such a coincidence that it fell on me. I can only say that this government treats us really well. Brothers, please join me." Work hard. If you can’t find a wife, find one quickly. If you can find a wife, work harder at night and try to get a big house as soon as possible. In the generations of our old Zhao family, we have never seen people treat people so well..."

Zhao Liu's words were full of gratitude, and everyone else nodded in agreement. Indeed, I have never heard of that generation giving houses to the people. Although they have to pay rent, that little money...is it money?

From the announcement of the list to the district lottery, in the end, among the tens of thousands of people who participated in the lottery, although there were only more than a thousand lucky ones, everyone still saw hope and the hope of moving into a new home. After all, there are thousands of people all over Borneo. When it comes to building houses, hundreds of houses are built and delivered every day.

Among these people, Zhao Liu is lucky. He was one of the first people to be shaken,

On the last day of February, as an encouragement and of course a reward, Zhao Liu and his pregnant wife moved into their new home. The wooden house was not big, with two and a half floors upstairs and downstairs, which was about 180 square meters, but It has a living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom, as well as six bedrooms.

"Axiu, look..."

The moment she opened the door, my wife looked around excitedly.

"Brother Six, look at this sofa."

Axiu touched the wooden frame sofa. Although the sofa looked very simple, more like a long chair than a sofa, she still looked very excited.

"That's right."

"This is the coffee table."


"Look, this is the kitchen. Look, this is a gas stove. It can start a fire with just a twist..."

Even though they had received training before moving in, Zhao Liu still turned on the gas in a showy manner.

With a "click" sound, the blue flames started to burn, and Axiu said repeatedly.

"Hurry up and close it, close it, don't waste gas, you have to pay for gas..."

The woman's heartache made Zhao Liu burst into laughter. This woman was heartbroken about money. In fact, gas is not expensive. The gas in Sandakan is the coke oven gas produced during coking in the coking plant. After purification, it is transported to the city through pipelines for supply. Used by city residents.

However, this is only temporary. In the future, with the exploitation of natural gas in Sarawak, Borneo will still be dominated by natural gas. However, for now, coke oven gas and gas released from fertilizer plants under construction are still the main gas in cities.

"This is really amazing. Just twist it and there will be fire. There is no need to burn firewood and there is no smoke..."

While Axiu was feeling the magic of the gas stove, Zhao Liu opened the window and pointed to the neatly lawned backyard through the screen window.

"Axiu, look, after the eldest son is born, he will play in this yard. Then, if you have a few more children, this family... will be complete. Now that we have a family, there are only a few missing. It’s a child…”

When carrying the child, Zhao Liu's eyes were full of longing for home, but more importantly, there was some kind of power from the heart. He looked up at the roof and said.

"When we have children in the future, we will have to earn more money. Later, I will go door to door here and ask if anyone is willing to install that water heater. In the past, we installed it in the dormitory and just paid for the materials. Now we have to earn more. Hard-earned money.”

As Zhao Liu said this, his eyes were filled with only expectations for the future. Those who have permanent property have perseverance. The responsibilities that a man with a family takes the initiative to shoulder are difficult for outsiders to understand.

What a house brings is not just a change in lifestyle, but also a responsibility. It is this responsibility that drives people to work harder to let their families live a better life... …

(End of this chapter)

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