Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 234 Time is money

Chapter 234 Time is money (Third update, please subscribe)

When the cannon is fired, there is a thousand taels of gold.

Of course, war costs money, and war must be very expensive.

This is true for a country, and even more so for a company. After all, mercenaries cost more than conscripts!

The Dutch should be very clear about this. After all, they have hired mercenaries more than once in the past few hundred years.

You will naturally understand the reason.

From the beginning, Li Yian never thought about returning Dutch Borneo to them. The question is, how to refuse?

We are all civilized people, so it is definitely impossible for us to rob openly.

Even if you want to commit robbery, you must find a suitable reason and excuse to legalize the robbery.

Well, I'm not robbing, I'm just doing business.

Business is just one word - money!

Although the Netherlands was once a coachman on the sea, that was all in the past. The gold reserves were basically wiped out by the Sandezi. They were occupied for several years and paid so much tribute. Today's Netherlands is not even poor. Yes, but what is certain is that hundreds of millions of dollars will definitely not be available.

Therefore, Li Yian adheres to one principle now - I am easy to talk to, as long as I have money!

I need to spend money to fight, my soldiers need to be paid, and you need to pay to hire me.

The land I spent so much money to recover cannot be given to you in vain, right?

If you want to go back, you can - make money!

That's true for Holland, it's true for Royal Shell, and of course it's true, and not only that, but also the money I spent rebuilding it.

The 700 oil wells on Taragon Island were all burned by the Japanese and the Japanese. Now I have rebuilt them all. I charge US$6 for one oil well, which is reasonable.

The oil refinery on the island was also rebuilt by me. I charged US$1000 million, which is reasonable.

and also……

In a word, money!

How much is the bill?

Isn’t that bill just paper? You can just grab a pen and fill in as much or as little as you want.

After seeing the total of all the bills, Lord Bilster had only one thought in his mind - this guy was blackmailing them!

"How is it possible? When we built the refinery, we didn't spend that much money."

He didn't even realize he had fallen into a trap when he screamed in surprise.

"Your Excellency, do you think the Japanese demolished the oil plant? They blew up the oil plant. We need to put out the fire, clean up the ruins, and rebuild. Do you know how much it cost? I'll charge you 20 million US dollars, this is already the price of a favor..."


What Li Yi'an likes most is favors, especially the favors owed to him by others. The same is true now when facing the Lord in front of him.

"This favor is so precious!"

Lord Bilster couldn't help but smile.

"Otherwise, what do you think? At present, we have made a rough calculation. Well, you only need to pay us 4 million US dollars. Of course, this fee is up to now. Now I have troops stationed In the Balikpapan area, the daily basic expenses alone exceed two million US dollars. One year later...well, even if there is no war, you will still have to pay me US$ million in security fees. Of course, this amount You can negotiate with the Dutch to settle the money. After all, you cannot pay all of this cost, the Dutch government still has to pay a big share!"

It doesn't matter whether there are 7 people. You only need to tell the other party one thing - the garrison spends money every day!

And it costs a lot of money!

Among them, as early as when Balikpapan had just been recaptured, Huberts Johannes van Mok, the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, who fled to Australia after the war broke out, expressed his hope to send people to inspect the area. The loss situation, and Li Yian's answer is simple-it is difficult to guarantee safety during the war.

Everyone understands. Politicians always understand what each other’s words mean.

If I don't guarantee safety, I'm just telling you not to think wildly, otherwise I won't even be able to guarantee your safety.

For Huberts, who only had a few thousand East Indian colonial troops in his hands, he simply chose silence. After all, strength speaks for itself in this world.

Leave it all to Amsterdam to worry about!

However, obviously, no one, including Huberts, expected that Li Yian would issue such a sky-high bill. This was definitely not following the routine.

What's even more terrible is that the bill is irreproachable - they are a private company and not an ally. Why should you ask a private company to bear the expenses of recovering your house?

This is true for every country, let alone Royal Shell. At this moment, Lord Bilster realized it!

He got it!

This guy never thought about returning the oil field to them. Everything was just his excuse, but his excuse was so...impeccable!

"Mr. Chairman, you know, no one can afford this expense! Royal Shell can't afford it, not even the Dutch government can afford it!"

US$700 million a year, plus the previous hundreds of millions, more than one billion US dollars, even if the Netherlands is sold, this amount of money cannot be obtained.

Lord Bilster, who has become enlightened, has even changed his title. Without him... this is a title among businessmen.

Everything in the world is nothing more than business.

"This is not my business. I am a businessman. Your Excellency. My secretary will give you a detailed bill later. It clearly records our expenses for recovering the oil fields, repairing the oil fields, refineries and providing security services." expenditure."

As soon as Li Yi'an finished speaking, Lord Bilster said in surprise.

"Security service?"

"Yes, you know that there are still many Japanese stragglers in the rainforest. They have launched many attacks on oil fields and refineries. In order to protect the refineries, I even had to send out my armored troops, you know , their expenses are more and bigger..."

This is not a lion's mouth, but a real expenditure. Even if it is just a piece of toilet paper, it still has to be calculated. The expenditure of an armored regiment for a day is not much, which is only a dozen or two hundred thousand US dollars.

The bill was detailed, just as Li Yi'an said, when he saw the bill delivered by truck, the first thought that came to Lord Bilster's mind was - it's over!

From now on, Royal Shell could no more see the oil fields of Borneo than they could see its own ears.

A truckload of bills brought Lord Bilster to another realization.

If the Dutch come, they will also understand, because Li Yian also prepares a bill for ten trucks. If it is not enough, he can also prepare a bill for ten more trucks.

In general, the Dutch have only two options, either to pay the price of bankruptcy, or to allow him to continue to protect Borneo for the Netherlands. Of course, this protection requires a fee!

As long as they don't pay for a day, the bill will accumulate on a daily basis. In fact, Li Yian didn't even look at it because he didn't even calculate the interest.

It is definitely the conscience of capitalists.

Although there was no gain, Lord Bilster couldn't help but said to his attendant Adam when he looked at the truckload of bills.

"Mr. Adam, do you know what time is for us now?"



Lord Bilster said with emotion.

"We once verified that we said that time is money, but we have never really equated time with money. But now, these guys have equated time with money. Whether we are willing or not, we have to face it. all of these."

What is time is money? It is clearly extortion, but the other party just disguises the extortion.

"When we were in London, we discussed various possibilities, including their refusal to return the oil fields and other assets, and even their refusal to return Dutch Borneo. We will ask the Colonial Office to intervene. Of course, The Netherlands will also ask the United States and Britain to intervene, but, Mr. Adam, do you know? We all miscalculated!"

Lord Bilster's sickly face now completely turned into a bitter look.

"The cards he played are not within the scope of our consideration at all...money! They just want money, and every minute now, we need to pay him money, because he is a damn company! Damn, it's that Don’t you know that it costs money to hire mercenaries to fight in Borneo, which the bastard asked this company to come to? Damn it, don’t they read history books? Don’t they know that hiring mercenaries is very expensive?”

Just when Lord Bilster was cursing the stupidity of those people, his throat suddenly seemed to be pinched by something, and he stopped for a moment. With his eyes wide open, he just stared at it. Ahead, staring at the woman approaching with a smile on her face.

Is it her?

Yes, it's her!

"Oh my God!"

Lord Bilster ran over almost as if he had forgotten everything. For him, the oil fields, oil, and even the stupid things done by those idiots were no longer worth mentioning.

He only had that girl in his eyes.

Although she was the only one, Lord Bilster didn't dare to confirm. After all, it all happened so suddenly that he felt a little weird!

(End of this chapter)

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