Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 246 Marshal Mai’s quarrel

Chapter 246 Marshal Mai’s quarrel (Third update, please subscribe)

"Mr. Dornier, for me, there is only one issue I need to consider now, which is to defeat the Japanese!"

Looking at the Dutch envoy in front of him, MacArthur didn't even bother to pay attention to him, but out of politeness, he still suppressed his dissatisfaction and said.

"Now, I am about to command the largest army in history to carry out the largest military operation in human history. At this time, you actually ask me to intervene in a colony... Mr. Special Envoy, even the Philippines will soon be independent. As for Java, Islands, where the fate should be decided by the locals..."

MacArthur was not exaggerating. After occupying Okinawa, according to the instructions of the Pentagon, he began to prepare for the "Decline Plan" to land on the Japanese mainland.

The entire plan requires the United States to invest 250 million troops. Not only could the army and air force in the European battlefield be unable to demobilize and go home, they would also have to move to the Pacific battlefield. In addition to the troops in the Pacific battlefield, 15 army divisions and 63 air force groups will be drawn from the European battlefield.

Even the first phase of the "Olympic Plan" required the investment of more than 1.8 million troops. Even if one million of them came from the allies, MacArthur felt a lot of pressure. After all, neither the United States nor himself could accept it. The failure of the plan.

For this reason, he now wants to fly to Okinawa in person to supervise the training of the allies, hoping that when the plan is implemented, the Allies' 60 light infantry divisions can play a role in Kyushu.

The only thing that gave him some comfort was that the Allied troops who had been fighting the Japanese for eight years were all enthusiastic about training. Although compared to enthusiasm, the lack of knowledge made the training of technical arms a big problem. , but at least they can fight. And they are very eager to fight. Unlike those American soldiers who were frightened by the Japanese suicide attacks, those people have been fighting the Japanese with suicidal fighting methods for the past eight years.

They certainly wouldn't mind killing more Japanese soldiers.

But at this time, the Dutch envoy's visit made MacArthur want to take this guy and swim in the Pacific Ocean.

At this time, when Marshal Mai was commanding the most important and last leg of the Second World War, a bird thing appeared out of nowhere and actually asked him to intervene in their colonial disputes.

Does this guy know what priorities are?

"General, I know that the current military operations are very important, but General, as we all know, the war fought by the Allies is just. When did a just cause have a price tag? General, the Borneo Company..."

Before Dornier could finish speaking, MacArthur, holding a corn pipe in his hand, spoke directly.

"Justice requires money. Mr. Special Envoy, if you want to defeat the enemy, you must rely on the bloodshed of soldiers and advanced weapons and equipment to defeat the enemy! The enemy cannot be defeated by raising a white flag!"

Although MacArthur had reservations, Dornier's words "not by raising a white flag" still made Dornier break his defense. After all, the Netherlands did surrender.

And he knelt very thoroughly.

Look at his defenseless look. MacArthur did not have the slightest sympathy in his heart, because in his view, countries like the Netherlands, Belgium, and France only achieved victory by begging for surrender, and they did not deserve to be called victorious countries at all.

After all, these countries have never even fought, but they relied on the Allies to liberate their countries and win victory. They have no idea at all that justice requires a price!

"Okay, Mr. Dornier, diplomatic matters belong to Washington. All I need to consider is defeating the Japanese. As for the colonies... Sir, that is a matter between you!"

Afterwards, MacArthur didn't even pay attention to the Dutch envoy, and just asked him to "send" him away.

After the Dutch envoy left, MacArthur once again stood in front of the map, staring at the Kyushu-Olympic Plan, which had reached the final stage. This would be the largest landing operation in history, and it was certainly the most cruel.

"Damn Japanese devils, they will definitely fight to the death. All Japanese will be our enemies..."

MacArthur, who was cursing those damn Japanese devils and holding a corn pipe in his mouth, frowned more and more, and his eyes involuntarily turned to the calendar beside him.

On October 10th, there are still eleven days left before the implementation of the "Olympic Plan"!

eleven days!

In eleven days, we will land in Kyushu again, and the battle that will determine the fate of the world is about to begin.

At this time, MacArthur had to think not just about Japan, but also about Asia and even the entire world.     In Europe now, the war is over.

Even though the war turned Europe into ruins, this did not prevent the United States and Russia from dividing their respective spheres of influence. In Europe, a dividing line drawn by the United States and Russia has been formed, but what about East Asia?

This line may have existed on politicians' maps, but MacArthur, as a soldier, knew very well that it was drawn based on where the soldiers arrived.

"Kenny, you know what? I heard in their previous negotiations, Austria was us!"

MacArthur, holding a corn pipe in his mouth, said to the adjutant without looking back.

"But now? The Russians have occupied Vienna. There are millions of Russians in Austria. They have actually occupied half of Austria, and there is nothing we can do."

The negotiation he was talking about was the division of European spheres of influence between the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union. In that division of spheres of influence, Britain and the United States recognized Russia's dominance in Eastern Europe, but Austria was within the Western sphere of influence, but it was not the same as Russia. People stationed troops there.

"General, the Russians have occupied half of Manchuria. Their army has occupied Harbin and will soon reach the Korean Peninsula. They will probably eventually occupy the entire peninsula."

The adjutant's words made MacArthur nod with deep understanding.

"The line we drew in North Korea has no meaning in front of tanks. When the Russian T34 tanks enter the peninsula, they will not pay attention to the line drawn by politicians on the map, or in other words , Moscow will tell Vasilevsky to ignore the lines on the map. Whether we want it or not, all this is inevitable. After all, for them, the purpose of signing the treaty is to tear it up, just like them and the Germans , the same treaty signed by the Japanese, the only difference is who tears it up first, and even..."

Shrugging his shoulders, MacArthur did not continue. He did not care about distant things. All he cared about was Japan and how to occupy Japan.

"No matter what, we must occupy Japan, at least half of Japan. Otherwise, what will we face? A Russia that has stretched its feet into the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean,"

said Maj. Kenney, MacArthur's adjutant.

"Yes, General, that is exactly why we must wage this campaign."

After taking a puff of cigarette, MacArthur stared at the map, his expression becoming more and more serious. He seemed to be thinking about something. After a moment, he said.

"Kenny, do you believe it? Now the fate of the entire world will depend on this operation. "Operation Olympic" is not only related to whether we can defeat the Japanese, but also related to the fate of the entire world, just like the Russians must occupy Just like Berlin, we... must also occupy Japan!"

But how many casualties did the Russians pay for Berlin?

The staff's estimate of casualties flashed through MacArthur's mind, but it only flashed by. This was the inevitable price of victory. Moreover... compared to him, the Allied armies were more eager to attack the Japanese mainland.

After all, they have been waiting for eight years!

Eight years!

Now, their dream is finally coming true!

"But General, it seems that the Dutch won't give up..."

The adjutant's words made MacArthur laugh.

"So what? Those issues are issues that Washington needs to consider. All I need to consider is victory, right..."

MacArthur said as if he remembered something.

"The Borneo army seems to have very good combat effectiveness. Tell Li that I helped him block the Dutch. As he said, justice requires a fee. In return, I need them to participate in "Operation Little Crown". Well, He needs to provide at least two divisions for the operation!"

(End of this chapter)

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